16. Before you go

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16. Before you go

About a year ago, Scott was sent home by recommendations of Dr. Hayes, and everyone is noticing that he is running out of time. "Scott is not here, I texted him, and he hasn't answered all day. I'm worried," Mitch whispered to Kirstie while they were in Science class.

"He is probably feeling too weak to come. Mitch, a year ago he told us about stopping treatment. It wouldn't be a surprise if Scott is already showing signs of declining in his health," Kirstie explained, and Mitch nodded sadly.

"We should have accepted it when he got dizzy just from walking," Mitch said, frowning.

At lunch, Mitch told Matt about Scott not coming to school and Matt offered to do a quick visit to Scott after school to see how he was doing, to which Kirstie and Mitch agreed immediately.

After school, the three youngest members of the gang hurried to visit Scott, sick with worry about him. "Hey, kids," Rick said tiredly, opening the door after Mitch had rang the doorbell.

"Why don't you sit down, we need to talk." The gang sat down in the living room and looked at Rick with fear and worry. "He is starting to get worse. Today he could barely stand and he is getting weaker. He won't be able to keep going to school. I'm sorry, " Rick explained, tearing up.

"So now, it's just a matter of time," Matt concluded and Rick nodded. "We are organizing the trip to the mountains, it should take a few weeks to happen. But we want him to leave this world happy," Rick continued.

"Can we see him?" Kirstie asked quietly to not disturb Rick, but luckily he nodded and the gang went upstairs, knocking on Scott's door before opening it.

"Hey guys," Scott whispered. He didn't look good, he was pale, had dark circles underneath his eyes, had his cannula on, and bruises on his arms. "How are you feeling, baby?" Mitch asked, laying down next to his boyfriend and cuddling him gently.

"Tired, my legs hurt too much to walk and I'm kinda shaky," Scott shivered, he had been feeling cold all day even though he had the radiator close to him. Kirstie noticed and covered Scott with his favorite fluffy blue blanket, she also covered Bubba entirely since he was lying on top of Scott. "Thank you, Kitty," he said and closed his eyes.

"We are here for you, Scooter," Matt started, taking a deep breath. "We want you to be comfortable and happy for the next few months. We want to visit you every day after school and give the weekends to Mitch," Mitch looked abruptly at Matt. "Mitch, you need to spend time with him as a boyfriend and not as a friend." Mitch nodded and looked at Scott again.

"Thank you guys, but you don't have to do that for me. You don't need to sacrifice your social life to just be here with me," Scott complained. "You are worth every second of our time, baby. We love you and want to spend time with you before you go. You have had such a big impact in all of our lives and we want to let you know that," Mitch said, kissing Scott afterward.

"Do you really want to go to the mountains?" Kirstie asked. She was worried that something would happen to Scott while he was away from the city and nowhere near a hospital.

"Yes. I haven't been in the snow since I was 5 when I went to the mountains for the first time. I want to go back there and be in the snow again. And I want you guys to come with me," Scott told the others with a smile. Everyone was surprised by Scott's wish.

"Why do you want us to come with you?" Mitch asked.

"Because you guys are very important to me and I want you to be part of my last road trip. We can create more memories together before you go to college," Scott answered, tearing up and Mitch noticed he was extra emotional today.

"Alright, we'll go with you," Kirstie said and the others nodded.

"Thank you so much, guys," Scott told the others, extending his arms toward the others.

"Anything for you, Scotty."

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