Chapter 23: "The Christmas Dance"

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The summer of 09 passed by as quickly as it had come, but that autumn flew by in record's time. Audrey was mesmerized by the garland that wrapped around the street lamps, and the twinkling Christmas lights that hung from the buildings that lined the streets, along with the displays of the newest toys and nicnacks in the windows of each shop in downtown Maple Grove. Christmas was right around the corner, and Audrey couldn't be more excited about it. She was especially thrilled that she'd be able to spend this Christmas with Daniel, unlike the last one.
The snow fell quietly around her, as everyone went about their own business, lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. Even in the midst of the organized chaos around her, she noticed him coming towards her.
She waved at him so he could see her, and when he did, he lit up brighter than the lights around them.
"Audrey!" He called out as he hurried over to her, weaving around the people that filled the sidewalks. He reached her and continued, "What a beautiful day, huh?"
She looked up at the sky and watched the snow fall for a moment before agreeing, "It sure is."
They continued on their way, headed to Daniel's office, for another day of work together.
Daniel stopped in the middle of their jont and brought up, "I have something to tell you about, Audrey."
"What is it?"
"You see, Wilson is hosting a couple's dance at the bar on Christmas Eve." He told her, to which she replied with a giggle, "Really? Wilson doesn't strike me as a dancing man."
Daniel laughed too and responded, "Me either, but from what I hear, he has someone he's interested in, and he wishes to impress her, and she happens to love dances."
Audrey sighed with endearment, "That's adorable. I'm happy for him, truly."
"I'm happy for him too." Daniel replied and continued, "Also, I was wondering...if you would come with me to it?"
"Oh, Daniel, I-"
"Don't worry, even though it'll be at the pub, it'll be nothing like it. No drinking, just dancing." Daniel assured, knowing how important his continuing sobriety has been to her.
She smiled and said, "I'd love to go then." She stopped for a moment, as though she had remembered something before adding, "But, it's a couple's dance, can we still go, since, know, we're not really a couple?"
He chuckled at her and nodded his head, "Of course."
Henry heard a knock on the door that Christmas Eve and knew exactly who it was.
He opened the door and greeted him happily, "Daniel! It's been too long. How have you been?"
"I've been well, thank you. And, yourself?" Daniel asked as Henry led the way inside.
"I've been good, truly."
"How's Charlie doing?"
Henry smiled brightly at the thought of his son, "He's the best baby around!"
"Oh, Daniel! You're here already?" Irene exclaimed, coming down from the stairs. "She's almost ready, okay? Just give us one moment."
"Okay. Sounds good." He replied as a smile crept upon his face.
Irene headed back up the stairs as she yelled, "Daniel's here! So, hurry up!"
Henry and Daniel couldn't help but chuckle to themselves.
"So, I hear that Emily and Mark are staying with you guys now?" Daniel mentioned, as he patiently waited for Audrey to be ready.
"Yes, when they first got married, they moved to Glenley, that one town nearby, because Mark had been working there, but after Emily became pregnant, they moved
back in here." He explained, to which Daniel replied, "You have a house-full, eh?"
He laughed, "We sure do, but Katherine was the one who encouraged them to move back anyway. I don't think she liked being without Emily."
"Well, I can't blame her. I-..uhh-" He spotted her at the top of the stairs, stopping him in his tracks. He was speechless, as she descended down the stairs, in her pale pink emsemble, with her hair tied up in ringlets and a string of pearls hanging from her neck. She had completely taken his breath away in that moment. He felt as though he was falling in love with her all over again.
"Good evening, Daniel." She greeted him softly as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs.
"Wow." He first said, quietly, almost under his breath, before adding, "You look beautiful."
She bit her rose-coloured lip shyly before saying, "Thank you." She looked at him intently, noticing how dapper he looked in his tailored suit. Had he always been this handsome? She knew he had always been to others, but suddenly, she was beginning to see it for herself, too.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked, interrupting her thoughts.
She smiled sweetly, "Yes."
They had made their way to the pub, which, although nothing had changed about it on the outside, looked like a totally different place on the inside. It really did feel like they were attending an evening ball.
Wilson spotted them right away and hurried over to them, laughing his jolly laugh on the way there, "Daniel! Audrey! You two came. I'm so glad."
"I can't believe what you've done with the place." Audrey exclaimed as she observed her surrondings with admiration.
Wilson rubbed the back of his neck shyly, "It is pretty nice, isn't it?"
"So, who's the lucky lady, Wilson?" Daniel nudged him, making Wilson's eyes go wide.
"No one! What are you talking about, Daniel?" Wilson denied, with a guilty expression upon his face.
"Wilson, come now, I've already heard all about it." Daniel teased him, to which he replied, "You know, you've become even more of a pain in my butt since you stopped drinking, you snarky fellow."
"Oh, Wilson. You know I do it out of love, right?"
"Of course I do."
"John? Oh, John! There you are." A voice called out, making the three look to see where it had come from. At the door stood a middle-aged, red-headed woman with rosy cheeks and a big toothy grin.
She waved Wilson over, "Well, looks like my date is here. You two have fun, alright?"
"You too, Wilson." They watched him link arms with her and lead her to the middle of the floor, as the start of a new song was beginning to be played.
They stood there awkwardly for a moment before Daniel looked over at her and asked with his hand out to her, "May I have this dance?"
She replied, "Of course, for I wouldn't wish to dance with anyone else."
The moment was enrapturing as they stood there together, face to face, arm in arm, with one another, as the music echoed around them. They could barely hear it, though, for they were so enchanted by one another, so lost in each other's world.
They started out with a healthy distance between them, but as the night went on, and they continued dancing to the sernading tune, the distance between them seemed to diminish. They were closer than ever.
Their eyes remained fixed on each other, and although no words were said, none were needed, for their hearts seemed to whisper to each other things that could never be said with their mouths.
Daniel's eyes shifted from her bright, blue eyes to her lush, red lips. He couldn't help but wonder the taste that lay upon them. He so wanted to know, so much so that before he knew it, he was leaning into her, with the intent of kissing her. And he would've kissed her too, if it wasn't for the stopping of the music, and Wilson's booming voice, announcing that it was time for everyone to go home.
Daniel insisted he take Audrey home, so she gladly allowed him to. The snow fell gently around them as they walked beside each other.
"Daniel, I had the most wonderful time," Audrey began, and continued, "Thank you for asking me to go."
"Thank you for coming." He said before checking his pocket watch and saying, "Merry Christmas, by the way."
"Is it midnight already?" She asked him, shocked the night had gone by so quickly.
"Actually,'s five minutes passed midnight."
"Well, thank you, and Merry Christmas to you too, Daniel." She told him before adding, "You know, I'm glad that the first minutes of this Christmas has been spent with you by my side."
He looked over at her with endearment, "I'm glad too."
Audrey smiled back and said once more, "Daniel, you're my best friend."
He chuckled, "You know,... I used to hate it when you said that."
"Why's that?"
"Cause I always wanted to be more than friends." He told her plainly before adding, "But, now that I know better, I realize it's a great honour to be called your friend."
She didn't say anything, for she didn't know what to say, and just as she finally thought she had the courage to speak once more, they had reached the doorstep of her home.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now." Daniel began.
"I guess so." She agreed, "Thank you again."
"Don't mention it." He said with a smirk before continuing, "Well, I should be going. Merry Christmas, Audrey. I'll see you soon."
"Merry Christmas! Have a-"
"Oh, Audrey! You're home!" The door had swung open from behind Audrey to reveal an unkempt Katherine.
"What's going on?" Audrey asked as Daniel peaked around her to check for himself.
"Emily's sick." Katherine replied bluntly. "She's not doing good."
Audrey looked to Daniel instantly, to which he nodded his head in silent
compliance. Audrey turned back to her sister and said with utmost assurance, "We'll take care of her, Katherine. Don't worry."

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