Ch 13

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I'm officially out of the hospital and it's my first day back at school after missing for a long while. I had to testify in court about what happened with Thomas and he thankfully got a lot of jail time. I'm also nervous because I'm having dinner with Seojun and his mom and sister today. I really hope they like me. Making my way through the school gates I ignore all the whispers and murmurs about me being back I instead going over to Seojun when I spot him he looking at me and gives me a little smile. "We're going to go out to eat after school ends. We'll have to take the bus though because my mom doesn't know I ride my bike." I give a little nod looking curious but don't question him. "That's fine. I just hope they like me." He gives me a reassuring look as we start to walk to class. "I'm sure they will." I take my seat and pull out the sketchbook Seojun got me I immediately starting to draw something I've been working on I immediately hiding it when I see Seojun trying to peek. "Don't look it's a surprise." He pouts a little and grumbles but nods. I reluctantly put the sketchbook away and focus on class until I start getting a little fidgety and ask to go to the bathroom the teacher immediately nodding. As I go to the bathroom and wash my hands I start heading back to class when I hear voices I looking around the corner curiously only to frown when I see a group of girls bullying a girl younger than me calling her ugly and saying harsh words to her. They then throw her onto the ground and I immediately feel angry I recognizing the girls as the ones who dumped soda on me at Jay's party. Spotting a bucket of dirty mop water nearby I immediately get an idea and smirk as I silently grab the bucket it a little heavy then I sneak up behind the girls and dump the water on all of them they immediately letting out shrieks and turn around to stare at me looking angry. "What the hell you freak?!" I immediately give them a stern look. "That's not only payback for the soda incident but also for bullying an innocent girl." I then step closer growling my ears flattening against my head threateningly. "You call her ugly but at least she's not got a hideous personality like all of you. And if I catch you bullying her again then I won't hesitate to rip out the fake hair extensions that you all clearly use." They all stumble backwards in fear their caked on makeup running down their faces and I growl barking out angrily. "Leave." They quickly run away scared and I turn to the girl in the floor my expression immediately softening and I hold my hand out to her my voice gentle. "Are you okay?" She seems to hesitate before taking my hand and I carefully help her up she saying softly. "Thank you for sticking up for me." I give her a kind smile. "I know what it's like to be bullied and I'd never wish it on anyone. I'm Eli what's your name?" She smiles up at me sweetly. "I'm Gowoon. And I know who you are my brother mentioned you and you're known around school." I blink in surprise at her. "You're Seojun's little sister right?" She nods. "Yeah that's me. You're having dinner with us tonight right?" I give a little nod looking shy. "I'm really nervous." She tilts her head at me. "Why? My brother clearly likes you and eomma really wants to meet you and make sure you're okay. She knew how worried and scared Seojun was when you were in the hospital and helped him pick out flowers for you each week." I blink in surprise having not known that. "Well I'm very lucky to have Seojun as a friend." She immediately lets out a laugh and I raise an eyebrow at her as she looks at me in amusement. "Sorry but you must clearly be blind because it's so obvious that my brother has fallen hard for you. He hasn't really shown an interest in anyone except for one girl but he kept it at friendship because she loved someone else." I blink at her my cheeks warming up and I immediately say in denial. "I'm sure he doesn't like me romantically. Im not good enough for or could ever get someone like him." She raises an eyebrow at me. "So you don't have feelings for him?" I immediately say my voice raising a little. "I didn't say that! I'd happily be called his but I'm pretty sure he's not interested and I'm not ruining a friendship between us." She goes to say something when the bell rings I excusing myself. "I'll see you at dinner tonight." I quickly rush to the classroom where I grab my things as Seojun raises an eyebrow at me. "What took you so long?" I pack my things then look at him we heading towards my art class. "I ran into your sister being bullied so I helped her. They were the same girls who dumped soda on me." He immediately frowns looking a little angry but I give him a reassuring smile. "I took care of it. I dumped a bucket of dirty mop water all over their heads." He blinks then immediately smirks. "Thank you for helping her and I'm glad you stood up for yourself." He then gently pets my ears before going to the gym for his gym class while I head inside to art.

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