"Dad please!" Roy was quick to silence his enthusiastic father, who now was embarrassed by his own behaviour. "Excuse him, please go on."

The young women looked thankfully at the firefighter and continued.

"Here we have Clyde and Hon Abbot. They will currently work with us on the case."

Hon looked at the crowd in front of him and politely waved while Clyde gave a simple friendly nod. Neigher of them preferred to say anything.

"So now that we know each other, why do you need Poli specifically?" Questioned Jin.

"Apparently an old man from your tomn said that one of the missing people was his relative and he suggested to include in case a "policeman from my hometown". We didn't expect it would be Poli but what's the deal with him leaving the place?" Said Rodger.

"Well, it isn't the first time that we work outside the island but it's not like we are used to work without our leader." Announced Roy.

Hearing these words made Ebony quickly turn at Poli. Clyde and Hon did the same thing. All of them looked very surprised.

"Leader huh?" Exclaimed Ebony as she looked more serious at the light blue police car.

"Eh, yeah? He's been our leader since we started working together, in other words around five years ago. Didn't you know that? You said you are old friends." Said Helly curiously.

"And it's true! It's just been a really long time since we last talked to each other... Right Poli?" Said the black women as she looked somewhat threatening at the car

Poli could not help but notice. The look on her face was unpleasant to him yet she looked a little offended by something.

"Yeah, right..." Whispered the blue car. "So when are we leaving?"

"We are leaving tomorrow early morning. We should at the port by 5 and we'll reach Lemcon the next day's afternoon so you better start packing. Now if you'll excuse us, we'll head at our hotel."

"Um, Ebony. Hon and I will stay here for a little while if you don't mind."

"It's ok just make sure you take a good rest. We haven't paid for the cabins so sleeping on the chair will be uncomfortable."

"Got it!"

With those words Ebony and Rodger left their teammates behind at the HQ. Once again, an awkward silence filled the room...

Well, that was until an enthusiastic father spoke up again.

"So, mr. Clyde, mr. Hon, I'm so glad you're staying! Oh, I heard so many things about you!"

Molly and Roy now shared the same look on their faces. A mix of annoyence and embarrassment caused by Dave who clearly was pressuring on the couple without even realising it.

"I'm flattered I guess..." Mumbled Hon.

"Oh I am so sorry to hear your department doesn't work anymore."

Now that's interesting!

Poli looked in the men's direction. His gaze was full of curiosity. How many things did he miss and how much was going to happen today?

"Wait, so you're not running the place anymore? What about our- uh, I mean your sons' room?"

Great, that was close.

Poli's and the couple's gazes finally met. He nearly spilled out things he shouldn't. He could tell that the two did not expect to see him but so didn't he.

Running From The PastWhere stories live. Discover now