Rising Tension

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Freezing white snow was falling from cloudy sky onto the ground, now covered in cold fluffy substance. A black woman was standing in front of a police car, who was standing in the doorway. Behind the the officer in dark uniform were standing two other cops and a black and white robocar. Inside the headquarters were the rescue team members with their families. All of them were starting at the newcomers and their leader for Ebony has just announced that Poli would leave the town.

In the awkward dread of silence Amber's voice was finally heard.

"What... Do you mean Poli will leave?"

"I said I don't want any more questions-"

"Hey, hey, hey! C'mon calm down" Poli quickly spoke. "I know you're not in the best mood but how about we all come inside and explain everything."

"Yeah! I wouldn't mind a good explanation!" Stated Helly while Molly tried to hush him.

Ebony gave Poli a tired look. She wasn't too excited about spending any more time with these strangers but she knew that they owed the guys a proper explanation for they left them a bad, sudden first impression she wanted to make up for.

She nodded and with a quick hand gesture she called the rest of her gang inside.


Now everyone were crowded inside the building. Sure the atmosphere here was way better to have a conversation.

Jin gave each of the newcomers a cup of tea, probably to fix their bad mood.

Poli was standing near Ebony's gang facing his own team. He let out a couple of coughs to get the needed attention and spoke.

"So... As I already said earlier, this is my old friend Ebony, officer of the Lemcon Bay police department." He gently pointed with his hand at the young officer as he mentioned her.

"From what she said, and from what I understood, I am required to go to Lemcon for hopefully not a long time to work on a case."

As he was saying these words it was clear he was uncomfortable with the situation yet Poli tried to sound as confident and calm as he possible.

His team, now that they got a clarification from the police car, were looking unsure of the news. Sure they were happy to be more invested in things but everything just felt too sudden.

"And what about you guys?" Asked Zoe quietly.

"Let me introduce them." Spoke Ebony as she looked at the old white van.

"This is my fellow friend and co-worker Rodger. He will replace Poli for as long as needed. Now since Rodger was working only as a policeman he may need some time to adapt to his new role so I hope you understand."

"Sup guys." Greeted Rodger. He tried to sound friendly but his voice was sharp and cold.

"Hello Rodger!" Replied everyone.

Ebony looked much more sure in herself. Even though she and her team were the ones to cause trouble, she acted like if she had a full control of the situation with her voice expressing nothing but pure confidence.

Now her gaze fell on the married couple. Poli looked at them but he was quick to avoid any eye contact with the two men. Once Ebony started to speak he looked more uncomfortable.

"Here we have-"

"Clyde and Hon Abbott!"

Dave could not help but interupt the officer. He was excited to see the couple. From what it seems he knew something about the two.

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