Chapter 7

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We spent the next few days in bed. No pack business, no parents, no problems. I just didn't want him to ever stop touching me. The legends had said that the need to procreate would be strong once the Bond was sealed and anyone who created the Bond would have to learn to control the urge.

"Come on, we have to get up, Jake," I giggled as he rolled over on top of me, dramatically. He groaned before burying his face in my hair. He started tickling my sides, making me shriek and squirm under his body weight. He kissed my neck and moved down to my collarbone. "No, no, no," I said, pushing him off of me. "We can't stay in bed forever."

"Yes, we can," he mumbled, still placing small kisses all over me. His hands slid down the length of my torso. He moved his way back up to my neck and sighed. "How do you smell so good?"

I threw my arms around his neck and closed my eyes. This was my idea of a perfect moment. My heart, for the first time in a long time, felt full. We spent four days in my room with the door locked, watching my dumb romantic comedies, making love, and talking. After the Bond, I saw and felt everything that he had felt throughout his life and he felt everything from mine. It was a lot to unpack.

He told me that he finally fully understood what happened with Sam and everything I was feeling when I phased for the first time. He said he saw the whole scene and it pissed him off how Sam handled the situation. Even after I had caught my bed, I had demanded an explanation. All I got was a cold shoulder and an 'I don't love you anymore.' No one knew that part of the story. They assumed I had had this explosive episode and we had this dramatic breakup. That wasn't the case. I was devastated because he didn't even have the decency to tell me something was wrong.

The only thing that devastated me more was my father's death. Jacob told me that he saw the look of fear and sadness on my father's face before his heart gave out. At his funeral, my mother had said that he never wanted this for either of us. He had hoped that we would be able to live normal lives. I wished that I could talk to him one last time. Tell him that I'm ok. Just one last time.

I brought my attention back to Jacob, who was looking at me curiously. "What?" I asked. "Is there something on my face?" I reached up to wipe at my mouth. He caught my hand and held it to his chest.

"You're beautiful," Jacob said, simply. Matter of fact.

I felt my face get warm. I gently pushed him off of me so I could sit up. He was still watching me and then he gave me a wide smile. He ran a hand through my hair, softly scratching my scalp. I closed my eyes and hummed at the sensation. "We really should get up," I whispered.

He snorted, "For what?"

"It's been four days," I laughed. "They probably thought I killed you by now."

"Let them!" he lowered us both to the bed. He gave me a mind-numbing kiss, settling himself between my legs. Just as he was about to make love to me again, I heard my phone vibrate on the nightstand. I reached for it, despite his protests and opened a text from my brother. Or should I say one of many texts from my brother. We had really been in our own bubble for so long, I didn't even notice my phone at all.

Are you guys alive over there? the latest one said.

I fought off a moan as Jacob massaged the small of my back right where my back dimples were, a spot I didn't know I liked until a couple of days ago. Jacob figured it out and took full advantage whenever he could. As he tried to get my attention, I text Seth back a simple 'yes' before all but throwing my phone on the other side of the room. My bedroom was trashed. The only times we weren't in bed was when we needed to eat. We would sneak downstairs and grab mounds of food before running back upstairs and getting undressed once again. I looked around my bedroom and bit my bottom lip, anxious. Eventually we would have to get up and face what's next. We hadn't even talked about how we wanted to work together as leaders. We had done all of our research, but what did being Alpha mean to Jacob and Leah? We didn't know yet.

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