4: I was beginning to believe they were non-existent here

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"Wait, we're leaving already? The man serving tea from a tree says he's having a sale today," I tried to reason upon realizing we reached the end of the witch village. This place is incredible. They have gardens here with weird plants I'd never heard of, fairy villages, and a literal castle beside me. A CASTLE! Who just casually has a castle?

"I thought you didn't drink tea?"

"It's from a tree-"

"We will come back. I'm afraid if I turn you loose now you will buy the whole village."

"They sell the coolest things here."

"They do."

"See! We must stay," I jumped excitedly and locked my arm with hers.

"We will come back after I show you around a bit more. I need to pick up a few things anyway. Maybe you'll have enough time to burn that sugar out of your system." Okay, maybe I'm a little hyper. . . but I blame the fairies. They kept giving me mushroom candy and I learned that moss cake is heavenly. I couldn't just not eat my gifts. . .

"Are we going to the castle now?"

"Unfortunately no. . . we got a bit behind schedule in the fairy village. If it makes up for it, it's more enchanting once the sun sets."

"So where are we going then?"

"Jaylon is hosting training right now, I thought you might be interested."

"In training? Are you crazy?"

"No, I mean observing. You could join if you want, but not today."

"Oh, well um, sure. I'm not really into the fighting thing, but I'm happy to know your pack does have members." I realized what just came out of my mouth and froze wide-eyed behind her. Alison giggled to herself and waited for me to catch up. "I am so sorry- I did not mean that at all. I just haven't seen any wolves. I was beginning to believe they were non-existent here."

"I see. . . school starts here at five, so most of the packhouses were emptied before you woke. The pack can be overwhelming. I thought you would like to be eased into meeting everyone."



"How do you wake up and start school at five?"

"Wolves are naturally early risers."

"I am not."

"We will work on that."

"You know, I have been thinking. I don't need to tour Cole's pack. I know I want to stay here. Permanently."


"It is so cool here. There are fairies and witches-"

"And demons that try to eat you-"

"Yeah, but you handled that."

"You have been here less than a day."

"Alison, I'm positive. I will love it here. I want to stay permanently."

"We will do a trial run. Then you can decide."

"A trial run?"

"You will meet the pack and attend school immediately. Cole is hosting game night Friday. You will have the opportunity to meet some of his pack. I'm sure you'll find them just as charming. Then we will discuss any permanent decisions."

"I have to wake up at FIVE tomorrow?"

"More like three, four-ish if you want to skip breakfast. We will have to register you for class tonight."

My Father's BiddingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon