Lucy Bronze & Keira Walsh

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Lucy had a child at 23 through a one night stand, the dad isnt in the picture, but keira behaves like that second parent. She knows Ana since that she is 1 year old. Now is Ana 5 and is she Keira's biggest fan and vice versa.
Keira POV.
Today is it time to leave for the national team. At the moment I am in the car with my girlfriend and my stepdaughter. I see Ana as my own, but she isn't. "Keira?" "Yes Ana?" "Are we there yet? I have to pee!" "5 more minutes love, is that okay?" "I think so."

After 5 minutes we arrive at St. George's Park. "Kei I can't hold it much longer." Ana whines. "Luce you park the car, I will take her." "Okay." I jump out of the car, I get her out of her car seat and put her on my hip, then we run inside. "Hey kei!" I hear but I ignore it for now, I don't want to have pee over myself and Ana. We where just on time, after we walk outside we see Leah. Ana directly hides behind me, so I pick her up. "Hey Kei, hey Ana!" "You say hi to Le?" Ana shakes her head in my neck. "Are you being shy?" Leah tickles her in her side's. "Mumma?" "'Mumma is outside, let's find her." I smile kissing her head. "Le we will see you later." We walk outside where Lucy is picking our luggage out of our car. "MUMMA." Ana screams I put her down and she runs to Lucy. "Did you already see some girls?" Ana shakes her head. "O so you didn't see Leah? I saw her, o wait I think someone's head was laying in my neck." I say smiling. "Mumma Keira not sweet, tell her off!" "Kei, don't be mean. So good babygirl?" "Yes." We pick our luggage and then we go in. "Kei pick me up please." I hear a whimper, so I pick her up and she directly puts her head in my neck. "Why you so nervous? You know everyone who is at camp." Lucy asks stroking Ana's head. "Want snuggles." She smiles, but I don't think that is really what's going on.

"ANA!" Georgia screams enthusiast. "G!" She directly puts out her arm's to her, Georgia picks her from me. "O so auntie G is enough?" Leah says putting her hand against her heart. "No I was just happy in Kei her arms." "O is that so?" "Mumma Leah mean to me." Ana starts to cry. "An come here." Lucy sighs picking her from G. "Le be kind." Then Sarina is coming to us. "Hello girls! Hi Ana, why is our little lionesses in tears?" "Le taught she was funny." Lucy says harsh. "Leah you know better!" Sarina tells Leah. "Mumma I want auntie Le cuddles." Ana whispers in Lucy's ear, so she gives her to Leah.

That evening we decide to do a movie night with the whole team and some staff members. We changed Ana in her pjs as she will asleep while watching the movie. "Mummy can I go lay with auntie Le?" Ana asks when we walked in the chill room. "Of course love." Lucy directly says so Ana directly runs to Leah who is sharing a beanbag with Georgia. Me and Luce decide to lie down on the beanbag alongside them. "She good there Le?" "Of course is my little one good here!"

"Kei kei." I hear in my sleep and I directly know it is Ana. "Yes love?" I say still half asleep. "Can I sleep with you and mumma please?" "Of course climb on." She lays down between me and Lucy as she is laying she directly cuddles in my chest and picks a fist of my shirt. "Go to sleep baby girl." I say kissing her head. "I want baby brother." I hear a mumble but I ignore it for now.

A 1.5 year later

Lucy POV.
Keira just gave birth to our little son, Mason Jace Bronze. "Can Ana come?" "I will call Leah to come with her." What Leah doesn't know yet is that we want to ask her to be Mason's godmother. "They will be here in 20 minutes." I say smiling at my sight of Keira with Mason on her chest. "Baby I love you so much!" "I love you more!" "Not possible." "MUMMA!" "Ana Bronze I said calmly!" Leah says not happy. "Sorry auntie lele! Just excited." "That's okay, come here baby!" "Mumma baby brother?" "Look by Keira!" "Kei kei!" "Hey babygirl! Look here is your baby brother." "He's cute! Look auntie Le." "Hey loves." Leah says. "What a cutie, you did good." "Leah we have a question!" "Ask." "Do you want to be his godmother?" Keira asks her best friend. "Really?" Leah cries, me and Kei both nods. "Of course I want to be his godmother." I hug her while whipping her tears. "Come here Le!" Keira says with her arms open, the best friends hug softly. "Do you want to hold him?" "Let his big sister hold him first." We nod. "Do you want to sit on the bed with Kei?" "I want kei snuggles, I missed her." "You can snuggle with Kei and your brother?" "No." "No? You don't want to snuggle your baby brother?" Kei asks a little bit surprised. "Only your snuggles." "Lu pick M-." "Just say his name to them." "Mason Jace Bronze." "What a beautiful name." "Kei ei." "Yes baby come here!" I pick Mason and Leah helps Ana on the bed. "I missed you." Ana whispers in Keira's ear. "I missed you to babygirl. Tomorrow me and Mason are coming home." "No o today." Ana cries in her chest. "She is tired she didn't sleep last night." Leah whispers in my ear, Ana directly yawns falling asleep against Keira. "I will take her home, so you can enjoy each other." "No! You will first hold your godson." Keira says, only so she can cuddle Ana.

1 year later
It is interland period, Ana and Mason are both coming. "Oma." "Momma is picking all our things." "Mason go away my mumma." Ana pushes Mason. "Uh Ana keep that mouth shut really fast and we don't push your brother. Go sit on the stairs." "NO!" She screams. "Ana Sarah Bronze, stairs now!" "No mumma go away." "Ana listen to mumma now!" "NO!" Keira picks Ana by her arm and put her on the stairs, Ana screams really bad. "Oma." "Hey baby boy. What did your sister do?" "She tough it was okay to push Mase and say that I am hers." "Jesus. What's up with her the last days."

Keira POV.
We arrived at sgp, Ana is still in a bad mood. "Ana I mean it seriously. You are going to behave! Otherwise you can stay with nana the whole camp." Lucy says as she is really done with this behavior as she picked Mason his dummy. "Leah can you please come to the parking? We need extra hands, Ana is horrible." I message my best friend, Leah directly reacts that she comes. "Le is coming to the parking. Maybe she can take Mase."

"Hey lovely family, how is my godson?" Leah says when we arrive. "Hey Le, can you maybe take him. So we can deal with Ana." "I WANT AUNTIE LE MY AUNTIE!" Ana screams. "Ana Sarah Bronze, stop this now! Leah is also Mason his aunt." I say mad, Leah picks Mason out of the car and walks inside with him walking between her legs. "Ana why are you behaving like this?" Lucy asks. "I miss you both." "Nwah love, but look now all you aunties are here so they can look after Mason." "But first we go to our room where you will have a timeout! We don't accept this behavior." Lucy helps me. "MUMMA." She cries. Lucy goes out of the car and picks Ana out of her car seat. I pick all our things out of the car, then we walk inside. "Need help Keira?" Georgia asks. "Yes please." Georgia picks the suitcases from the kids and I pick mine and Lucy's.

It is evening, Ana is really sticking to me and Lucy as she feels so sorry. "Keira I sorry." "I know baby girl!" She starts crying. "No need for tears love! Let's watch a movie in our room, only me and you." "Me and Ana are going to our room to watch a movie together!" "And me and Mason didn't get a invitation?" "Babe, wrong moment. She needs just a moment with me! Come to the room when Mase needs to go to bed! Love you both." I say kissing Lucy. We go upstairs where we put on inside out, what we watch in our pajamas. Ana cuddles in my chest, when the movie was done she directly falls asleep and Lucy comes in to our room. "Hey baby." She whispers. "Hey love, I think we have a guest in our bed tonight." I smile. "Totally fine!" She puts Mason to bed and then join us. "Goodnight babe's." "Goodnight love!" We both fall asleep. ~

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