Arsenal women

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Beth POV.
Today we have a Christmas team party with the team, Daan and Lisa are also coming. It is at Lisa and viv's place because they have one of the bigger houses. "Babe is this a nice outfit?" Daan asks. "Yes it is! Come we have to go if we don't want that they are going to say thing." "Okay thanks! You look also gorgeous." We give a kiss and after we leave.

"Hey guys." I say while walking inside. "Let's do first secret santa." Lisa yells. Everyone is searching for their present. After a little bit everyone is having the good present. "1.2.3 OPEN." Everyone yells and opens their present. "DANIELLE VAN DE DONK GET YOUR BUT HERE NOW." I scream when I saw my present, I directly know that she gave it. "What's up babe?" "Maybe the present that you gave me?" "O yeah it is beautiful isn't it?" "Yes it is, but why here? We have also Christmas with your family." "Yes but my nieces, parents and sister don't have to see that." "O so my teammates do?" "Are you seriously mad about it?" "Girls what is going on?" Steph asks. "Nothing." I said directly. "O so you are mad about nothing?" Daan asks irritated. "Who said that I am mad?" "Beth look at your head." Daniëlle said to me. "Daan come with me now." Lisa says and Steph took me with her.

Lisa POV.
Daan and Beth are having a little argument so I took Daan with me to my and Viv's bedroom. "What was going on?" "I had Beth with secret Santa and let's say she found the present that I gave to her not fun where all her teammates with us." "What did you give her?" "Lingerie." "Daan come here." I said she directly begin with hugging me and crying. "Come let's go talk to Beth." I said after 10 minutes.

Beth POV.
I lay crying in Steph her arms. "Sorry that I make your evening bad." "Beth you don't do that! I would have the same reaction as you when Dean gave that to me." After some minutes I see that Daan comes to me with crying eyes. "Sorry babe." She said while wiping her tears. "Come here, kiss." I said. "If I am honest I had a other present to give you here but I took the wrong one, with us." "O if you had said that directly there was no problem." She kissed me again. "Enough love birds." Lydia said. "Lyds shut up." I said.

We go to the others and play games. "DvdD, Meado and lyds are going play this game." Lisa announced. "Okay what is the game?" "On your middel you have a tissue box with pingpong balls and you have to shake the balls out of the box." "Why can I not look this game." Daan complains. "Because other wise you and Beth go to the restroom and you come back with hickeys." Leah said I chuckle, but Daan don't think it is funny and walks away. "Let some other people play I go to her." I say. "Babe come here. It is okay." "I am done with al their toughness about our relationship. We are not having sex in the restroom or giving each other hickeys when we are on a party. Yes we make jokes about it. But I don't get it why they thinks so about us." "Hey it is okay, we know what is true and what is not. And I think that is the most important isn't?" "Yes! I love you." After some minutes Leah came to us. "Sorry I must have think about that before I say that." She said. "It is good lee." Daan said. They hug each other and after Leah is joining the others. "Beth I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go to home." Daan said while crying again. "Why baby I taught you missed the girls." "I do, but it don't feel right to be back as outsider. You all are one team and I am the girlfriend of now." "It is ok babe, I go say we go to home."

"Guys Daan and I are going to home!" "Why the party started 30 minutes ago." "Daan feels like she is a outsider to us and the girlfriend off." "That is not true, she is still one of us. Where is she I will talk to her." Jordan said.

Jordan POV.
I am really shocked about that Daan thinks that. Beth said to me where she is so I go talk to her. "Dvd what's up?" "I don't belong here anymore, you all are a team and I am the girlfriend off." "Daan you are still one of us! And yes the other girls are seeing each other every day. But if you need us we are here for you! You can call us always." "Thanks jordy." "So please stay here with us and have a nice Christmas." "Is good only for you!" "And for your girlfriend." I said with a smile. We walk to living room where the others are sitting. Daan walks directly to Beth while I pick a beer for her and my self of course. "Daan here." "Thanks." She drinks it in one time. "Babe calm down please." Beth say directly. "Beth let her go! If she is far away I come with you to help." Say Lydia. Daan walks directly after to the kitchen.

Caitlin POV.
It is 10 and I walk to the kitchen for some beer for me and some others. When I came in the kitchen I saw Danielle take 4 shots after each other, she filled them and took them again. With no thinking I ran back to the living room. "Daan." "What's up with her?" "She is taking shots, I saw her already take 7 shots." Beth runs to the kitchen with me. "Van de Donk enough now!" Beth said stern to Daan. But Danielle ignore her. Beth lifts her up and took her to the others. While I clean the kitchen.

Vivianne POV.
Daan is really far and lays on Beth after she took her out of the kitchen. "Can anyone give me Vodka?" Daan asks. "No you are not drinking anymore! You can have some water." I said to her. "Noo." "Oké ik wil een glas Vodka voor je pakken en dat is het laatste wat je drinkt kwa alcohol vanavond. Heb je mij gehoord?" (Okay I while pick one glass of Vodka and that is the last that alcohol you're drinking for tonight. Did you here me?) "Nee Viv ik-" (Viv no I-) "Daan klaar!" (Daan enough!) I walk to the kitchen and pick a glass of water for Daan, that was my idea already. I come back in the living room and give Daan her drink. I see some mad looks, so I whisper in their ears that it is water. "Ik moet kotsen!" (I need to vomit.) "Daan come with me now." Everyone looks to me. I pick her up and took her to the restroom and yes there she goes. After she starts directly with crying. "BETH CAN YOU COME PLEASE." "No she mad." "Daan calm down please!" And yes there she goes again. "Sick." I whisper to Beth. "Babe come here." Beth Said to Daan. "Noooo." "Daan baby please we go to home." "No I sick." "Babe we took some bags with us and at home you can go lay in our bed and go to sleep." "No we stay here go have fun. I come in a minute." "Daan don't be stupid." I said. "Viv let us alone for a second please."

"How is Daan?" "Not good and she don't want leave because she doesn't want Beth to leave. And she vomit the whole time." "Maybe they have to stay, Daan her stomach is almost empty." Manu said. "We will see Daan was already scared about that she tough that Beth was mad at her." "VIV." Beth yells. I walk to them. "Yes what's up." "I am going to take her home she needs to sleep in bed." Beth said with tears. "Lay her down in our guest room I will pick a bucket and then you can join us downstairs." "Thanks viv." Beth and I help Daan upstairs and put her down after stays Beth with Daan while I pick a bucket. When she is having that we go downstairs where all the girls hug Beth. What do I love this team. ~

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