012: for someone else.

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     APPARENTLY LUCAS had a lot to say, when he asked to meet Max, because later that day around 7 or so, the doorbell at the Munson trailer house rang which Nicky found weird, it had to be someone else because usually Eddie, Wayne and Max just barge in through the door so she got up quickly, walking down the hall, yelling "I'm coming!" She swung open the door to a mellowed out looking Max who's smiling faintly. "Hi Nick." She says.

"Hey... is everything okay?" Nicky asked worriedly as the girl entered the trailer now. "Uh, do you... um, have you ever done anyone else's hair?" Max asked curiously, pushing back a loose strand behind her ear. "No, uh, I don't think so. Only mine." Nicky says as she shut the door, watching Max who's looking all around the house with a blank stare.

"You're kind of freaking me out, Maxine," she laughs a bit awkwardly and the other quickly turned to her. "Right, yeah... um, I'm fine, Nick. Can you, uh, maybe cut my hair?" She asked and Nicky's eyebrows raised. She expected maybe a trim, maybe a little below the girl's shoulders, but the reference photo that Max showed her caught her off guard but she just smiled and nodded her head.

After she had cut the first strand, Nicky just froze for a moment then continued cutting the hair, all around before doing the layers and then fixing it up as she combs through the hair to make sure it's not uneven. Once she was done, Nicky stepped back and cupped her hand over her face. "You should not have told me to do that..." She said quietly and Max quickly spun around to turn and look at her.

"Why? Does it look bad?" She asked worriedly and Nicky raised her hand to brush Max's hair back. "No, it looks amazing but look at all this beautiful hair I've just chopped off." Nicky knelt down and held up the red hair so Max laughed, standing up. "I wanna see it." She said as she walked towards the bedroom and Nicky followed her, dropping the hair onto the floor. She stood in the doorway as Max looked at her hair, a big smile was spreading across her face. "You look very badass..." Nicky tells the redhead who turns to look at her.

"Really?" The shorter girl says with a smile and Nicky quickly nods, smiling wider. "You look good. Like, really good..." She added, even glancing down as she spoke so Max immediately looked away, her face turning red and looking into the mirror. She awkwardly scratched her neck and scrunched up her face before turning to Nicky again, "can I take a shower really quick? I feel like pieces of hair down my back and I wanna style it better." She geatured around her head and Nicky quickly nodded her head, smiling.

"Yeah, go on ahead."

Nicky mostly waited in her bedroom, just reading a book and playing music at a low volume. She quickly looked up when she saw Max enter the bedroom in just a towel wrapped around her waist. She immediately sat up, eyes kind of widening but Max fails to notice as she scratched her head. "Uh, can I burrow a shirt and some pants or something?" She pointed and Nicky immediately nods. She then watched Max now who approached the dresser to grab a random band shirt and pants.

When Max comes back, her hair is dried perfectly and styled better this time, she has on a random Metallica shirt that's definitely a hand me down from Eddie, and the random sweatpants she found. She crawled into the bed next to Nicky, sighing. "Thanks for the free haircut." She smiles at the Munson who hums, still reading her book. "Eddie will charge you for it once he opens up his hair salon." She says and Max chuckles quietly, crossing her arms and resting both of her arms over her stomach as she stared at the wall.

"So... wanna talk about it?" Nicky now asked when she finished up the chapter and had put the bookmark in, closing the book to set it down onto her messy bedside table. Whatever, as long as it doesn't fall off. Yet once she thinks that, it falls right off. Whatever, Max is more important right now. "Talk about what?" The redhead asked as she looked up at the blonde who feels like she would've fallen if she was standing due to getting weak in the knees. Those piercing blue eyes.

"You know... whatever happened between you and your boyfriend? You seemed a bit quiet." Nicky chuckled and Max quickly turned her head the other way, looking at the wall again. "Ex-boyfriend." She corrected and the Munson girl just stared at the Mayfield girl for a couple of seconds. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... what happened?" She then asked her.

"We basically talked for... like, three hours where he just dumped everything from our past on me, like... I don't know, shit that happened between us, and, like, our relationship during middle school, and... everything else, he basically told me that he doesn't love me the way he used to, that he knows I don't love him the way I used to either, that we don't work as good as we did when we first became friends. He says that we should stay as friends." She explains and all Nicky even does is nod.

"How does that make you feel?" Nicky whispers and Max quickly looked over, sighing softly. "I think I'm fine." She said, pursing her lips. "I also think I have feelings for someone else." She said quietly and the blonde just stared down at her, softly nodding. "Oh... so you're, like, not even phased by it? I thought you guys were in love or something." Nicky laughs and Max laughs quietly, looking up at her then paused, just staring at the girl.

"I mean... I'll always love Lucas. He was sweet to me, when I first moved to here and... he was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, but, um, I don't know, I always felt like he deserved better than me." She says as she looks away and Nicky grabbed her hand suddenly, just clasped her hand over Max's for a moment.

"There's no one better than you, Max." She says making the redheaded girl quickly looked up at the blonde girl. "Besides, middle school relationships, like, fizzle out, become shitty or even the feelings just go away over time and such. Half of the time, it's bound to happen. Not his fault or yours." She says then smiled and Max just froze for a moment. Suddenly, she lifted herself up and leaned in, pressing her lips against Nicky's for a moment.

Nicky was completely still, with Max's lips against hers, when the Mayfield pulled back, she muttered a sorry and quickly got out of bed, just grabbing her stuff. Nicky stays frozen, just watching the redhead grab everything and immediately leave the room. "Max--" She stopped when the front door opened and slammed so loudly after.









authors note
lucas: it's better we're friends, max 🙁
max: oh ok
max, later that day: *gets a haircut and kisses nicky right afterwards*

+ i'm possibly gonna finish this at like 15 chapters? bc i wanna get it out of the way and i'm going off to college next wednesday but idk yet, maybe i'll do 25 chapters at least. i'm not sure quite yet. lol

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