"I know I was the one who pushed you away but I promise I will be good. I won't ever hurt you again."

I didn't know what has gotten into him, was this due to shock? Was he just saying nonsens because of blood loss? I'm unsure if I have the strength to push him away.

"Y/n I was wrong. I don't want to lose you and I know you love him but... You love me too, right?"

Like a fucking puppy. He was asking  for an ounce of my attention, kneeling at my feet. I felt my heart breaking as I knew I brought him to this state, this was my fault. Even if I was mad at him I should have made myself clear.


There was a part of me that loved this. Every second of this sparked something in my core making me feel more then just the usual anger. I had to diffuse the situation quickly.

"Ghost, you should get up you are hurt-"

"No. Fuck that. You told me to beg, remember? I will beg. I will plead until you admit it."

His hands tugged on mine, slightly bending me forward so I would look at him.

"I don't care if you love him, I don't care if you want to have him on the side. I would do anything so please, don't abandon me."

I was flabbergasted, what was I supposed to say? More over what was I supposed to do? Push him away? That's what my mind told me to do. I was already in love with König so why was my heart longing for Ghost?

"Ghost, what are you talking about? Are you hearing yourself? Because you aren't acting like you."

How his hands touched my skin as if he was holding pure gold, one that could crack if only he breathed on it too harshly. The floor cracked under someones weight.

"You said you wanted me to be nicer. Has he ever gotten on his knees for you? I will anytime you ask, I will be the best partner you have ever had. I will act like a devoted follower of yours if that's what you want. Fuck it I won't even care if I am not your favourite. Just, please you can't let it end this way..."

I turned my head to look at where the new noise had came from, my eyes still lingering at the figure at my feet. When I finally looked away I had fear wash over me, soon it was almost replaced with guilt and shame.

König was standing in the door way, I completely forgot he was waiting for me outside the room. He looked at me petrified, waiting for my reaction and I wondered how much has he exactly seen. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't break Simon's heart again but I couldn't just let König watch this and suffer.

"König I... this isn't..."


Ghost didn't budge, not caring if the other man was in the room. Not caring in what vulnerable position he was, all that he wanted was your approval. That you wanted him, just like he wanted you.

He missed how you called him Riley, you were the only one he allowed to do so. The way your tongue rolled the 'R' made him think of a purring cat, your slavic accent only being apparent when your words slipped once in a while.

It's been too long since he heard you speak to him like you had that night. How you asked him not to leave you alone, to stay, only to comfort him instead. He was hooked on you from the day he had a taste. God, why has he done so?

Now he has been waiting for over a month, just to hear your voice. Like I said. Way too fucking long. He was going to do everything to make you forgive him, to want him again. König wasn't too happy about it but the man seemed open for negotiations, especially if it would make you happier.

Prey On | COD reader x Ghost & KönigTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang