I nod and walk over to another bench to get ready. With one hand, I pull off my shirt and chuck it on the rack. Squirting in some water in my mouth, I swish it around and put in my mouth guard.

Turning around, I land my eyes on Athena's. She's trying to hide it but I can see her struggling to keep her eyes off of me. Not to brag but I understand her struggle. I blow her a kiss and send her a wink (just like she did to Alex) only to watch her face scowl and turn around to step up onto the boxing ring.

My Father stands with his arms crossed on my side of the ring whilst Cass is on Athena's side. She's got her hair tied up in a ponytail and is wearing a matching black tight set. She still has that bloody necklace on though, doesn't she realise I could use that to choke her. Maybe I should wear one too just so she can wrap her hands-

I shake my head to snap out of my thoughts. I've just got to remember that she's the enemy and that I can not have any affiliations with her whatsoever.

"You ready?" I raise my eyebrows

She sends back a nod.

Slowly we circle around each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Keeping my eyes on hers, I see that they drift to the side. Taking my shot, I lunge at her to tackle her to the floor. Quickly she holds out her foot and trips me over.

Regaining my balance and standing back up she takes no chance in waiting to lunge back at me with an uppercut to the stomach. Alright, no more playing around I'm not losing to a girl

I swing back at her but miss. Instead I kicked her in the calves and she drops to the floor. There I press my thumbs into my throat. She panics for a brief moment before squinting her eyes and shoving me off of her.

We both stand up and I go into tackle her. Grabbing ahold of her and bringing her down onto the floor, she uses her knee to kick me in the hip.She flips me over and presses her knee into my stomach.  This time she's on top of me and is pressing her thumbs into my throat.

I struggle to get out but she has her legs wrapped around me. Suddenly I start to see black blotches form in my vision, tapping the ground I signal that she's won and I can't keep going.

She smiles at me and stands up. Offering me her hand I smack it out of the way and go to grab water. I watch as Diego mutters something under his breath and hands Marco $50.

"Don't be such a sore loser Mattie" Tess calls out.

Wiping the sweat off my face with the towel a sudden burst of energy comes out from me.

"You know, I wouldn't mind if we wrestled like that again" I lick my teeth

"You're disgusting!" Tess yells for Athena

No, I'm not going to talk about my epic defeat. What I will talk about is her lack of speech. I've never heard her speak, not even to the rest of the girls. My Father told me that it was because she's a mute but there must be more to it.

"Told you she was tough" Alex sighed

"You said 'good luck', that's hardly any advice" I mutter

He laughs "The guys and I are going to the bar later and you're coming so go freshen up" He says before walking out.

This should be fun.

I watch as the girls body moves in sync with the flashing lights. Holding my drink tight I stare out into space, uninterested in whatever the fuck she thinks she's doing.

"What's wrong with him?" Another girl asks

"He's in a shitty mood because he lost in a fight" Diego scoffs

The girl licks her lips "I can fix that" She says before strutting over towards me

I roll my eyes and curse under my breathe.

"Lacy" she holds out a hand that I don't shake "There's no need to be rude" She pauses "I can fix your boredom if you want"

I'm not interested in her whatsoever but don't protest as she pushes herself against me. I watch as she moves her hands up my chest and teases me. She pushes her hands into her hair, watching as she does so, the familiar brown of her hair reminds me of Athena's. I quickly shake my head at the thought and draw my attention back to the girl.

"It's a little crowded here and I get claustrophobic easily. Do you mind if we go somewhere a little more quiet?" She pouts

Quickly turned off I kiss her hard and draw her in by wrapping my hands around her waist. I'm not having a one night stand to ease the pain of losing to Athena.

She moves her hands down lower and lets out a small moan in the back of her throat. She's trying too hard, I haven't done anything for her to act this way. Her eyes lock on mine but the brown of her eyes suddenly make me stop. They're too similar to Athena's and the thought of her irritates me.

"I can't do this" I mutter and move her off of me

"What the hell is your problem?" She scowls

"You" I spit it out and stand up to leave this awful place.

Sighing, Diego follows me out. It's a routine we have. I get frustrated and drunk, he follows me out, calms me down and then drives me home.

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