"y-yes, of course! that's why we're here!" he claimed rather loudly and blushed once again when he noticed his high pitched tone. gosh!!!

the doctor asked them to follow her at the other side of the chamber. a nurse came and stood beside them to assist.

Jungkook helped Taehyung to lay down on the bed and he stood beside him at the other side. the nurse poured the cold gel on Taehyung's stomach once the clothes were lifted up. the doctor came closer and spread the gel with the help of the probe while keeping eye on the screen.

Jungkook's hold on Taehyung's hand got tighten once they noticed the dot, bigger than before, more prominent.

"Mr Jeon, Mr Kim. here's your baby. it's taking a shape. it's growing well and healthy. now would you like to hear the heartbeats?" she asked and both of them whispered a silent yes.

after a moment of silence the room suddenly filled with the rapid but gentle heartbeat sound. the sound was so heavenly, so peaceful but it ignite something fierce inside it's parents heart. a deep connection, the immense urge of protection and unconditional love.

Taehyung's inside filled with warmth. he knows he loves the baby so much already. he wants to experience it all, hardships, pain and love, a lots of love.

Taehyung looked up when he felt a drop of water on his cheeks, he saw Jungkook's eyes still on the screen and tears leaving from his eyes. Taehyung squeezed his hands gently making the younger look down at him. they didn't talk, it was not needed. Jungkook rested his forehead softly on the pretty male's. no words in the world could describe the emotions they're feeling but they knew they're feeling the same.

the doctor let them having their moment, she snapped few scans of the screen, the parents are going to ask for them anyway. she silently prayed for the lovely couple. wishing them on forever.


Jungkook and Taehyung came back home after fixing the next appointment with the doctor and getting the meds from the pharmacy.

they showed the scans to Yuri and explained their experience in the hospital excitedly.
Yuri just laughed softly at the excited soon to be parents, she herself experienced these all with her husband as well.

Jungkook and Taehyung took of their extra layers of clothes once they entered in the warmth of their room. 

"I want to take a shower first Tae. would it be okay with you?" Jungkook asked the pretty male who nodded at looked at him with a soft smile.

"of course it's okay, I'd like to lay down for a moment before I take a shower, take your time." Jungkook nodded and went inside the bathroom.

he took a warm shower, he smiled to himself when remembered his baby's heartbeat in his ears, so soothing. he even blushed a little when he gets the memory of the doctor's advice. he shooked his head to get rid of unwanted thoughts.

Jungkook wiped his body and dried his hair but frowned once he noticed he forgot to bring his clothes. he groaned inwardly in irritation. he wrapped the towel around his hips in a firm knot and came outside, mentally praying for Taehyung to not notice.

As Jungkook came outside of the bathroom he wide his eyes when he saw Taehyung few steps away from him, holding Jungkook's cloth in his hands while coming towards the washroom!

Taehyung wide his eyes when he saw a half naked Jungkook outside of the bathroom. his eyes roamed around the younger's well sculpted chiseled body. few water droplets running from his jaw and nape to his wide chest. a dashboard of abs displaying on his abdomen to his v-line , the towel wrapped hips and muscled legs. he blushed to himself when he realized that he was checking the younger out.

He expected a smug smile from the younger for checking him out but when he looked at Jungkook's eyes, there was some emotions he couldn't guess. he saw the younger looking at his face only. Taehyung squinted his eyes and cleared his throat loudly making the younger blink his eyes.

"what happened to you? and you forgot your clothes so I got them out, I hope you don't mind me rummaging through your closet ." Taehyung stated.

"no-no ! it's okay! I'd love if you get my clothes out. and what's mine is yours anyway!" Jungkook exclaimed rather panicking.

Taehyung smiled and gave Jungkook the clothes. Jungkook took the clothes and disappeared into bathroom once again. Jungkook loved it, the way Taehyung giving him his clothes. it's like Taehyung was behaving like his husband. as if the elder was accepting him already. and it made Jungkook's whole being lit up. it's indeed a great day.

Taehyung went to take a quick shower after Jungkook came out. he already ate cold ice creams and he didn't wanted to take long shower to avoid catching a cold.

Jungkook went downstairs to bring something healthy and light for Taehyung to eat.

When one was showering and the other one was in downstairs, Taehyung's phone lit up with a new incoming message.
from a saved number.

' I'm in Busan now. We need to talk.'


to be continued.........

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