Oh captain not my captain

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"what are you looking for then, Alora?" "Answers." "To what?" "Why the hell I've had to spend ninety seven percent of my life on a boat." The captain lightly chuckled. "Being on a boat isn't that bad." "It is if it's against your will." The captains smile fell. He knew something.

"Perhaps you can find your answers in Addersmell." "Addersmell? What the hell would be there?" "I think that's for you to figure out. You'll know it when you see it. just ask around for the light." "The light? What kind of ridiculous shi-" "just ask about it. I'm going to spare your life this one time." Before Alora could ask why, the captain stood up and yelled for a pirate.

"Miles! Get over here!" The young, brown haired boy quickly ran across the ship. "Yes sir?" "Get our friend here a boat." "What?" "You heard me!" Miles nodded and took off towards one of the life boats. "go speak to miles. He'll get you a way to Addersmell." Alora couldn't believe the destroyer was helping her.

"Now why is the god of death helping the person who accidentally set fire to his ship?" "Don't remind me of what you've done. Because I promise you, next time we meet, your end will be joining us." Alora just huffed as she walked over to Miles. His face scrunched as she approached. She forgot how awful she smelled.

"Here. This is the best we have." Miles said tapping the life boat. "what does your captain know about me?" "W-what?" "He spared my life, why?" "I don't know, he doesn't tell me much." "Then maybe you should find a better captain." Alora hopped into the boat. Miles said nothing as he lowered her into the water below.

Luckily for Alora, the storm had mostly passed. But it was dark out already. She knew how to read the stars but even then, once day broke she was mapless. She knew she couldn't make it all the way to Addersmell by daylight. As she rowed away she heard wood snap.

She looked back at the sail of souls to see Hadeon holding a bow. He shot an arrow at her. "You didn't think I'd let it be that easy did you!?" She looked down to see a crack in the boat. If the water rose even slightly, it would sink her. She kept rowing.


Alora looked up at the stars as she rowed. The sound of nothing but the water against wood filling the air. She tried to hum a little tune she could remember hearing as a child, but all it did was make her sad. She thought about Jasper and Jace. How they would have returned to the boat by now, realizing all the beer, and Alora, were gone. She chuckled to herself Wondering which the boys would cry over more.

Alora told herself they'd understand. She knew they would. But it didn't make her feel any less guilty about abandoning her only friends, her only family, for something she didn't even know if she would find. Her eyes watered but she didn't cry. She would never allow herself to do something so wasteful. She blinked away the tears and focused on the stars.

She spotted the red star she was looking for. It was the color of Addersmell. Every town or village had a color associated with a star. Travelers use the color of the stars at night to find the village they're looking for. Alora started to picture what the world looked like. She imagined what it smelled like. How the people were. She thought about what it was like to live a normal life.

Was Addersmell a city? A village? Was it even real? Was it bright and lively, or dark and lonely? Did it smell of cakes and bread, or of mud and garbage? Did people greet their neighbors every morning or completely ignore each other? Alora was staring up at the sky, at Erakis, the red star. She will get her answers tomorrow. She closed her eyes and imagined the world beyond her reach. Eventually, she drifted off to sleep.

A/n: hello, little check in! How are we doing? I know this chapter was short but, there's only so much i could write for her being in the life boat😂. The next chapter will be the usual 800-1000+ words 🖤thanks for (hopefully) sticking around.

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