Chapter 9: "The Doctor"

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March had quickly turned to April, and April turned to May, followed by June, and
so on. Before Audrey knew it, another September was upon them. They had lived in Maple Grove for a whole year. Audrey and Daniel had been friends for nearly a year, too. She couldn't believe it. So much had happened, and as Audrey made her way to work, she reflected on it all fondly.
A few months prior, she had graduated nursing school and went on a search for employment as a bonifide nurse. It had taken some time, but Audrey found some
work aiding a young, handsome doctor by the name of Michael Pruitt. He was new to Maple Grove. They said he had come all the way from Alberta to doctor in their
quaint little town. It hadn't taken long for the doctor to become popular with the residents, particularly with the young, single (and even married) woman of Maple Grove. Audrey wasn't among that number, though, for she simply respected Dr. Pruitt as her boss, and nothing more.
Audrey wasn't the only one with exciting things happening. Irene had graduated and was now attending business school, along side non other than David Clark, the boy
Irene was head over heels for, although he seemed to only tolerate her. Emily had become good friends with the boy, Mark Anderson, right before he graduated with
Irene's class and headed off to a neighboring town for work. Emily had promised to write to him, and Irene couldn't help herself but tease poor Emily upon learning this, telling Emily that that's what lovers do, although Emily insists they're just
friends, and nothing more. Rachel's book had been published and garnered more success than expected, and she was now working on a sequel. It was safe to say that
Katherine was eating her words, but hell would have to freeze over before she'd admit to that. Rachel had seemingly begun to let down many of her walls over the last year, ever since she had met Caleb Ward and his father. He had been a constant
encouragement to her, and she had begun to trust him and value his friendship.
Audrey couldn't be prouder looking at how far her sisters had come.
But, when it came to being proud, there was one person who she was the most pleased with; Daniel, the drunk man she had met on the street almost a year ago.
When she looked at him nowadays, she couldn't believe he was the same man. They had become the best of friends, despite their differences, and no matter what anyone said, they had promised to remain friends forever. Audrey was happy and content, with that fact.
"Well, Audrey," Dr. Pruitt began as he slipped off his doctor's coat and began placing his outerwear on, "You did well today, once again. I look forward to working with you again tomorrow."
He smiled at her, making the mustache above his lip curl upward, to which she shot a smile back and said, "Thank you. I look forward to it as well. You have a good evening, Dr. Pruitt. I'll clean up and then head out myself."
He placed his hat upon his head, "Sounds good."
Dr. Pruitt intended to head off but was quickly stopped as the door swung open before them. Audrey's mouth gaped open as she looked upon the perpetrator.
"Daniel?!" She gasped. "What are you doing here?"
She quickly ran to his side while Dr. Pruitt stood idely by, not quite understanding what was going on.
Audrey caught him before he fell, and as she smelled the strong smell of whiskey on his breath, she knew exactly what was wrong.
Daniel tried to straighten up on his own. Hiking up his trousers, and looking Dr. Pruitt dead straight in the eye, he said in slurred words, "Doctor... It's nice to meet you."
Dr. Pruitt swallowed hard, "You as well, sir."
Audrey shook her head, "I'm sorry, Dr. Pruitt. This is my friend, Daniel. It seems he's been drinking."
Dr. Pruitt gave Daniel a studious look and concluded, "It seems he's also hurt."
"Huh?" Audrey quickly turned to Daniel, now noticing the gash on his forehead, which had been conveniently covered by his chestnut hair before. "Oh, Daniel, what
"Hey, he started it." Was all he said.
You could cut through the tension in the room as Daniel sat on the bed in the exam room with Dr. Pruitt tending to his wound, and Audrey observing close by.
Dr. Pruitt kept looking up at the clock, which Audrey couldn't help but notice.
"Do you have somewhere to be, Dr. Pruitt?" She spoke up.
He shook his head and responded, "It's alright. I'm just expecting some relatives from Alberta tonight, but they can wait till I'm done here."
Audrey sighed, "Dr. Pruitt, you go, okay? I'll finish taking care of him."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
"I suppose he's in no condition to head home," he began, "perhaps, he could stay here the night, till he sobers up. Although, maybe he shouldn't be here alone -"
"I'll stay with him." Audrey stated.
"Are you really sure?" He said with concern.
"I'll be fine. Daniel and I are best friends after all."
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." He placed his hat on his head once again, "Thank you, Audrey."
"Don't mention it."
The room had become quiet after Dr. Pruitt left, leaving Audrey to take care of Daniel and his sore forehead.
He looked up at her and noticed how she avoided his gaze.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
She sighed, "I'm mad at you, Daniel. Can't you tell?"
"Because," She began, pausing to grab a dressing for his wound before turning back and finishing, "you came here drunk and beaten up."
"You've seen me like this before."
"I know, but that was a long time ago, Daniel." She stated firmly, "And, the same way it pained me to see you like that then, it pains me now, but even more so. You were doing so good, Daniel."
His eyes drifted downwards bashfully, "I know, but even though I've been doing better,...I haven't been perfect. There's been many times I've drank, but just never let you know of it."
"Daniel, I know you better than you think I do." She expressed sincerely, "I've seen you in a terrible drunken state. I've seen you sober, and I've seen you in between. I know that this problem you have isn't one that's going to be cured overnight, but
you were making progress, taking baby steps towards that solution, and it was so wonderful to see. It's one thing to have a drink, but it's another to let the drink have you. You can't let it control you," She paused, then added, "cause that's when you'll
end up like this."
He didn't say anything right away, he just pondered her words before looking into her eyes and saying, "I know."
She held his gaze while he stared deeply into her eyes. His heart beat faster, and perhaps hers as well. It was just the two of them in that dimly lit room.
He inched closer and whispered to her, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, Audrey?"
A pink flush slowly formed upon her face as his got closer and closer to hers. He looked at her intently as his lips parted to make a place for hers.
Audrey shut her eyes tightly and swallowed hard, not knowing what else to do in the moment, but her eyes shot open as quickly as they had closed, as she felt a huge lump fall upon her chest.
Daniel had fallen asleep.
She took his head gently from her chest and placed it on the bed before leaving to the bed across the room and curling up herself. She laid there for a moment and just watched him sleep, thinking of what had nearly transpired before her eyes
drifted shut, and she went off and joined him in lalaland herself.

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