Chapter 3 Denied of Death

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Do I ever sleep? Well, not really, since I'm technically half-dead, I don't need sleep at all.

But sometimes, I do get tired, so I take a short power nap every now and then. That is until someone else dies, and I have to go help assist them in moving on.

It's not just humans who I help, the animals, the insects, and anything that lives and dies.

I've met a colourful parakeet who got hit by a car, they didn't notice they were dead until I showed them their body on the side of the road. A couple of humans came by and saw the poor thing, they took the body and buried it in their backyard. Shows to tell, that not all humans are evil.

I actually met a strange cat once. He was ginger, had a hat with a coloured feather, and wore boots. Cats have nine lives, but he died foolishly 8 times and now hangs on to his 9th life.

Just thinking about him made me embarrassed about how I lost to a small cat. At least he values his life now.

I didn't even know that animals can have Quirks.

Humans are cruel. The majority of my visits are animals who are either killed for their flesh or abandoned with their leashes tied to a pole on the side of the road. It's depressing, to say the least.

There was one man who cheated death a few years back. In fact, he's still alive for more times than I can count. He stole a quirk that grants him immortality. Not pure immortality, he can still be killed. But one that doesn't belong to him.

In fact, the king of hell, Satan, wanted me to end his life so he could have him in his domine sooner! But unfortunately, I could never find the opportunity to eliminate him. There was one time when he was close to death, but his multiple quirks saved him from me.

If there's one thing I hate most, is the people who never value their lives. All For One has a desire for power and domination. 'To become the world's demon lord' he once said.

There was another person who hadn't moved on yet. He has unfinished business to attend to. The brother to All For One, One For All.

There was a spot in heaven, waiting for him. But he chooses to stay and help the next user of his quirk get stronger to defeat All For One. In which, I respect his dedication.

7 other users of his quirk also went along the same path. Their souls are bound to the quirk itself, allowing them to communicate with each other, and the present user.

The current wielder, Toshinori Yaki, aka, All Might, was the 8th user of One For All. He managed to take down All For One before, but not without losing something in the process. And now, he can only hold it for around 3 hours at a time.

... And I'm talking to myself again.




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