left with no answers

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Alora woke up around the afternoon the next day. She couldn't sleep well after what happened. She looked out the window and could see the graveyard. In the day it looked almost normal, Alora almost thought she imagined it all.

She got her boots on and tied her cloak around her neck. As Alora made her way downstairs, she could hear leon and the lady from last night arguing. Alora swiftly left the inn and made her way back towards the docks.

She still had no idea what she was looking for. Captain Hadeon said she would know if she saw it but, she still didn't know. Alora sighed in defeat as she walked by all the shops. She wanted to try some of the food but she had nothing left.

A little restaurant called the commandough bakery had caught her eye. The name itself was odd, but the treats inside looked even more so. Cupcakes were placed upside down with sprinkles on the bottom instead of in the frosting, pastries had fillings on the outside instead of in, the cakes were on their side with strange patterns frosted on.

Alora wanted to eat something, anything, but she turned to keep walking to her useless little boat. As she turned away from the window she heard her name. Leon was barreling towards her and would've ran right into her if she didn't move. Instead Leon greeted the glass, and the stares of those inside. Alora wasn't surprised he had a reputation here.

"You're rejecting some of the greatest desserts known to man?" "I have places to be." "Surely you could take something with you. If you never come back here again, and you hear all about the Addersmell food, you'll regret it I'm telling you."

Alora rolled her eyes and turned away. Leon grabbed her arm and before she could react, he dragged her inside. "Insufferable as always." "It's what people like about me." "The lady at the inn seems to think otherwise." "No no no, you have it all wrong. Marge loves me. We're best friends."

Alora scoffed at Leon's remarks and looked at the desserts in front of her. She had to admit, now that she was inside smelling the sugary aromas, she would regret leaving without trying at least one.  "Whatever you say. Now tell me, what's the best thing here I would regret not trying."

Leon's eyes lit up as he started grabbing desserts from the displays. Alora raised her eyebrows at his childish behavior, but inside she was smiling. She was glad not everyone was miserable like the sorry bastard she killed the night before.

Alora realized nobody has said anything about that. Did no one say it was her? Was Addersmell just covering it up? Alora didn't have time to question it as she felt herself being dragged to a table. "Can you ever not be in your own mind?" "No" Was all she could say before leon started stacking food on her plate.

"Maybe you would look more approachable if you stopped." "I must look somewhat approachable if you wasted no time doing so." "I just liked your tattoos. Didn't really get a chance to ask about them though." He smiled and Alora rolled her eyes, choosing what dessert to eat first.

Alora had never seen desserts like these before. They were created with so much care and Alora almost felt bad for eating them. Any dessert she ever had was plain, dry,  and crumbling. Some of the desserts were covered in different flavored creams, some had freshly picked fruits that looked almost fake, some had so many sprinkles you couldn't even see the frosting or the dessert itself.

Alora went for a waffle covered in blueberries, bacon, and an almond flavored cream. The syrup was dark and shiny, and it had pieces of chocolate gold in it. Alora picked up her fork and made sure to cut off a piece with everything on it. When she took the bite her eyes immediately widened.

Leon started laughing at Alora as he ate his mixed fruit cupcake with bits of brownies and a banana-kiwi syrup. "You've never had a waffle before have you?" "Not like this. this is sorcery." Leon laughed again and nodded his head in agreement.

As Alora and Leon continued to eat their desserts they heard screaming outside. They briefly looked at each other before running out to see what was happening. Alora had a feeling she knew what it was about and started to make her way towards the docks.

Leon followed close behind her asking where she was going, and receiving no response. Alora started to untie her boat from the pole when Leon stopped her. "You really think you're gonna flee the town in that?" "I don't have another option." "Yes you do."

Alora looked at him with confusion as he once again began to drag her around. They ran towards a much bigger boat, almost the size of Aloras former one, and got on. Leon untied his boat and wasted no time sailing away from the docks.

"Helping me escape is going to make you a wanted criminal you know." "I'm already a wanted criminal." Aloras face froze in disbelief. Any words she was trying to form just faded away. Leon was trying not to laugh, despite it being a serious statement.

"Listen it's not as horrible as you think okay I didn't kill anyone, as far as I know." "As far as you know?" "Well obviously I didn't stick around to find out. Plus you say that like you didn't just murder a man yesterday." He was right and Alora knew she couldn't say anything else.

"Where are we going?" "That is yet to be determined. I tend to just sail aimlessly and see where i end up." "I don't have time for that." "Why not? You're a pirate it's all we have time for." "I'm looking for something and it's supposed to be in Addersmell." "What are you looking for?"

Alora didn't know how to answer that, when she had no idea herself. "I wish I knew." Is all she had to say before sitting down on the deck. Leon took a seat next to her and spoke again. "You're looking for something but you don't know what? That doesn't seem very efficient."

Alora elbowed him in the ribs and rolled her eyes. Leon groaned and held his side, understanding it was time to stop talking. All there was left to do was let the ocean guide them.

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