15. My Future

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15. My Future

The gang has English together with one of their favorite teachers, Mr. Brown, who is very funny and kind to his students. "Alright class. Before you leave I want to assign you homework," Mr. Brown said, and the whole class groaned. "I know, I don't usually send homework, but this one is important."

"If it is an essay, I'm dead," Mitch whispered, but Mr. Brown heard clearly.

"It is an essay, Mitch," the students groaned again. "For this essay, I want you to write about your future. What do you want to do after you graduate? What are your dreams or goals? You have one week to turn this in, and some of you will read it out loud in front of the class," Mr. Brown explained and Scott looked at him surprised. The bell rang and every student got out of the classroom, except for Scott.

"You ok, Scott? You look kind of pale," Mr. Brown said while Scott approached him. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It's just...I don't know if you know, but..." Scott trailed off before his teacher interrupted him.

"I know about your illness, Scott. And I also know you don't have much time. Listen, you don't have to write this essay."

"But what if I want to? I don't want the others to think that just because I'm sick I don't have to work. People already don't like us because we can't do P.E. I just don't know what I'm supposed to write," Mr. Brown then stood up from his chair and took Scott's hands. "Write about you." Scott was confused but nodded anyway and left the classroom to go home.

Back at the Hoying's residence, Scott was sitting down at his desk trying to write his essay when Connie entered with a snack for him. "I got you something, baby," she said while putting down the plate next to Scott. "Thanks, Mom," he said sadly.

"Are you ok, Scotty boy?" she asked worried, she noticed that Scott was a little pale today. "I'm fine. We were assigned to write an essay about our future, but how am I supposed to write about a future when I don't have one," Scott said, tearing up and Connie hugged him from behind. "Then write about what you have planned for the time you have left," Connie suggested, running her fingers through Scott's hair.

"That's depressing, mom. Besides, it's only gonna get worse from here. I have been feeling tired all day and everyone has told me I look paler than usual," Scott then started sobbing and Connie took him into her arms, calming him down.

"You are the only one who knows what to write about. You are good with words, use that superpower of yours," she said and then left the room.

A few days later the gang was sitting down at the library during their free period, working on some homework from different subjects. "Are you guys done with your English essays?" Kirstie asked. "Yes. I wrote about wanting to study fashion at college and become a famous designer," Mitch said with a smile.

"I wrote about being on Broadway," Kirsite said while her hand moved around like she was revealing something.

"I wrote about studying music at Berkley," Matt said and the others gasped. "Sick!" Mitch said. "Mine is a surprise," Scott lied, he wasn't done with his essay yet.

The day of the delivery of the essay arrived and Mr. Brown only chose the ones he liked the most to be presented in front of the class. A few students came up, even Matt to read their essays to the others. "Thank you, Matt, that was nice," Mr. Brown said while he and the others clapped at him. "Last but not least: Scott."

"It's hard to talk about your future when you don't have one," Scott started, gaining everyone's attention. "Unfortunately, I don't have the chance to go to college or even finish my senior year. In January, my oncologist told me that I had Stage 4 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Now, stage 4 is not terminal, but we had run out of options for treatment and decided to stop it because I didn't want to be in pain anymore. I have been fighting cancer for 10 years now and it has brought me some good things, like my best friends and boyfriend. They are my family and have supported me in the toughest times of my life and I am forever grateful for that.

My essay is about my past because I think it is a story worth telling...I was first diagnosed with cancer when I was 8, and it was hard. My family suffered as well, with sleepless nights, and hospital visits, and the worst of all is that my parents could only watch me suffer and feel miserable about the fact that they couldn't do anything to help me. I relapsed when I was 12 and that's when I met my boyfriend Mitch. I entered remission while he still had cancer, but I relapsed a year later. Sounds bad, yeah, but I met Kevin, Kirstie, Matt, and...Avi," Scott chuckled with tears in his eyes.

"Ever since my last relapse, something inside of me was telling me to be scared, and I was. Now my worst fear has come true, I couldn't beat cancer. The reason I came to school is because I lost more than half of my life in hospitals. I have a bucket list that only has one thing left and... I couldn't be happier. I'm happy with what I'm doing now and that's how I want my future and the future of my family and friends to be. I just want them to be happy and I don't want anyone to feel bad about me. I'm fine. I also want my future to be full of music, puppies, and love."

With that Scott was done, and everyone had tears in their eyes. "It was beautiful, Scott," Mr. Brown said.

"Thank you."

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