chapter 19

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we watched a few movies for the rest of the day nothing interesting happened for the rest of the day "guys lunch is ready" Jimin's mom yelled from the kitchen we paused the movie and went to have lunch "guys MR Park is at the office today, and I also have to leave now, we will only be back tonight Jimin please don't burn down the house and guys please leave after lunch, y/n really needs more sleep"  MRS Park said and Jimin looked at me with a soft smile before biting his lip

everyone nodded at her and started to eat " guys I'm going" she said grabbing her keys from the table and walked out the door my heart started racing Jimin could not keep his eyes off me everyone made a bit of small talk while we were eating except Jimin he is quiet 

"so y/n what are you studding?" Jin asked and I looked up at him "business and you?" I asked to keep the conversation going "oh me, uhm I graduated"  he said and I looked at him a bit confused "yeah babe, only Tae, me and Jungkook is still in college" Jimin answered me and I looked at them with my mouth slightly open 

"weren't all of you at school a while back, I'm sure I saw all of you" I asked looking at Jimin who is only staring at my lips I smiled at him before looking back at Jin "yes we were we pick them up everyday" he explained and I nodded 

the rest of the meal was quiet when everyone was done we did a bit of cleaning before everyone left "lets go to bed babe" Jimin said giving me a back hug while I dry the last plate I nodded knowing why he wanted to go to bed I am a bit scared to be honest 

he took the dish cloth from me and threw it on the counter before taking my hand and walking up to his room when we got in the room he closed the door, tuned around and planted his lips on mine sending me into a trance I cant think straight when his lips are on mine I casually parted my lips and before I knew it our tongues were at war  causing a soft moan to escape my lips

Jimin pulled me closer and kissed me harder before picking me up and putting me on his bed our lips never broke contact he leaned over me kissing me harder I casually took my hands and placed them under his shirt and pulling him closer to me god I love this feeling 

the kiss felt a bit different it felt more passionate he runs his hand up and down on my thigh before slowly slipping two fingers in me to make sure I'm ready at the same time he carefully observed my face to see if he is causing any sort of pain 

"are you sure?" he asked moving his fingers a bit faster causing my back to arch because of pleasure "Ill take that as a yes" he said with a smile before planting his lips on mine again I pulled his as close as I possibly could 

he broke the kiss and sat up to undress me before he undressed himself he looked at my body and smiled before he left a trail of wet kisses from my stomach to the sweet spot on my neck a soft moan escaped my lips he sucked on the sweet spot on my neck for a few seconds almost sending me into over drive  

he broke the contact and sat up he slowly pushed his length against my opening "Jimin" I said stopping him he looked at me carefully observing me "I'm scared" I almost whisper he smiled at me "I'll go slowly, I promise" he said softly touching my cheek I nodded he leaned down and kissed me even more passionately while he slowly slips his length in me 

"does it hurt?" he asked in between our kiss thrusting his perfect hips slowly and softly "no" I almost whimper he smiled and moved a bit faster and harder "god baby, you are so tight" he almost whined into my neck and a moan escaped my lips 

"you are driving me crazy" he moaned into my neck and my back arch out of natural reflexes "are you close?" he asked and I nodded my head "say it" he insisted and I smiled into his neck "I'm close"  I moaned and we finished together

"did I hurt you?" he asked laying his head on mine "no" I almost whisper closing my eyes "uhm how.... never mind" I started but stopped I want to ask him how it was but I don't think I should "you want to know if I enjoyed it, don't you?" he asked and I opened my eyes just to see him smile at me I nodded slowly he sat up and looked at me squinting his eyes 

this does not look good I thought to myself and closed my eyes "babe you need to stop worrying, it was amazing"  he said giving me a kiss before standing up "I'm going to run us some bath water" he said walking to his bathroom I smiled at him and closed my eyes allowing my body to relax 

he is good in bed, and I mean really good he must of slept with a few girls no one is just this good in bed I thought to myself when I heard Jimin call me to go bath I wonder how many girls he has done it with I thought to myself as I got in the bath with him I mean he did not ask me if I enjoyed it meaning he knows he did a good job 

"babe what is wrong?" he asked pulling me on to him I looked at him for a few seconds debating if I should ask him or just forget about it "how" I started but stopped I smiled at him "nothing" I said giving him a kiss "no tell me" he insisted as I pulled away from him "it is nothing, it is stupid" I said with a soft smile 

"you want to know how many girl I've slept with?" he almost ask reading my face "I knew it" he said a few seconds later with a soft smile "I've only slept with 6 girls your the seventh one" he said and my eyes widen "how it that even possible Jimin we are only 21" I asked as my brain scrambles trying to figure out if he is lying about this he looked at me looking a bit puzzled 

"Jimin you had sex six I mean seven times, how do you even manage that?" I asked and he smiles at me "no babe I cant tell you how often I had sex, what I meant was in total now it is only seven girls including you" he explained leaving me even more confused 

"so... you had sex... more than seven time?" I asked unsure if I really wanted to know the answer "yes of course, every guy has needs" he explained and I felt my body going cold "and did you have needs when in the time line I lived here?" I asked him and he looked at me confused he opened his mouth but closed it again I'll take that as a yes I nodded my head and got out the bath

"babe that was before we were dating" he said grabbing my am as I wrapped a towel around my body "I know" I mumbled and walked out of his room into mine 

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