Everything is calming down

Comenzar desde el principio

"Jany," he sighs, finishing up the last stitch and puts a band-aid over it. "I'm not going to judge you about anything, my job is to get you healthy, but I can't do that if you don't trust me".

I sigh "Weweretryingtohidethesmellofalcoholandsmoke" I rush out.

"You were trying to hide the smell of alcohol and smoke?" He questions.


"Were you drunk driving?"

"No! Well, I don't think so." I look away from him and try to relax my tensed muscles. "I don't know. I asked Macy if she drank anything and if she was capable of driving us home and she looked sober, I swear. But she was trying to find some deodorant and then... and then I think I tried to yell her name or something to warn her, there was like a truck or something and then I think we flipp- "

I stop talking, looking around the room again.

"Where is she?"

"She's - "

"Where is Macy?" I talk a bit louder.

"Jany, listen to me".

"No, she's okay, right? She has to be. She's standing right outside the door. Or she's in the room next door, but she's okay. If I walk in there now, she's going to be watching that stupid show she loves so much and, and –"

I break down sobbing, the worst-case scenarios entering my mind and no imagination can outrun it. I feel Calum's arms wrap around me, carefully pulling me into a hug.

"Shh, calm down. Your heart is beating too fast, and your lungs need all the oxygen they can get".

But I can't stop breathing so erratically.

"Sorry I'm late, I had an emergency –" I hear an unfamiliar voice.

"Can you please get me a relaxer?" Calum asks the new person


I hear some cupboards opening and closing and then a packet being opened.

"Quick pinch"

I feel someone inserting a needle, all while Calum is still holding me, lightly swaying me left and right. "Just calm down, hey? Your friend is alive. She's in a medicated coma, but she's alive, okay? Just calm down."

After ten minutes my sobs turn into hiccups and my heart rate is back to normal. I pull away from Calum, wiping my tear-stained cheeks. My hands are gently taken into Calum's hold as another doctor gently wipes my cheeks with a tissue.

"Sorry for the first impression" I say shyly.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I'm not judging you, I'm sure a lot has happened today. I'm Doctor Clifford, but you can call me Michael. I heard you have a painful knee?"

I nod my head, subconsciously putting my hand on my right knee.

"Would you mind if I take a look?"

I shake my head, indicating to him I wouldn't mind.

Michael plops himself down on a chair and rolls himself closer to me.

"I'm going to feel around, and you just tell me when it hurts."

He starts pressing all around my knee, moving closer to the middle, when he presses on a very sore and tender spot, making me groan and try to pull my leg away.

"Sorry, sorry. It's definitely dislocated, but it's a simple pop back, you won't need surgery."

"Will it hurt?"

"You have some morphine in your system to help with the pain, but I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that it's not going to hurt at all."

Calum moves closer to me, taking my hands in his, making me look to him.

"You're going to be alright. I'll be right here the entire time and after your knee is popped back we can get you something to eat and then you can get some well-deserved rest."

"Okay, let's get this over with" I huff.

"Please look to Calum for me and just stay as relaxed as you can. It'll be over before you know it."

I feel his hands on either sides of my knee and then the most horrible pain I've ever felt.

My hand shoots out to his, but Calum gently removes them and brings them closer to his chest.

"Please stop, it hurts so bad. Please!"

"Almost done, sweetheart. Almost done, you're being so brave"

After a few more minutes of gently tugging and pushing on my knee, I feel something pop back and relieve immediately washes over me.

"Good job, Jany."

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