Jill Roord/Ingrid Engen

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Jill POV.
Ingrid and I are together on vacation to Ibiza, my family had booked also but they are coming a few days after us official they are coming today. So Ing and I are leaving to the airport soon. "Lieffie (sweetie) we need to go." I say to Ingrid, she knows some Dutch words and she loves it when I say things in Dutch to her. "Yes coming, do you have the keys?" "Yes I have them." We walk to our car that we have here, and go to the airport.

When we arrive at the airport my family came directly outside so I go quickly out the car and hug them. Ingrid came also out of the car and give my family hugs. "So little one you are wheeling the rest?" I said laughing at Boyd because he is the only single one of the family that is here. Because my cousins couldn't make it because of school. But my aunt and uncle did with my parents and little brother. Sadly enough my older brother had to work so he couldn't make it either. Boyd pushed me directly after I had said that. "Boyd be nice to your sister." My dad said directly. Ingrid looks at me and smiles. "Come shall we go or do you all want to stay here for the rest of the vacation." I said. "Jill relax we have vacation." Ing whispered in my ear. "Love birds get a room already." "Boyd bek houden." (Boyd piss off.) "Jill and Boyd is this starting already?" "He started, Ing whispered only in my ear that I have to relax because we are on vacation. And he directly said that we have to get a room." "Boyd leave your sister and Ing alone." My mother said. Ingrid side hugs me and after that we go in the car it fits perfectly because we have a 7 persons car. So me and ing in the front my mom, Aunt and uncle in the middle and my dad and brother in the back. When we came back at our villa we go inside. It is so big that I told my family that me and Ing while pay, of course I had asked Ingrid of that was okay and she loved that idea. "Now mom this is my and Ingrid's room so pick a room." I said while walking on the first floor. "Dad and I are paying food this whole vacation." She said after picking a room. "No your not. Ing and I have enough money and you know that." I said stern to her. "Jill." "No mom go away, I don't want to hear it Ingrid and I can pay to." I said mad at her while walking downstairs. I go to Ingrid and lay my head down on her shoulder. "What's up babe." "Mom and I have a discussion." "What was the reason?" "Mom and dad don't want us to pay any food this vacation, because we already paid the accommodation." "Wow no we can pay for our own food." "I told her that exactly." "Jill Jamie Roord, go to your mom now." My father said. "Dad I didn't do anything wrong. I only told her that the two of you aren't paying my and Ing's food. And she wouldn't know about it. And if this is starting already. I go search for another house for me." "Babe calm down, come we go change in our run clothes and go we for a run." "Yes." "Jill your not alone on vacation anymore you can do social with us to!" Boyd said. "Okay Ing I go search for another accommodation for us! I am done with everyone here." I begon crying.

Ingrid POV.
Jill is having a bad time and now she is crying in my neck. "Come babe we go upstairs." I said in her ear. We walk upstairs, and go laying on bed. "Calm down baby. We are going for a run and then we can talk to your parents. And if you then feels you want an other one we can search for it okay?" "Yes babe." I go out of bed to where our clothes are laying, I pick both of us our sport clothes and throw them on the bed. Jill also get out of bed and we change ourselves. Then we are going for a run.

After 30 minutes we came back home. We go directly to upstairs to take a shower. We shower quickly and then go downstairs. "Chantal, Rene can we talk please?" I ask them, Jill looks nervous to us so I give her a quick kiss. Chantal and Rene come to us. "Yeah where do you want to talk about?" Rene asked. "I don't like the manner how we interact with each other since you all are here." Jill said while crying. "Sorry Jill, but we don't want that you and Ingrid are paying the whole vacation." Chantal says while Rene nods. "Come here baby girl" "Dad I am 24 years old, so please don't call me that." She laughs while hugging him. "Are you all coming or what?" Boyd snaps at us. "Boyd we where talking to your sister and Ing but go with your aunt en uncle we will coming soon." Chantal said irritated to him. "Boyd is so jealous that he is the 7th wheel this vacation." Jill laughs. "Yes he does for sure, so don't bully him to much Jill about it." My father-in-law said. After that we go to the beach down our villa. Jill, Boyd and I are playing some football, it's really fun until I make a joke about Jill. Directly after she picked me up en dumped me in the sea.~

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