Omega x GN!reader

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     I had a thought and needed to get something out so forgive me if it's bad it's pretty rushed.


     When you were younger you always thought about what it would be like when dating someone, you had always dreamt about having a partner. But once you became a teenager, you started to think of relationships as bad things and you'd only see the negative parts of a relationship, but that didn't stop you from trying to get intimate with people. Even though you didn't want to get hurt in a relationship, for some reason you were always confident and flirty. You used to want a relationship but now you always push people away as soon as they try something. But you noticed since you came to the clergy, after being disowned and abandoned, you were always safe and understood.

     Eventually after being with the clergy for a bit over a year, you met a certain water ghoul, his name is Chains. He seems shy and quiet but he's not, he's actually quite talkative and flirty, so it didn't take that long for you both to start hanging out more and more. Chains was respectful and understanding when you told him that you didn't want a relationship or to give your virginity away any time soon since you were very unsure. So, you both had a talk about your boundaries and made a few rules for each other.

      It really helped the whole situation, because you both had safe words, rules, boundaries, and you would always talk everything out first before even kissing. Luckily that's as far as it went. It took a while for you to finally kiss him, but once you did you couldn't keep your hands off each other. He taught you a lot of basic things that you never knew before how to kiss, what to do with your tongue, and your hands. He was very patient and knew what to do and say, and even though you both never confirmed if you were in a relationship or not, you acted like you were.

     You were always hanging out and touching in some way, wether it was cuddling, hand holding, or kissing. Eventually people found out, but thankfully they never judged or spoke about it. It helped you both with your confidence and you started to share kisses in public as well. But for some reason, every night you would think about what you've been doing with Chains and it made you feel a certain bad way. You knew deep down you didn't love him, but you loved the way he felt. You liked his body and he liked yours.

     Eventually after a month, one day you felt like you had to get it all off your chest, so you went to one of your best friends that makes you feel safe and comfortable, Mist. When you went to talk to her she was helpful and understanding, she was always sweet and helpful. She listened to everything you had to say and gave you advice here and there, she made you feel heard and seen every time you spoke together.

     "I don't know what I want, I mean I like hanging out with Chains and how he makes me feel safe but everything always feels wrong. I don't love him, but it feels like I'm going for the wrong ghoul." You said as you continued to relax in the hot tub with Mist while she continued to listen before speaking up. "Have you ever felt a certain way with Omega? He makes you feel safe, he knows you almost better than anyone, right?" She asked softly and you nodded. "Yes, but we're just friends, he doesn't like me like that, trust me." You said shaking your head and she looked at you before closing her eyes and shaking her head as she sighed and continued to relax in the hot water.

     Then for some reason you couldn't stop thinking about what she said. Then you slowly started to realize, for some reason you felt a certain connection to him. He knew you better than anyone, even better than Chains. He knew when you were scared, happy, or uncomfortable, and no matter what, he always made everything better just by being there. But you started to notice that Omega has been treating you differently than he treats everyone else.

      Everyone knows Omega is very nice and helpful but he's been sweeter to you than usual, every time you approach him he's always sweet and caring. He always tries to hang out with you, he always gives you smalls gifts, makes you snacks to make you feel better, helps you with chores or helps you with your work. Then you realize he doesn't like Chains, you never knew why, but they didn't like each other. Omega and Chains always distanced themselves from each other to prevent fights between them.

      So when you started getting closer to Chains, he and Omega always tried to outdo each other and hang out with you more. And it hit you like a ton of bricks. You had always been interested in the ghouls so you read a lot about them, and one of the things you had read was that mates can sense each others pain, emotions, thoughts, etc. Then you started to compare what Omega does and says to what you read in the book.

Once you and Mist parted ways you had decided to take a quick shower before heading to the library to get your answers. You walked through the cold and empty corridors until you finally managed to sneak into the library, it was dark, chilly, and empty. You lit the fireplace and eventually found the book on the ghouls, you sat on the couch by the fire and read through it.

While you were reading you heard a creak and stood up quickly, causing you to drop your book, you bent down and picked it up. When you stood up and looked up you saw Chains in front of you, you jumped back with a small yelp before laughing softly. "Chains you scared me!" You said to him softly, trying to stay quiet as you smacked his arm playfully. He laughed at you before speaking up, slightly muffled from the mask. "Sorry, I just smelled you and I couldn't resist giving you a quick scare. Is it ok for me to hold and kiss you?." He asked softly causing you to nod with a small smile as he slowly began to wrap his arms around your waist as he dipped his head down to kiss your lips softly.

After a few moments of sweet kisses he moved his kisses down to nip, lick, and suck on your neck causing you to sigh softly and tilt your head back for him. He smirked before quickly moving his hands down to your thighs before hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He continued to mark your neck in small bites and bruises as he walked over to a bookshelf before pressing your back against it as he slowly started to grind up against you, causing you both to moan.

You could tell something was off and you felt like you were being watched, when you looked over to the doorway you saw Omega standing there, looking absolutely destroyed before he suddenly disappeared. You pushed Chains away and he looked at you confused before putting you down and speaking up. "Did I make you uncomfortable? Do you want to stop?" He asked and you nodded as you spoke. "Yea, I'm sorry I'm just really tired right now, maybe tomorrow, I'll see you later." You said quickly before walking over and grabbed the book as you turned off the gas for the fireplace (safety first) before leaving to follow after Omega.

As soon as you left the library you couldn't find Omega anywhere, he wasn't even in his room. It was too late to continue looking so you just went to your room and went to bed after deciding to find him tomorrow, but you couldn't sleep. Did you officially ruin your friendship with him? What is going to happen next?


Wow this took a while, let me know if you want a part two. Hope you enjoyed 🙃

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