020: her little family.

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AFTER EVERYONE gave their outlook and how they felt after everything that happened, they all get ready and went to bed seeing as how it was getting pretty late already. Nicky flipped to lay onto her side, staring at Max who was in the sleeping bag next to her. "Max," she whispered to the girl who opened her eyes and turned her head to look at her.

"Yeah, Nicky?" She whispers in response and Nicky smiled softly. "I'm sorry all of that happened to you." She says quietly and Max redirected her gaze for a minute. "I'm also... sorry I sprung the L word on you so fast. It's just that... I liked you since before everything, like back when you first got here. And my feelings grew stronger over time." She explains as Max intently listens, staring at her.

"And... as we became friends and became closer, my feelings became so strong not even liking you was the answer for how I felt for you. And now... that we're together. I realized I love you. And I had to tell you that." She says and Max slowly leaned up and over to the blonde, leaning and connecting their lips together in a small kiss. "I'm glad you told me."

"I love you, Max."

"I love you too, Nicky."

Their relationship only grew stronger from that point, they became Seniors together later that summer, they applied to the same college, even got accepted into it and moved in together the next fall after that. It was then that Nicky bought box hair dye and asked Max to do it for her, which the ginger gladly did. "I see it now, when you said people used to say that you look like your brother. With your natural hair, you really do look a lot like him." She had said and Nicky just smiled widely at her.

"Really? Is that a good thing?" She asked and Max just chuckled. "I think it's... adorable." She said and Nicky just looks away, looking at her hair through the bathroom mirror.

Through every high, and low, every argument, every make up and everything with college life, Nicky Munson was just glad to have Max Mayfield in her life, by her side at all times through all of it. Which is why when they graduated, she presented Max with a little gift. "You're joking..." The Mayfield said quietly when the Munson opened the little box in her hand. "No. Why would I be joking? You're it for me, Maxine." She smiles softly.

"You're serious, Nicole?" Max said and honestly, Nicky always hated hearing that name, her full name, yet she couldn't help but smile and nod. "Yes... so, will you marry me, Max?" She asked quietly and Max just smiled so big, nodding quickly as she leaned in, pressing her lips against Nicky's passionately.

So, they got "married", despite not being able to, despite being two women. They had a private ceremony with their friends, with Wayne and Eddie there, with people who knew and supported them. Who loved them. Nicky couldn't be more happier than she was, being married to Max Mayfield. Just like she wanted, all along since she first saw Max.

El was Max's maid of honour, and Nicky had asked Lucas to be the man of honour for him, which surprised the boy intentionally. Then Nicky told her "if it hadn't been for you, and how great and selfless you are, I wouldn't be here today, happy with that girl by my side. I understand if you say no and don't even wanna come--" "are you joking? I wanted this all along. I--I like fully expected you to ask your brother, not me." The Sinclair cut her off.

"I would have... but he's already walking me down the aisle, him and Wayne." Nicky had told her and Lucas just embraced her tightly. "I'll be the best man of honour out there." He had said and ruffled her dark brown hair gently which made her swat his hand away.

So, Nicky and Max got married. Got a house. Settled down and found jobs. Because of her love for helping others and how her childhood was, Nicky got a job as a foster care worker and much to everyone's surprise, Max became a high school teacher. Said she was inspired to shape young children's minds and make sure the future was in good hands.

There they were, laying in bed together, it's a random Thursday night and Max couldn't tear her eyes away from her wife. Even those words sound unbelievable to her. Her wife, Nicole Munson. There she laid, long brown hair in braids and a book in her hands. "What is it, sweetheart?" Nicky looks at her and Max just slowly smiled up at her.

"I wish I could get you pregnant." She said suddenly and Nicky just bursted out laughing because of how innocently her wife was saying a somewhat provocative thing. "No, I'm serious, Nick. I feel like your brown hair would go so good with my blue eyes. Like imagine that, a beautiful baby girl or boy, who looks just like you and me mixed together." Max continued to further explain her reasoning of saying such a thing so out of nowhere.

"Yeah... I suppose that would be really cute." Nicky now says with a small smile, imagining a baby with brown hair and blue eyes. Or a baby with bright red hair like Max's. A replica of Max. "We should... do that. Have a baby." The redhead now whispers to her and the brunette quickly snapped her head towards her wife, eyes full of shock at the thought.


And that's how they ended up having Molly Munson. An energetic five year old that Nicky adopted, doing all of the paperwork and sadly not having Max apart of it because of how it is and all. Maybe one day they can do that. Legally finalize their marriage and all. But for now, they're happy with their life, living together in a big house with their daughter, Molly, who looked a lot like Nicky, curly brown hair, with bright blue eyes. She acted a lot like Max however, she was even learning to skateboard because of her mother which Nicky thought was so adorable. They even got a puppy without her but she couldn't complain, not when the three were making those cute eyes at her. She just loves her little family a lot.

The End











authors note
I was gonna write that they graduate and leave it at there but it just feels more of a better ending with everything written about their future, getting married, having kids, etc. anyways that's the end for this fic <3

+ double update to finish this fic and get it out of the way 💪💪💪💪

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