[1.4] The Voice at Night

Start from the beginning

"Wow, since the two of you had done so, I might as well." Yue smiles but Korra could tell that Yue is nowhere near excited to wear a dress. 

As Jinora and Ikki took off to take Yue's dress in the other room, they left Korra now all alone with Yue. 

"What's with you and dresses anyway?" Korra smiles as she watched how tense Yue have become at the mentioned of dress. 

"They made me feel so restricted, and I once wore them, shredded one all the way to my hip. I walked around with my hips out in the open! I could never forget that." Yue told with passionate hate, making Korra laugh. 

"Yue, I'm sorry." Korra changed the topic, making Yue stopped drinking her tea. 

"What for?" 

"I made you push yourself so hard. I was so selfish with you. I'm sorry." Korra looks down, not noticing how Yue moved herself to sit beside Korra. 

"I insult you, many times... I'm sorry too, Korra." Yue apologized and took Korra by her hand. "You're no Aang and I must simply accept it. For what it's worth, I trust that you could be an amazing avatar in your own way Korra. I trust you." 

"Well, don't. I can't face Amon at all, I... I fear him Yue." Korra admitted, now seeking comfort unconsciously. 

"It would be foolish of you to not fear him, Korra. Amon drives me mad too, that man made me feel such rage and hatred to a degree I've never felt before, I'm afraid too." Yue shares her thoughts, as Korra listen. 


"I fear that he will drive me mad and fueled me with desires of revenge. He's starting to, and I'm not stopping him. What if I do something unthinkable Korra? Amon will be the end of me." 

"Then I will stop you, no matter what." Korra promises to Yue, taking the latter by quite surprise. 

"You would do that for me?" Yue asked in a voice that is barely audible. 

"I don't see why not." Korra put her hand over Yue's. 


"I... I don't feel so good." Yue made a sour face as she felt many eyes were upon her. "Korra, you still here besides me, right? I hate, hate, hate pompous crowds." Yue felt Korra's arm and hang on with dear life. 

"Wow, I would've never thought to see you so... so introverted." Korra chuckles as she too, grow anxious with the attention she received. 

"Wait until you see how out of touch they are. I work my ass off to become a good detective and all they see is a trophy because they think I'm pretty. It's sickening, I understand why Lin is so adamant to stay single." Yue rant, still hand in hand with Korra. 

"Well, I still can't believe this is all for me." Korra looks around as the crowds began to clap for her. 

"I'm not sure what Tarrlok is plotting but keeps your guards up." Tenzin reminded and Yue couldn't agree more. 

"So glad you could make it avatar Korra, and it's a pleasure to finally meet you again, my Yue." Tarrlok greeted his targeted guests.

"I am twenty and your thirty-seven. Should I call for my godmother? Maybe her beating will remind you what happened last time your mouth was too much." Yue in reflex, hides herself behind Tenzin. 

"I get it, well Korra, you should follow me. If you excuse us, I have some people I would like you to meet." Tarrlok guides Korra as Tenzin was shocked to find Meelo pissing on one of the potted plants. 

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