Beth Mead/Vivianne Miedema

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Eefje Miedema POV.
I am Eefje, I am 10 years old. Vivianne Miedema's little sister. And I want to play football. "Mommy." "Yes Eef." "I want to play football like Viv and Beth." "No your not, why don't you do gymnastics." "No I want to football." "Rick." My mom calls my dad. "What's up?" "Eefje wants to play football." "No she can't, she can do gymnastics and become a doctor." "NO I WANT TO BE LIKE VIV." "No your nothing like her." "What is going on in here?" I hear my big sister. "VIV." I scream while running to her, she picks me up while I start crying on her shoulder. "What's up baby girl?" "They don't let me be like you." I cry. "Ssssst, you want to be like me?" "Yes but they don't let me play football." "Really? Why don't you let her?" "Cause she is nothing like you. She can do gymnastics and become a doctor or something." "Let's go upstairs." Beth says to me picking me from Viv.

Vivianne POV.
My dad and mom don't let my little sister play football and I am really mad about that. My girlfriend saw that so took Eefje upstairs. "Why may she not play if she wants to?" "Cause we don't need a other gay daughter." "O so you think I am only gay cause I play football?" "No." "Yes you do otherwise you would let her play. And why are you so homophobic?" "Cause it is disgusting." "Good to know. Cause my GIRLFRIEND is upstairs. And if you don't do it then I will take Eefje to a football team." "No you don't." My father says while slapping me in my face. "Watch me. And touch me again with one finger and your nothing of me anymore." He kicks me in my belly.

I walk upstairs, to my little sisters room. "Babe stay with Eef. Ok?" "Is good! You ok?" I nod and walk to my old room, where I call the police. They say to stay upstairs with Beth and Eefje so I go to Eef her room. "Viv I love you." My little sister says, we have a age gap of 12 year (yes Viv is 22 in this one shot. And Beth is 23😁). "I love you to baby girl. And I will always be here for you and I will fix a football club for you!" "Really?" "Yes, I will baby." Exactly now the doorbell rings. Eefje wants to go. "No stay here." "Why?" "It's the police for mom and dad." Beth looks shocked. "He kicked and slapped me." I say in Beth her ear. I hear knocking on the door. "It is laura from the police, can you open this door." "Yes it's open." She comes inside. "And what's your name?" She asks Eefje who turns her head in my chest. "She is Eefje, my name is Vivianne and that is my girlfriend Beth." "Well my name is Laura I am from the police. And Eefje is it okay if you stay here with Beth while I talk to your sister." She nods and go sit with Beth. Me and Laura walk to my room where I do my story.

I also ask her if we can talk together with Eefje and she nods so we go to her room. "VIV." "Yes baby I am here. Can me and Laura ask you some questions?" "Course! But why?" "Cause we need to help you with some things good?" "Yes." "Okay let's start. Did someone ever hurt you?" She nods. "And can you tell us who did that?" "No they mad." "Are it dad and mom?" She nods in my chest. "What did they do baby?" "Scream, slap me and even kick some times." "Ssstt baby your safe with me and Beth." I say rubbing her back and kissing her head. Beth came sit with us with her arms around us. "Can we get all rights of her?" She asks. "Of course but we need to go to the police station for that." "That is okay." Beth says.


Beth POV.
Today is the day of Eefje her first training. I think I didn't see her ever like this. She is so hyper already the whole morning. She also was early awake, sadly enough for me and Viv. I have to go to PSV and Viv to Feyenoord. Today I will take Eefje with me to PSV cause she is having vacation. But now I am still laying with Viv on the couch. "You and Eef have to go." "No want to." "Babe you have to train." She says kissing my head. "BETH COME." Eefje screams jumping on me. "calm down." I say not to happy. "You sure to take her?" Viv whispered in my ear. "Why wouldn't I?" "Cause your moody." "I am tired, she wouldn't sleep yesterday and then wake me up early. It was fucking 6 o clock." "I will take her you go train and after go sleep. We will be in later anyway." I nod and Viv says to Eefje; "Eef you go with me." "No I want to go with Beth." "No your not, you go with me." "No." She says crossing her arms. "Eefje there is no point of discussion in this." "Babe I will take her. I did say I will take her." "You sure?" "Yes I will dump her with the girls." "Eef go brush your teeth, then you need to leave." Viv says. "If she is difficult then call me please. And I will talk to her." I kiss her what turns out in a making out session. "Bah." We hear Eefje. I go off my girlfriends lap and pick my bag. "Eef say bye to Viv." She says goodbye to viv and I give Viv a kiss and then we leave. "May I train with you?" "No sorry but it is to heavy to train 2 times for you." "But Viv said I could." "Shall I call her? Cause I know for sure she didn't say that." She crosses her arms above her chest. "Stop being moody now, or I turn the car right now!" I still call Viv. "Already needing my speech?" "Yes." "Eefje I am so disappointed in you." "Sorry but I want to train." "Yes and what did I say about that?" "That I am not allowed." "Yes so why did you even try. If I hear something again about your behavior, then your not going to train tonight. Got that?" "Yes." "Babe love you I mean it serious if she don't behave let me know." "I will babe love you."

Viv POV.
Beth and Eefje are already at home, lucky enough did Eefje behave the rest of the day so she can go to training. I am almost home as well. When I came home Beth was already standing in the door. I go out of the car and give her a kiss. "Hey baby." She says. We pick my bag and go inside. "Where is Eefje?" "With the neighbors playing football." "Okay." I say kissing her. We enjoy a little time for ourselves and after we go cook. No I better say I am cooking while Beth is cuddling me from behind. When Eefje came home we eat and after we leave to her training. Her smile means so much to me and Beth sees it so puts her arm around me. After the training Eefje comes running to us. "MAY I GO AGAIN?" "Of course you may." I answer with a big smile. "THANK YOU YOUR THE BEST." She shouts and hugs me and Beth. "I am happy she plays the sport she is happy with and wants to play." Beth says I nod directly. "I am so happy that my sister is happy." I say hugging Beth. We play a little bit with Eefje and her team and after we leave to house. I feel so blessed. ~

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