Chapter 4

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Since it was nearly impossible for us to leave La Push after we all phased, a bunch of the boys opened a garage to keep their hands busy and the cash flowing. Being wolf pays jack shit. Jacob, Quil, Embry, and Paul had become thick as thieves once they realized that they could actually run a successful business. And then Wolf Motors was born.

I walked up to the shop in a pair of short shorts, a black tank top, and some old, ratty, black combat boots. My hair...was a wreck. I had literally rolled out of bed and ran my hands through it before leaving the house. As I approached the shop, I heard Travis Scott blaring through the Bluetooth speakers.

Was off the Remy, had a Papoose
Had to hit my old town to duck the news
Two four hour lockdown, we made no moves
Now it's 4 AM and I'm back up poppin' with the crew

I heard their loud laughter and tools clinking against some kind of metal. I spotted Jake just as he was bending over an old pick up. His dirty jeans were tight on his ass and, man, did it look good.

"Yo, I'm telling you, her tits were fake. There's no way they were sat up like that!" I heard Embry say over the music. I looked around the shop at the guys, all of their heads under hoods, and made my way for Jacob. I grazed his behind with my hand before hopping on the metal table a few feet behind him. I watched him jump at the contact and whip around. When he saw me, his face lit up. I cocked an eyebrow at him with a small smirk on my face.

"Leah!" he exclaimed. He placed his torque wrench in a red toolbox and stood between my legs. Ever since that night, he had been more open with affection with me. The guys had tons of questions but didn't quite know how to ask them yet, so they usually just watched, confused. Jake gave me a small kiss on the cheek before grabbing a rag close to me to wipe his hands. We weren't together. We had boundaries. We hadn't had sex since that night, but things were changing, and I was kind of ok with it.

Paul came around with a smug look on his face. "Well, aren't you kids cute?"

"Yeah, what's going on with you guys?" Quil asked, shutting the hood of a '67 VW Bug. Jacob smirked before getting back under the hood of the pickup.

"It's top secret." I said, putting my index finger to my lips. We were getting to a point where we would have to tell people what was going on with the Bond and Jacob taking over as Alpha and me becoming Alpha Female. But today is not that day. We were still working on controlling our mind walls and projections. So far, we've learned to project into each other's minds, but never tried to project into the others. Mostly because none of them knew. How pissed would Paul be if I just placed a little thought in his head? I thought to Jacob.

He chuckled and shook his head, only I could see it. Behave, was all he said back. "No, seriously though, what's going on with you two? Attached at the hip, sneaking off to secret meetings with the Elders, all the..." Paul waved his hand around with a disgusted look on his face. "affection." He concluded.

Jacob asked me to hand him a pair of pliers, holding out his hand. He was ignoring Paul. Somehow, that was the best way to interact with Paul. After he imprinted on one of Jacob's older sisters, Jacob and Paul became like law and in pack and...whatever. They quickly became best friends. I handed Jake the pliers before hopping back on the table and crossing my legs. I usually only came when he was working by himself. To say the sexual tension has been strong would be an understatement. There have been countless moments in the last few weeks where I was pinned again someone's car, begging him to fuck me as he ground his hard on against me.

Our wolves' craving for each other grew stronger every day. I wanted him so badly, but we had decided to wait until we absolutely were ready. So, for now, we were learning control ourselves, sexually and otherwise.

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