The Siren Effect (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"You should've at least asked her if she wanted to instead of signing her up and not telling her," Terry suggested. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself, Rikki reminded him so much of himself. Always acting before thinking things through. "Yeah, I probably should've," Rikki sighed. "Again, I'm sorry, Cleo." "It's alright. I probably would have done it too, just not in front of everyone else. Maybe at home," Cleo said, laughing to herself.

Miriam: to Zane. "This will be good. I'll look even better." Zane laughs silently as they looked back to the stage, where Cleo was now standing as she walked up to the mic. The music began playing as soon as she got on stage.

"Put a bag over your smug face and get a new personality and just maybe you will," Rikki shouted, causing the room to erupt with laughter. "Rikki!" Terry scolded, or tried to, as he was laughing himself.

Emma: Rikki sits back down and watches Cleo on stage. Emma faces Rikki. "You're gonna regret this."

Rikki: glances at her before back at the stage and nods. "She'll be fine."

Emma: "You haven't heard her sing."

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad," Ash said, trying to be positive about it. "Don't try to cheer me up," Cleo told him. "I'm not very good."

Cleo: gets herself ready on the stage, listening to the music, but was still getting stage fright as she eyed the crowd with fear. She begins singing as she bobs around, dancing lightly to the song. However, though, she just couldn't match Miriam in the talent of music. "We had a good thing, a very, very good thing. And I thought it'd last forever." Lewis smiled, enjoying hearing his best friend try to sing as he nodded along to the music. Everyone else, however ... Byron's smile fell as he listened in, and Emma rubbed her neck as she looked away.

Everyone awkwardly remained quiet, unsure of how to respond. They knew they couldn't lie about it. But was honesty really the best policy in this matter? "It's okay everybody, I know how it sounds. And I already knew I wasn't very good before this," Cleo sighed, explaining to them that it was alright with her. They hesitantly nodded, remaining quiet as to not say anything that might upset the powerful mermaid.

Zane: interrupts her singing as he yells at her. "Boo! Get off!" Miriam laughs.

And all at once, everyone slowly turned to Zane, anger set in their eyes. Though the one that outstood them all was Harrison as he glared dangerously at his son. Zane shrunk back in his seat, not looking at any of them. "I know, I know. I was a terrible person." He did turn to Cleo though and gave her an apologetic look, "Sorry, Cleo." Cleo looked at him in shock before closing her mouth and correcting herself. "Thanks, Zane."

Cleo: continues singing despite Zane's protest. "Love me for just, uh, one other day. And I'll make sure I make you stay. Steal the secrets from my heart." The audience begins booing at her as Tiffany winces at her effort and Emma steers her head away from Cleo's direction, feeling bad for the poor girl. At this instance, Wilfred gets up and steals the microphone stand away from Cleo, and cuts the music. The crowd laughs at her as Cleo looks down in shame, putting her hand on her shoulder self-consciously.

"Don't worry about them, Cleo. Like I said, karaoke is all about having fun. It shouldn't be about who's the better singer and whatnot. Ignore them. They just turned it into a competition; ruining the fun. Which you looked like you were having for a bit there," Bella encouraged, giving Cleo a reassuring smile. "I thought it was great."

Cleo gave her a small smile in response, glad that someone was able to understand the true nature of karaoke. "Thanks, Bella. Though I'm glad I didn't have to do it anymore. Being in front of a crowd is harsh." "That is true. There can be some like that sometimes. Right, Zane?" Bella responded, turning to Zane with a small glare. "Right," Zane sighed, rubbing his eyes.

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