2 many pregnancies 4 it to be over

Start from the beginning

"This is crazy and all of you are cheering." Darry flaps his arms at his sides.

Mom comes over and gives both of them kisses, "ugh, all my babies." She cheers.

Dad even congratulates them both, "we didn't get that." Me and Johnny look at each other.

"Cause you were fourteen and fifteen years old, but trust me we're happy as hell to have baby girl." Mr. Randle assures us.

"That's gonna look so weird." Tracy laughs, and the more I think about it. The funnier it gets too.

They come stand with the rest of us, and Steve and Soda get ready their holding hands, with the rest in the other.

"Ready?" Mom questions.

"I guess." Soda looks nervous.

"3, 2, 1!" Mom calls.

They flip it and both stare in shock for a small amount of time.
Then Steve burps, "that's not good." He covers his mouth and with no warning at all he throws up, but it slips through his fingers and he had to cover with his other hand too as he fast walks to the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" His words fade fast and he ends up sobbing.

Mrs. Cade and Mom run to give him a hug, "aw baby." Mom frowns.

"No I'm not crying cause of the test, I'm crying cause Steve threw up." He wipes his face.

They let go and we all start laughing including him, "I don't even know what the fuck just happened?" He shrugs and it's just like he wasn't crying seconds ago.

I hear water running the bathroom and Steve sticks his test, "I'm pregnant by the way! In case it wasn't obvious!?" He laughs and comes back out.

"Same." Soda sighs.

"Really?!" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah, really." Soda nods.

"Okay so how far along are we?" Mrs. Randle questions.

"Like yesterday along." Darry awkwardly smiles.

"Oops." Tracy shrugs.

We all laughs.

"Just 'oops.'?" My dad shrugs like how she did.

"Oops." She smiles.

"Okay now what about y'all?" Mr. Cade questions.

"I think I might know when I got pregnant." Steve points to himself but looks at Soda.

"Okay tell me. Also y'all we're probably about to get a really tmi answer so just prepare yourself." His mom suggest.

"Okay so our wedding night-"

"Oh shit." My dad is already laughing.

"Yeah." Steve agrees, "we went over to a friend's house to celebrate and we got a little drunk and ended up his parents room cause they weren't home but that's not the point. And I know we had sex and I know when I woke up half of his dick was still inside of me and ran to the bathroom to throw up, but I really thought I was fine. And I've been throwing up like every couple days and it's normally because like I don't know something just feels weird." He shrugs.

"If that's true you're already almost six weeks pregnant." Mrs. Randle confirms.

We gasp, that's kinda a lot.

"When did you?" Johnny looks back at Soda who then gets a big realization.

"We're gonna have twins guys!" He cheers.

"You're serious?" Mrs. Randle looks so shook I start laughing. I don't think there shitting us though.

"Okay this is also tmi, but that same night well... Rewind. I was literally bent over ready to go and Steve's like, "I hope you're aware of the fact and I don't have a condom." And I didn't give a shit because I took my birth control that morning." He nods.

"That shit never works." Dad shakes his head.

I would've never known because instead I just broke the damn condom.
What a crazy ass year this has been?

"Why didn't you have a condom?" Brantley sasses.

"Because I had already used it on him." Steve explains.

Now, that. That is the definition of a slap in the face.

"Well, well, well. Here we go again." Johnny shakes his head smiling.

Soda folds his arms, "I know I'm an adult now, but I'm seriously feeling Too teen for this."
Aren't we all?

-written: 11/28/2023, okay guys so this is the end of the story 😭 but as some of you know by now we get attached to the characters a little too easy so a sequel will be coming eventually. Sorry for those who have been leaving requests :( I thank you all who took the time to read this and byeeee until we meet again :)-

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