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A smiled crawled in to my lips, i collapsed my body on the cold tiled floor with a feeling of sucess.

"You're so damn smart, louis!" I praise myself.

I opened the locker quickly, grabbing the black USB in it with the tags..



𝙄 𝙨𝙡𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙐𝙎𝘽 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝘿𝙈𝙄 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙏𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙑𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣, opening a file named 49229145.

It was a PDF file.

i scrolled down.




after death of many girls in a white phosporus match factory near the manor of the davises, they had fallen as a suspect of crime yet there was no signs of proof. Poison lingered in the victims lungs, yet no evidence of poison was found from the davis.

Victoria Riddles, the loving wife of Tom Davis, mother of Sean Davis, Was known for making riddles, leaving clues as games for her childrens friends. She tried to raise them as detectives, and inspired other kids to do so.

After the DAVISES had reached the match factory to send donations and condelences, they ran away from the factory with a pape in victoria davis's palm.

though, after that day Sarah chappman, a worker from the match factory was shot dead.  traces of finger prints in the gun, but it didn't belong to any of the families.. eversince that day they stayed quiet and locked inside the manor.

In which, her mother who was a book writer lost her job because of public rumors.

Her father who was a police, ran away after trying to get arrested, leaving more danger lingering around the city.


Y/N davis was caught by her parents with blood on her hands, crying. "I couldn't save him, mom." she stood outside the door.

she caught a homeless man near the factory getting stabbed, the criminal had gloves and had stolen the money from the beggars cup.

all the girl did was leave alone the money, and instead tried to stop the beggars wound from bleeding.


Sean davis, caught with an upside down crucifix  infront a bleeding child.

context; he just came home from a holy communion, he was just holding it down before helping the boy up after getting bullied.


Tom davis, seen with a crucifix and religous artifacts being put inside their manor?

context: they upgraded their holy shrine.

I was assumed as a devil, when i was seven after an unknown author published a book about a Fallen angel called davis.

they spread 'suspicious' activity from my families doing

I lived in a scholar life here in this university, where i was only accepted.

OVERALL, for every place around the country..

We we're unwelcomed, anti christs, demons, witch crafters.. Curses.

Trust me, to whoever is reading this, i tried telling everyone to hear me out yet they feared to talk with me because i might do some witch craft on them.

i still hate my parents, though.

-Y/N Davis.



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