"Yo, Sam, what time are my dad and the others getting here? I thought they'd be here by now."

"When you called out to us, Billy was on a fishing trip with Charlie. Said he wanted to distract him as best he could. They should be showing up soon," Sam said, plopping into a chair. "Are you guys doing ok?"

I looked at Jacob to gage how tired he looked. I let him sleep in the whole time we were away; he was very restless throughout the night, but anytime I stroked his arm, he would calm down. He looked like a little boy when he was asleep, it was sweet. It was as if when he was sleeping, that was the only real relief he got. Looking at him right now, his eyes were a little empty. I wasn't expecting for him to get over it in a day, but I hoped that he would bounce back quickly. That feels selfish...it all feels selfish...

"It's just been a long few days," I answered for both of us, sliding my hand over Jacob's. He immediately entwined our fingers and kissed the back of my hand. I moved our connected hands into my lap and started to fiddle with his fingers. "But we wanted to make sure that everyone was up to date on the situation before anything else happens."

"Are we also going to talk about why you smell different?" Paul asked, his mouth full.

I glared at him and sniped, "Just tell me I need to take a shower, Paul."

The front door swung open and Kaya and the Elders walked in. My mother pushed Billy in his wheelchair into the living room. "Well, welcome back," Kaya beamed at us. Her eyes darted down toward our conjoined hands and bit her bottom lip, suppressing a wider grin.

"We gotta put a tracker on both of you at this point," Billy chuckled as he pulled off his hat. "I'm starting to think you both are a flight risk."

Jacob let out a light laugh, "I actually think we'll be staying put for a while, Dad; don't worry."

"So, do you want to talk about what happened with Bella first or do you want to talk about your little vacay first?" Kaya asked, sitting next to me. "I've always heard that Vancouver was beautiful this time of year."

"With all due respect, Kaya, I think our Alpha pair should attend to the more important business before we start talking about Granville Island and the suspension bridge," Billy said cautiously. I could tell he was still nervous around Kaya; she had been his teacher after all and his grandfather's life partner. He looked at her like she was still an authority figure.

"Ugh," she palmed her forehead. "You're absolutely right! Ok, little wolf, get us up to speed. You tore Edward's arm off and then what happened? Go."

The pack snickered. I shrank down in my seat and grimaced hard. "You did what?" my mother asked. I opened my mouth to respond and came up with nothing. Looking at my mother, I just shrugged. "Aileah Sage Clearwater!"

I shrugged again as the boys continued to laugh. "I'm sorry?" Once they settled down, I began to explain what happened that day. Confronting Edward about his bullshit behavior, Bella going into labor, meeting their daughter, and my final decision regarding Edward and Bella's remaining days in Forks. Jacob watched my face the whole time I spoke, sending me waves of love and adoration the entire time. They never once asked me to justify my decision, but I felt like I owed it to them anyway. I twisted my ring on the chain around my neck as I spoke, "I think...we've made so many allowances, so many exceptions, for them. I just didn't know what else to do. I ran out of things to say; I ran out of ideas to somehow make us able to coexist. If I'm being honest, I don't know if it was the right thing to ask them to leave, but...it would damn sure make me breathe easier if they did..."

"I think you did the right thing," Sam interjected. "When she came to the treaty line, it was like looking at a new person. She was beautiful, yes, in that creepy way bloodsuckers are. But she looked volatile. I was afraid that I would have had to fight her; she became so angry and unhinged when I told her Jake wasn't around."

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