Dangerous Waters (Part 2)

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"Those are both good points," Zane shrugged.

"Your support system needs to be better," Rikki told him.

"You didn't get into any trouble, did you?" Terry asked, raising an eyebrow. Rikki doesn't reply, only looking away, not daring to look her dad in the eyes. This only increases his worries.

Rikki: looks up at them in anger. "This isn't about the money. He strung me along, made me feel like I was some dumb kid." She takes off her necklace and places it on the end of the railing.

"You were," Kim coughed. Cleo leans over and whacks her in the arm.

Emma: "He's probably done this loads of times."

Cleo: "I'm sure you're not the first one, Rikki."

"I feel bad for the ones he did string along. He shouldn't make people feel like that," Sam said, shaking her head. Feeling sorry for the ones that crossed his path.

"Probably the first mermaid that he has done it to," Will muttered. Ash looks over at the guy, overhearing him. What is up with him and his obsession with mermaids?

Rikki: "Yeah, but I'm the one who is going to get even." She walks towards the door when Emma stops her.

"What? No, Rikki. You should just leave them alone," Terry warned her. "Yeah, you never know what they could do," Annette commented. They don't know what I could do, Rikki thought.

Emma: "And the best way to do that is to tell the police."

"Yes, I agree. Call them," Lisa urged.

Lewis: nods. "Ordinarily, yes, but in a case like this they require quite a deal of evidence to gain a conviction."

"He's right," Max said.

Rikki: "And I don't need evidence. This guy's a creep. And I'm going to do something about it." Walks closer to the door and grabs the doorknob.

Emma: "Like what?"

Rikki: "Just watch." She opens the door and leaves, shutting it behind her.

"Rikki!" Terry yelled in worry. "I'll be fine dad. It's in the past and I'm still here," Rikki sighed.

"What did I say? Never to go alone," Max reminded them.

Emma: "Ok, just because she won't call the police doesn't mean we can't."

Cleo: nods and pulls her phone out, dialing the number. "Good idea."

"At least you listen," Bev sighed.

Lewis: grabs her phone and stops her from calling them. He walks down the rest of the stairs and looks back at them. "Um, one of the things the police will ask is how Rikki happen to come by the fish she sold this guy." They both sit down on the steps, listening to him. "What's she going to say? Oh, no, no, no, it's ok. Trust me. I'm a mermaid." Gives them a look.

"Well, she could, but then that could, you know, destroy the secrecy and expose them to the whole world," Ash said, causing Bella to shutter.

Emma: sighs. "Alright. We might have to bend the rules a little for this one." Glances at Cleo.

Lewis: "Oh, coming from you, that's big."

"Gasp. Emma bent the rules? I can't believe it," Elliot said, faking shock and rolling his eyes. Emma giggles and fakes a pout. "I can bend the rules when I want to." "Sure, you will," Rikki sarcastically said.

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