Chapter 9 Hell House:

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry Kid, he's long gone, dead." Red eased, like he was reading his mind.

"That's a relief." Jacob sighed.

"But there are lots of splicers there. Many of them are loyal to his... how can I put this... beliefs?"

"That's not so good." Jacob muttered.

"I hate to tell you this, but the only way you can reach The Lounge now is to go through there." Why did he have a feeling Lev was laughing at him...

"WHAT? YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!" Brianna shouted.

"Unfortunately not." Oh he was going to pay for that smug tone in his voice, jacob promised himself.

"Oh no, I am NOT going in there!" Jacob yelled. The place scared the crap out of him now. He wished he would have kept his mouth shut and not asked about the place's history.

There was an inhuman shriek somewhere behind him.

"... Running now." Jacob said grimly as he and his companion sprinted into the surgical centre.

Rapture, Medical Pavilion: 9:15 am

It was dark, so dark it seemed like someone had boarded up all the windows and then threw a blanket on top of him. Jacob was terrified, his eyes and ears were on full alert as he looked around at what became of the Medical Pavilion as best as he could with what little light his helmet provided. Both His and Bri's boots splattered against the ground, which indicated the whole place was probably flooded.

*SPLASH!* Jacob sunk into the ground, and suddenly all he could see was water. Panicking, Jacob jumped out of the hole and back onto dry-er land, breathing heavily Jacob tried to calm down. His heart rate was through the ceiling.

"That was a good one." Lev laughed.

"GOOD! I NEARLY DROWNED!" Jacob shouted.

"Jacob... your wearing a DIVING suit. You can breath and survive underwater." Brianna pointed out over the radio.

Thinking about it for a second Jacob felt rather stupid. "But splicer's can't, you can use this to your advantage." Lev explained. Thinking about it Jacob could see the advantage of that. Nodding he got an idea. Hopping forward a bit he easily sank to the bottom.

He didn't knew why, but the Medical Pavilion looked a lot nicer underwater. He swam as best as he could underwater. The suit was light, it floated up slightly, but was heavy enough to keep him underwater. Though he had trouble keeping up with brianna, she ended up grabbing his arm and dragging him along.

Looking around he saw he was in a huge corridor, up ahead were stairs, taking them they went down. Lower and lower. "Kid... I thi... our... reak... p..." Lev talked, but there was too much static, Jacob could barely hear what he was saying.

And so downward Jacob and Brianna swam. As they did the whole place began to look more like a basement. The further down they got the more it looked like something that was being build, but not quite finished.

There was a door up ahead, one of the airlocks. But why was it under the Medical Pavilion? Entering it Jacob and Bri saw it was almost like an elevator aside from the various sea life growing in it. The doors closed, and the water was drained before it began to move... further down?

There was a ding, the doors opened, and Jacob found himself in a long hallway filled with pipes and drains.

"Kids, KIDS, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" Lev voice finally broke through the static.

"OW, we're here. Why don't you yell a little louder. I think a few people on the surface didn't hear you..." Jacob complained, his ears ringing.

"Sorry... Where are you?" asked Lev.

"I don't know, it looks like some sort of basement or something" Jacob said as he looked around.

There was a pause before, Red spoke again. "I think your in what used to be a passage."

"A passage? A passage for what? Dream land?" Brianna asked sarcastically, walking up to Jacobs' right side. "OH... HA HA, very funny." Lev retorted.

"Its the foundation, you both are in one of the old passages used by builder back when they were first making Rapture." Lev explained before he paused. This pause was different however. It was a creepy, eerie silence. The type of silence you use when you know something, but you don't want to tell the person your talking to about it.

"Kid, I suggest you don't go in. If you do, you two might discover something that's supposed to be hidden... and stay hidden" Red told him.

Jacob looked ahead and thought about it. He took a deep breath before he took a step forward. With that he began to walk ahead, like some sort of power was controlling his body, making it move on its own. As the Big Brother and Big Sister duo strode down the halls they passed more and more pipes and broken doors, damaged by water pressure.

"I hope your ready for whatever you find down there." Reds parting words echoed through his head.

to be continued...

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