017: he's my boyfriend.

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MIKE LOOKED through the cupboard for the Oreo cookies as Nicky glanced around, realizing how seemingly empty the house is so she can ask aloud with no worries. "So... is Will your boyfriend yet?" She asked, smirking and Mike just scoffs. "Shut up, Nick," he replied but Nicky smiled widely, raising a brow.

"Yeah... yeah, he's my boyfriend." Mike says it, his tone making it evident clear he's blushing so hard and smiling very big. "What about you and Max?" He then asked and Nicky just furrows her brows. "How do you--" "it was just so obvious. And once Lucas told us they broke up, I figured it'd be a matter of time." Mike quickly cut her off then walked over to her, setting down the package of Oreo cookies.

"It was obvious?" Nicky asked and Mike nods, smirking a bit. "You guys have that non-verbal thing going on, it's a little creepy. But Will and I are the same, Nancy and Jonathan too, it's a very creepy thing to be able to communicate with just looks between two people. But I noticed you and Max do that a lot. Joyce and Hopper used to do the same." He says and Nicky just squints his eyes at the taller.

"I don't get it..." She says and he shrugs. "Nothing to get but maybe the reason we communicate that way with one another is because... we have such strong feelings for each other we know what the other is thinking already." He merely explains and Nicky just nods, glancing away. "Also yes. Max is my girlfriend." She smiles widely, looking up at the Wheeler who smiles big.

"I'm happy for you two." He says and she just stepped closer, giving him a big hug. "I'm happy for you and Will too. Even if he's going back home soon..." She says quietly and he groans, hugging the shorter back tightly. "I'm not letting him, I'm gonna keep him hostage here." He says and she laughed, stepping back. "Oh, yeah, that'll go very smoothly." She says as he went over to the kitchen, taking out a couple of sodas. Four cans of Crush. "Hell yeah, it will. I got a sweet set up in the basement." He says and Nicky laughs, grabbing the Oreos before following him back down to the basement.

He handed Will his Crush soda first, then gave Nicky hers and Max's. "You got me a soda?" Max whispers when Nicky sat down and the blonde just smiles, nodding her head as she handed it over then put the Oreos onto the coffee table as the package of cookies was just about for anyone to have.

About halfway through the movie, Max adjusted uncomfortably and sighed, staring at the television screen. "You okay?" Nicky whispers to her and Max looks up. "My butt hurts." She whispered back and Nicky giggled. "Just sit on my lap." She says and Max glanced around at their friends then up at her girlfriend, raising her eyebrows a bit. "Really?" She whispers and Nicky just nodded her head.

Max didn't waste any time quickly getting up from the floor to sit onto her girlfriend's lap. None of their friends even seem at all phased by it as Nicky's arms wrap around Max's waist right away and pull her close as the Mayfield rested against the Munson's chest who nuzzled half of her face into her shoulder blade, peering over her girlfriend's shoulder at the tv.

Nicky felt eyes on them so she looked over and saw Mike watching them with a big smile on his face which made her roll her eyes, looking away but she was also smiling. After the movie was over, El turned to Max and Nicky, immediately smiling at the two and how they were seated before turning to the others.

"What do you guys wanna do next?" She asked them and no one really knew what else they wanted to, all just glancing at one another, wondering what anyone will suggest. "El. You guys go home tomorrow, right?" Max asked and the girl quickly spun to look at her before immediately nodding her head. "Yep." She says, sounding a little sad about it.

"Why don't we have a sleepover? Here. In the basement." Max suggested and Mike immediately looked at Will who's just smiling at Max. "I think that'd be fun." He agreed right away so Mike looks around. "I think so too." He says and Lucas shrugs. "I guess so. But... I kinda have a date today." He says, nonchalantly which made El look at him right away. "Really?" She asked him, eyes wide.

"Yes." He grins and Max chuckles. "Already?" She asked and Lucas looks over, smirking. "You already had one." He says and Dustin raised his hands. "Wait, so you two broke up, you two got together?" He pointed at Max and Lucas then pointed at Max and Nicky. The three all nodded to confirm his questions and Dustin sets down his hands. "Huh. Like Steve, Nancy and Jonathan in high school..." He said quietly and Nicky furrows his brows. "That kinda fits, yeah." Max shrugs and Nicky looks up at her right away. "Why?" She asked.

"Well, cause... Lucas plays basketball, so did Steve. And you're kind of--" "kind of what?" Nicky squints her eyes and Max raised her hands, squishing her cheeks together. "Very cute!" She says, smiling widely as El began giggling hard, looking down. "She means a loner." She said out loud and Max looks at her right away. "This makes you, what, super hot like Wheeler's sister?" Nicky asked and Mike scoffed. "Nicky." He scolded. "Yeah, it does!" Dustin raised his hand and Nicky doesn't hesitate to highfive him.

"Hey!" Max and Mike immediately exclaim at the two simultaneously. "What? Nancy's super hot. It's a compliment." Nicky tells her and Max just frowns, crossing her arms as Mike just rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna go dig around for the sleeping bags. And the extra mattresses." He got up suddenly. "I'll help!" Will instantly offers, standing up and rushing after his boyfriend, their hands connected as they rushed up the staircase together.

"All this couple stuff makes me wanna call Suzie..." Dustin sighed melodramatically, resting his head back. "You two still going strong?" El asked, smiling widely and Lucas sighs. "You'd be surprised with the amount of times I walk in and Dustin's busy talking about everyday life in Hawkins with Suzie who talks about everyday life in Salt Lake City." The Sinclair says, shaking his head softly. "You're just jealous." Dustin says, crossing his arms.

"Jealous about what? At least Cora lives here in Hawkins." Lucas says right away and El raised her brows. "Cora? From your AP Bio class?" Max asked right away, staring at the boy who looked over right away. "Yeah. Uh, she just, like... asked me if I was busy today when I saw her at the store." He shrugs, looking away as Nicky just grinned.

"Congrats, she's like super pretty." She says and Max just chuckles. "Yeah, and you, like, never shut up about her ever since Ms. Bailey assigned you guys together." She adds and Lucas blushed, looking away as he smiled just faintly. "Ooh, I wanna go grab a soda. And more popcorn." El said as she stood up. "I'll come with, El." Max says right away, then looked at Nicky. "Be right back," she leaned in and pecked a little kiss to her girlfriend's cheek before she stood up and followed El.

authors note
it is getting so cold out lately and it makes me so excited for christmas 👹👹👹👹

+ double update bc why not

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