10. Finals

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10. Finals

It is finals week and the gang is stressing over them, except Scott, he doesn't seem to care about this. "I am scared about finals, I've never done something like this. It's one full week full of exams about everything we've seen the whole year," Mitch said to the others while they were at their lockers, picking up their stuff before going home.

"Same. And the worst part is that we started school after winter break, which means, we arrived here halfway through the school year. We learned different things at our rythms," Kirstie affirmed.

"And for seniors, it's harder because we have more exams to enter different colleges. I have to study hard for that test if I want a scholarship," Kevin complained.

"I am scared. I just started high school, and it's already hard," Matt said, and Kevin put his arm around Matt's shoulders.

"Let's look at the positives, it is just one week, and after we can go to prom," Scott said excitedly and the others nodded, tiredly.

Scott made it home and went to the kitchen to eat a small snack. "Are you ready for finals?" Connie asked him and Scott nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready," he answered.

"Are you going to study all weekend for it? To not plan anything and let you focus on studying," Connie asked him and Scott shook his head which surprised his mom.

"I don't want to study. You know school is not my thing and why should I do it when I might not finish my senior year," Scott said, and Connie went behind him and hugged him tightly.

"Don't think like that baby. You will have your senior year, maybe not complete, but you will, at least half of it. Plus, you need to pass these exams to be a senior," Connie reminded him and Scott smiled a bit. "Alright. I'll study," he said and Connie kissed him on the cheek.

Over the weekend, the gand studied really hard for the first test of the week which was Math, and when they saw each other in the school hallway, they complained about Math being the first subject.

"Why would they put Math as the first subject?" Matt asked angrily. "Someone who does not have empathy towards students and wants us to suffer," Kevin said. All five of them approached their respective classes where they were going to give the tests. For Mitch, Kirstie, and Matt their tests were hard, while for Kevin and Scott weren't as bad because they are good in Math.

The week went on like that, every afternoon the gang would study hard for the text coming up the following day and do the test the next day only to repeat the same process that afternoon. On Thursday afternoon, Scott received a call from Mitch crying. "Baby?" Scott answered the call.

"S-Scotty," Mitch said, crying. Scott immediately got worried. "Mitchy, what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked.

"I-I can't do this a-anymore. I'm so s-stressed out about this." Mitch sobbed and Scott started to calm him down, he knew what Mitch needed to do.

"Deep breaths, baby. Count with me. In 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Good job, let's do that a few more times." Mitch kept breathing with Scott until he finally calmed down. "Feeling better, baby?" Scott asked calmly.

"Yes. Thank you, babe," Mitch said, sighing. "Nice, now tell me what are you studying for?" Scott asked to see if he could help Mitch in a way. "Chemistry," Mitch answered.

Scott was quiet for a while, he didn't understand chemistry either. "How about this? It's already 9 pm and you need to rest, so lay down on your bed and I'll sing you to sleep," Scott offered.

"But I have to finish studying."

"I know, but you are way too stressed and need rest. Your grades are good, if you don't do well on this test, your grade won't be badly affected and you will still pass," Scott tried to convince Mitch. "Alright." Mitch got ready for bed while they talked a bit and then he laid down, Scott started singing to him and then Mitch fell asleep.

When the week was over, the gang decided to give each other space throughout the weekend so everyone could rest and recover from this tough week.

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