Chapter 15: "The Answer"

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It would seem as though love was present in many forms within the Harris-Baldwin house. Rachel had begun attending a book club some odd months ago and had met a man by the name of Arnold Burnett. Rachel wasn't one to share her secrets, so Audrey was unable to get much out of her about him, other than his age and his line of work; 29, and a train conductor, was what she told her. He also had an aspiration of being an author, like Rachel herself, who happened to already be working on a third novel.
Audrey was happy for her, but still worried for her, knowing how much her previous betrothel had ruined her. Audrey did not wish for it to happen again. Audrey was surprised that nothing had yet come of Rachel and Caleb, who had become so close
over the last year and a half. They were opposites, but they made for good friends, much like Audrey and Daniel had, too.
Rachel wasn't the only one falling in love. Emily had announced that her and Mark had confessed their love for each other but wouldn't officially court until Emily was finished school in the near months. Emily was estatic, for she knew Mark loved her dearly and would take care of her. Audrey and the other sisters couldn't believe
that the baby of the family was no longer a baby. She was growing up and turning into a strong and beautiful young lady right before their eyes.
Irene, the biggest romantic of them all, had her own troubles in love as well. She had never fallen out of love with David Clark, the boy who seemed to be indifferent about her. But, they had become closer over the last year, so it wasn't completely
hopeless. Irene even started to suspect that David may be in love with her as well.
She made up her mind to tell him of her feelings one day, and it would seem that the day had come quicker than expected, as Emily and Audrey sat at the bay window, awaiting her return from her meeting with him that very day. Rachel was out on a
date with Arnold, while Katherine, who had been feeling unwell lately, was getting a checkup, so it was just the two of them, to pace around anxiously, waiting to hear good news. They prayed as they waited. Hoping that all would be well.
Audrey, who still hadn't given Dr. Pruitt an answer to his question, was not excempt from the dealings of love. She didn't know what to think, so she had begun to fall into the habit of ignoring it and saying she'd deal with it later, but she knew it was no use. One day, she'd have to figure it out. She just didn't know how yet.
The door opened, and Emily and Audrey jumped from their seats and gave each other a quick look, as though to say, 'she's home!', before running to meet her in the doorway.
"How did it -" They stopped, noticing Irene's tear stained cheeks and reddened nose, "Go?"
"It was terrible!" She cried.
Audrey wrapped her arms around Irene and brushed a strand of her hair out of her face, "What do you mean?"
Irene sniffled as she recalled it, "I told him I love him, and you know what he said?"
They hesitated to answer, feeling as though it was a question they already knew the answer to.
Thankfully, she answered herself, "He said,..and I quote, "I'm sorry, Irene, but I don't feel the same.' I just..." Her lip quivered as she attempted to hold back tears, "can't believe it!"
She weeped as Emily and Audrey held her close, patting her back and stroking her hair.
"It's okay, Irene. You'll get through this."
It didn't take long for Henry and Katherine to return. They seemed a bit on edge and as though they wanted to say something, but simply couldn't. Everyone was a bit on edge, though. Rachel had returned later that evening, and upon her late arrival, she received a tongue lashing from Katherine for her tardiness. Rachel, despite her usual quick-wits, didn't say much, but just let Katherine go on her tangent without protest.
Everything seemed off, and Audrey could tell. Perhaps everyone could.
Before everyone headed off to bed, Katherine gathered them all in the living room.
With them all sitting attentively, she began, "As you all know, I went to the doctor today, and I have some news."
Emily gasped, "Goodness, don't tell us you're dying, Katherine?!"
"Emily, I am not dying." Katherine assured, making a quieter than usual Rachel chuckle at Emily's outburst, while Irene and even Audrey held in their laughter too.
"That's enough. This is something important."
Audrey spoke next, "What is it, Katherine. Tell us now. We're dying with anticipation."
Now it was Irene who was chuckling inappropriately, "Oh, I'm sorry. Go on."
Katherine rolled her eyes but didn't take it to heart. She took a deep breath, prompting Henry, who was sitting next to her, to take her hand in his, and give it a supportive squeeze, "Girls,...Henry and I are having a baby."
There was silence for a moment, to which Katherine added, "Did you not hear me? I'm pregnant."
"Are you joking?" Irene spoke for everyone.
Katherine looked over at Henry and smiled, to which he replied, "We're dead serious."
All the girls let out the most joyous laughter as they ran over to the soon-to-be parents, and hugged them and kissed them. Katherine was sure that all the neighbors on their street could hear her sister's boisturous voices, but for the first time in a long time, she didn't care one bit. She was happy and happy she would be.
Audrey was on cloud nine with the news that she would soon be an auntie. She couldn't wait till the day when she could hold Henry and Katherine's sweet baby in her arms. She could see how happy they were together. Despite Katherine's serious
demeanor, she loved Henry more than she'd ever admit. Henry, on the other hand, felt it wasn't necessary to hide his love for his wife. He'd shout it from the roof tops if she'd let him, but he loved her enough not to. When Audrey looked at the two of them, it brought her peace. She had been so lost about what to do, but she now
She didn't want someone who was alone in their love for her. She wanted to be their equal, to be evenly matched. She wanted to take their hand and walk not behind them or before them, but right beside them. If they love her, she wants to love them right back, and just as much.
So, she headed on her way to give Dr. Pruitt her answer. She wondered why love had to be such a difficult thing.
Dr. Pruitt was happy to see her, "Audrey! How are you?"
"I'm good. And, you?"
"I'm doing well." He shuffled his feet before jumping right in, "So, have you made up your mind?"
Audrey nodded her head, "Yes."
"Dr. Pruitt, I'm sorry, but I don't love you." She told him plainly, with no fancy words or grand gestures. "I hope you understand."
He hung his head and sighed, "To be honest, it's hard to hear that," He looked up at her though, and smiled, "But, thank you for being honest with me. I suppose it's better this way. I'll be sad for now, only cause I really do like you, Audrey, but I'll move on. For your sake, and mine."
Audrey smiled back, "Thank you for understanding. You've been more than kind to me, Dr. Pruitt." She became awkward, "I suppose this is goodbye. Thank you for allowing me to work with you. Although it was short, I enjoyed every minute of it."
He raised his brow, "Whatever do you mean?"
"You'd want to find a new nurse now, right? It might be awkward for me to continue to work with you."
He shook his head and chuckled, "Of course not! As long as it's fine with you, I want you to stay as my nurse, Audrey. I promise I won't make things weird for you."
"Oh my, thank you, Dr. Pruitt. I'd like nothing more than that."

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