"Why he think det?"

"Apparently I'm always worried about Tank and his bitch but it's not even that. Tank is my baby daddy n he petty as fuck so you just never know what he thinkin. Then his bitch don't like me so ion want her ass around my son cs iono what she'll do to him."

"Dets real as fuck tho, don't make da mistake of leavin' yo kid around somebody youn trust. Knowin' Tank he prolly do det shit anyway."

"Oh I know he does, i'm finna take him to court again to get that know cs if sum happen I need them to know it was her."

"Do what you gotta do. If you feel like Kezia in danger don't send him with his dad. He can still see his dad just not stay with him."

"I think that's what i'll do. Where Boogie? Ian seen him the whole time we been here."

"He sleep, he stayed up late with Simone again last night cs she ain't wanna go to sleep. My baby sleep deprived a sum."

"She only like a week old tho."

"I guess it happen to anybody cs this ain't the first time she done stayed up all night."

"What the doctors say about it?"

"They said it happens sometimes and there wasn't really much we can do. It's nothing wrong with her tho."

"Oh okay cs I thought... I was finna say hold up!"

"Bobbi stay yo simple ass off tiktok." Mir spoke making them laugh.


Najah stood in her full body mirror and looked at her body with a smile on her face. She didn't have stretch marks and her stomach wasn't saggy.

It looked the same as before she got pregnant it was just a little bigger. Her babies gave her thickness in all the right places which she wasn't mad at, at all. The only thing she didn't care for was how her face got so fat.

"You so damn fine!" Boogie spoke walking up behind to hug her. "Thanks baby" She responded as he kissed on her neck.

Boogie loved her new body because she was thicker and he didn't mind a thick woman at all. Plus the weight looked good on her so he didn't have any complaints.

"How you sleep earlier? You was sleep fa a long ass time too."

"Det was da best nap I done had inna while ian gone lie."

"Next time i'll stay up with her so you can sleep at night."

"Nah cs then imma have to deal with Ivory n ion want her to get mad."

"Asaad I know you not scared a no infant..."

"Nah I just don't like seein' my babies cry dets all. She be soundin' hurt as fuck sometimes."

"Either way, both of them gotta get used to us. We can't just have a bond with one n not the other."

"Ite, you right. What if she just keep cryin' when i'm tryna make her stop?"

"Be patient with her Asaad cs ian gone always be around so you gone have to figure it out. I'm confident in you I think you could do it."

"Oh fasho" He nodded "Did your mom want to see them soon?"

"You know she do, I just told her I had to ask you first."

"She can come see them but she gotta come alone. Imma just be somewhere else cs you know I can't stand her ass."

"Chill bae"
"I am chill... just sayin."

"I love you." He spoke before kissing her lips. "I love you too."

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