Chapter 79: Deal!

Start from the beginning

"First off, check your tone, Comet. I may be patient with you as I find you interesting, but that doesn't mean you can speak to me like some commoner. And secondly, just because I don't like killing doesn't mean I'm going to be some hero, especially for a sect I'll probably forget about when I return home." Stated Elif, the smile on his face shifting to a frown as he also pressured Comet, causing him to faceplant into the ground just like May and her father.

"Since you find me so interesting, I'll tell you my secret in exchange; you must protect the sect!" Yelled Comet angrily in between breaths as he tried to lift his face.

'There we go, that's what I've been waiting for!' Thought Elif happily while keeping a frown on his face as he eased the pressure on everyone, allowing them to at least be able to stand up, albeit with some difficulty.

"While it's true your secrets intrigue me, why should I have to listen to your words? I could easily just read your soul and learn your secrets myself; no need for me to waste time." Said Elif, though contrary to what he expected, Comet smirked.

"You could, but you can't. I've already discovered that you've read my wife's soul, and the only reason you haven't read mine is that you can't get past the protection placed upon my soul!" Stated Comet as he eyes Elif feeling immense anger at the thought of some other man inside his wife.

'Tch, he found out, though even if I could read his mind, I wouldn't; that would be no fun.' Thought Elif as he tapped his chin before giving his response.

"Alright then, in exchange for your secrets, I'll protect the sect from the invasion." Said Elif, though before he could order Idonea to go and stop the invaders, Comet interrupted.

"You misunderstand; I said 'protect the Sect', not 'protect the Sect from the invaders'. That means you must protect the sect from all harm and outside forces forever, including yourself." Said Comet with a smirk, though he was quickly slammed into the wall behind by an infuriated Idonea.

"Idonea, stop. Bring him here." Ordered Elif, forming a Qi wall between Idonea and Comet, protecting him from her.

"My apologies for lashing out, your highness." Said Idonea, with a bow as she threw Comet toward Elif before standing in the corner and calming herself down.

"I've been watching you for two months, so I know your personality quite well, and I know you're too dumb to come up with something like that on the spot. However, I will still agree to the deal. Just remember that if you don't follow the terms of the deal, there will be nothing from keeping my end of the deal. Now leave." Stated Elif menacingly as he released some of his Qi, causing the entire spirit realm to shake before he retracted his Qi, banishing him along with May and her father from the room.

Once they were gone, I started thinking of how I was supposed to protect the sect forever, and while I don't really like Comet, I'd never go back on what I said I would do. Still, I don't know how to protect the Sect other than using formations; however, there is a problem. I'm utterly terrible with formations. Let me change that; I'm awful when it comes to creating formations, pills, weapons, artifacts, and talismans.

All those professions had interested me in the past, and I wanted to learn one or two; however, after having spending an entire week learning them individually, there was no improvement. The royal blacksmith, alchemist, and formation master all said it was normal to show no or possibly minimal progress within the first years or so; however, I found that to be a waste of precious time. Instead of making no improvements on something, I found it more productive to spend time either cultivating or training, as I would constantly improve in those, even if it were just a slight improvement.

'Ugh, now it's coming to bite me in the butt. Though the Royal Formation Master had told me formations was possibly the profession with the slowest improvement, so I probably wouldn't have even been able to create a strong enough formation.' Thought Elif, feeling quite annoyed at the situation he practically put himself in.

"Whatever, I still have a few months to think of a solution; as long as I'm still present in this realm, it'll be impossible for anyone to harm this sect. Idonea, go and stop the invading forces; they've almost arrived at the sect." Said Elif before closing his eyes to think.

"Yes, your highness." Said Idonea before vanishing from the spot.



Roughly one-thousand kilometers outside the Colossal Sects territory, you could see an army of floating battleships that contained massive weapons and an uncountable number of cultivators. At the front of the army was a giant battleship, and currently, an important meeting was happening inside.



"So, is everyone ready? The moment our army steps into the Colossal Sects territory, there will be no turning back." Declared an old man with long hair while sitting at a round table with four other old people, two being men, one being a woman, and the last being a beast man.

"We've already gathered our troops; why would anyone retreat now?" Said the old woman.

"Talith is nearing the end of his lifespan and is weaker than ever, now would be the best time to attack and devour their resources and territory." Said the old beast man, a look of savagery briefly appearing in his eyes.

"I've never been one to back away from a fight." Said an old man with a hunched back.

"It would be stupid to retreat now; if you guys were to win, my Empire would be the weakest among the five of us." Said a buff older man.

"Then there is no reason to delay this battle any longer; the concealing artifact will be wearing out soon, so lets-" Said the old man with long hair, but he was interrupted when the entire battleship, along with the five of them were pressured to the ground, unable to move even a finger.

"This can be a good chance to vent my anger." Muttered Idonea, who had suddenly appeared in the sky above the grand army.


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