All ghouls x Ghoul(ette)!reader

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     Ok so I've been sick with COVID for a whole week and I just started my period as soon as I got better. So yea I'm pretty fucked up and o haven't written anything (I'm very sorry pls don't hate me 😭) but I decided to try and write some fluff so here you go ☺️ also I'm gonna try to make it GN :))

     You slumped around miserably trying your best to catch your breath as your tail dragged across the floor behind you, you didn't know what was wrong you couldn't breath, you were coughing and sneezing, and everything hurt. That leads you to where you are now, on your way to the infirmary to find out what was wrong. You lazily knocked on the door as you entered, the nurse sat you down and had you take a Covid test. After a few minutes you got the results, it was positive you had Covid. The nurse gave you a mask and told you to go back to your room and take medicine and rest while they informed Sister Imperator. (I can just imagine Nihil going up to sister and saying "Seestor did you hear about that girl that has that corona sickness?")

     As you were walking back to your room you passed by Mist and Cowbell, they sniffed the air and you knew they could practically smell the sickness around you. You got back to your room and locked your door so nobody could burst in while you were trying to rest. You took off your mask and frowned, you hated taking medicine, you hated the taste and the burning sensation it left on your tongue and down your throat. You took some pills instead, rather that then that poison that they call medicine. You payed back down and played some music hoping the nighttime medicine would kick in soon.

     After about 15 minutes you were starting to feel sleepy when a knock at your door made you grumpily get up and put your mask back on. When you opened the door you saw a group of ghouls all looking at you worried. "Hey you ok? Sister told us you were sick." Aether said noticing how pale you were. "I'm ok I'm just gonna get some rest and try not to get anyone else sick." You managed to say even though you sounded congested. "We brought you some soup and tea, just to make you feel a bit better can we place it on your bed, I'm sure it's a little  too heavy for you right now." Cowbell said softly showing the tray of Chicken noodle soup and some hot tea. (if you don't like it you can change it to anything else:)). Your heart clenched at the sweet gesture and you nodded opening the door and stepping aside to let Cowbell place the tray on your bed.

You watched him enter before feeling a hand on your back and you looked up to see Aether gently guilty back to bed. He tucked you in gently before placing the tray by your side in case you had to get up and couldn't move it. He put on your favorite movie and kissed your forehead gently before speaking up. "Do you want us to stay with you?" He asked softly. "I'll get you all sick." You protested gently not wanting to get your friends sick. "That's not what he asked, don't worry about getting us sick. Do you want us to stay with you?" Omega spoke up firmly yet softly.

You hesitated for a moment before nodding gently, as soon as you nodded all the ghouls climbed into bed with you. Mountain was behind you holding you close to his chest while Aether was by your side stroking your hair gently, Phantom and Rain were purring into your neck on either side, Mist was by your side with Cirrus and Cumulus they were gently feeding you and encouraging you to chew the soft noodles and chicken. The rest of the ghouls were piled around the bed or sitting around your room wherever they could while Swiss, Ifrit, and sodo were near your bed playing their acoustic guitars softly while talking to each other about random things.

     You smiled as gently as you looked all around you and saw all the ghouls with you on the bed perfectly comfortable and purring happily. You started to tear up as you felt all the love they had for you that you never felt when you were young. (let's be respectfully honest all ghost fans have some sort of issues or trauma, and we just love our little rat man and his horny ghouls:) "Hey hey hey, what's wrong love?" Alpha asked softly as he wiped whatever tears fell from your eyes. "I just really love you guys, and I really appreciate you always being there for me."  You said tearfully. "Oh sweetie we love you too, so much more than you could ever know." Cumulus said softly as she put the spoon she was holding down and tucked your hair behind your ear and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead.

      "Alright love, it's time for you to take your medicine." Aether said softly once you finished all of your soup and tea. You whined at the mention of having to take your medicine as your tail curled around your leg nervously. "It's ok I'll get you some more tea to wash it down." Mountain said softly as he moved you off of him and onto the bed gently as he grabbed his thermal that he had brought and poured you some more warm tea that wasn't too hot nor too cold. You whined softly as you curled up and hid your face as Aether approached you with the medicine. "Oh come on love, it's not that bad I promise." Aether said gently as he stroked your back gently, trying to get you to sit up and take the medicine. But he sighed as you grumbled and shook your head while continuing to stay curled up (lil potato).

      "If you don't take your medicine you won't get any cuddles." Cirrus said threateningly and you looked up at her with a frown before grumbling until Aurora spoke up softly "If you take your medicine I'll stroke your hair while you lay your head on cumulus's chest and the other ghouls cuddle you." (I want to bury my face in her chest so ba- oh shit). After she said that you nodded after a few moments and sat up (as we all would after that deal). Aether smiled and put the medicine up to your lips and you quickly drank it before coughing after swallowing it starting to feel nauseous until Mountain quickly poured the warm tea into your mouth and put his hand over your mouth so you would swallow it all (not like that you sluts... but I wish it was).

     As soon as the tea was in your mouth and you swallowed you instantly felt better and nodded at Mountain, then he took his hand away from your mouth before giving you the cup so you could drink the rest. "Thank you Mounty." You said as you slowly drank the rest of your tea, already feeling slightly better. You saw mountain blush lightly before speaking up, "Of course, Flower." He said gently kissing the side of your head before crawling back behind you and holding you close once more. You quickly finished your tea and handed your cup to Aether before starting to feel very sleepy and comfortable, as if you were floating and you saw Omega curling up beside you as he used his quintessence on you gently.

     "Come on Love let's get you comfy." Ifrit said softly before laying his head against your side, opposite from Omega as Mountain payed you on your side and Cumulus brought your head to lay on her chest. Aurora stroked your hair gently whilst Swiss cuddled her close and Phantom laid close to Aether who was behind Mountain and Sodo was behind Swiss. Mist and Alpha were cuddling Zephyr near the end of the bed and Big earth cuddled Cowbell, Air, and Pebble. If they couldn't hold you then their tails were wrapped around one of your legs or arms. As you slept peacefully with the ghouls and ghoulettes that you loved and cherished most.
TADA!! 🥳 I hope you liked it❤️ and pls let me know if I made any mistakes.(I don't know what else to say...)

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