10 | malfunctioning metal detector

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written all over your  face /
louis tomlinson

hey, babe
it's written all over your face
i know it's getting close
when we're finished saying nothing
could we please get back to loving?

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life | social media |

real life

"I swear to God, if they flag me again," Nick murmurs, a scowl settling on his face as we shuffle forward in the security lineup.

"If it's not you, it'll be me. I think they have a personal vendetta against me," I huff, the frown on my own face matching Nick's. "Did I tell you that when I flew down to see you guys on my reading week in February, they insisted that they had to run tests on my pizza to make sure I wasn't smuggling drugs in the sauce?"

"Such bullshit," Nick grumbles.

"Are you two still being cranky back there?" Matt turns around slightly from his place in front of us, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Yes," Nick and I answer in unison.

Chris snorts in amusement. "I hope you both get flagged and patted down."

My jaw drops. "You bitch!"

"I cannot believe you would say that." Nick glares at his brother. "You know I hate it when they do that!"

Chris just laughs, turning back around to continue his conversation with Matt.

"I hope he gets flagged and has to be integrated," I whisper to Nick, my eyes shooting lasers into the back of Chris' head.

Nick nods in agreement. "I hope they mistake him for a criminal and tackle him."

"I hope the metal detector malfunctions and he gets mildly electrocuted."

"What the fuck?" Nick's head whips to the side to stare at me.

"I said mildly!" I protest. "And you want him to get tackled, he could break his arm or get a concussion. Mine is the safer option."

Nick starts laughing, throwing his arm over my shoulder to pull me into a side hug. "You're such a fucking weirdo."

"Says the guy who's deadly terrified of tiny ass birds!" I retort, unable to stop a grin from spreading across my face when I look up at him.

"Fuck you," he spits, shaking his head aggressively. "I don't even know if getting electrocuted by a metal detector is possible."

"You should ask the security guy."

"Absolutely not," Nick immediately shakes his head. "No way."

I duck away from Nick and step forward to tug on Chris' arm. "Chris, you should ask the security guard if you can get electrocuted by the metal detector."

"What?" he laughs, looking at Nick over my head. "What is she talking about?"

I spin around to glare at Nick in warning. "Nicolos."

"She's hoping you get electrocuted when you walk under it," Nick smirks and flips me off.

Matt immediately starts laughing when Chris makes a noise of surprise.

"Well, Nick wants the airport security to tackle you and give you a concussion!" My voice raises an octave as I defend myself, turning to face Chris again.

"I absolutely did not fucking say that!" Nick steps beside me, shoving me over lightly. "I only said tackled. Nothing about a concussion."

"Why am I being hated on today?" Chris sulks, pulling the hood of his sweater over his hood as he pouts.

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