Old Dragon, New Life

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Red Keep 97 AC

Jaehaerys Targaryen

Jaehaerys I Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the Conciliator, nearly fifty years he had been king, and it was moments like these that he was most tired. He had survived much, done much, created and achieved much, and yet it was always his own flesh and blood that forced him into situations that made him wish to relinquish his crown and go with Vermithor to a distant land, away from it all.

In the annals of Westerosi history, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen stood as a beacon of wisdom and stability. Nearly fifty years had passed since he ascended the Iron Throne, and under his rule, the Seven Kingdoms experienced a period of unprecedented peace and prosperity. Many hailed him as the greatest of Targaryen kings, a title he wore with humility and grace, a title he did not fully embrace due to the fact there were only three before him.

Born in the shadow of a weak father, King Aneys, and overshadowed by the conqueror Aegon and the cruel Maegor, Jaehaerys had managed to carve out his own legacy. He was not the first Targaryen king, nor the one who forged the realms into one, but he was, undoubtedly, the one who solidified their power and earned the respect of his subjects. His reign was marked by diplomacy and conciliation, earning him the moniker "the Conciliator." He concentrated the Targaryen rule and centralized the powers of the realm towards the Red Keep, the seat of his family. He built the roads that connected the Seven Kingdoms to one another, brining the Seven Kingdoms from seven separate entities to one empire under Targaryen rule and also showed to future threats that the crown could send soldiers at a faster pace to eliminate said threats.

Jaehaerys I Targaryen, though born into a family of dragons and power, carried the weight of his father's indecisiveness as a heavy burden. Aenys I Targaryen's inability to assert himself, particularly in matters concerning Jaehaerys' elder siblings Aegon and Rhaea, left a bitter taste in the young prince's mouth. He watched with growing disdain as his father vacillated on matters of crucial importance, most notably the delicate issue of his siblings' wedding.

The uncertain stance taken by King Aenys led to unrest, and in 41 AC, the Faith Militant rose in rebellion against the crown. The realm, already teetering on the edge of instability, was further plunged into chaos. It was during these tumultuous times that Aenys met his end on Dragonstone early the following year. His demise left a power vacuum and a realm in disarray, providing the perfect opportunity for Maegor Targaryen to return from his exile.

Jaehaerys I Targaryen harbored a deep-seated hatred for his grand-aunt Visenya and his uncle Maegor, a hatred that stemmed from their treacherous ways and the havoc they wreaked upon the realm. Despite the rightful claim of his elder brother Aegon to the Iron Throne, Maegor, driven by ambition and ruthlessness, seized power immediately upon his return. He beheaded Gawen, the Grand Maester who had affirmed Aegon's rightful claim to the throne, a gruesome act that foreshadowed the dark times ahead. The rebellion against Maegor's rule escalated, culminating in the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye, a clash that would forever alter the course of history.

In the midst of this brutal conflict, Maegor's actions were marked by a chilling disregard for the established order.  The battle reached its tragic climax when Maegor confronted Aegon and his dragon, Quicksilver. In a harrowing clash, Maegor's ruthlessness prevailed, leading to the demise of Aegon and the dragon he rode. With this victory, Maegor asserted his dominance and took Jaehaerys, his sister-wife Alysanne, and his mother hostage on Dragonstone.

Maegor, after waking from a coma of the battle, displayed his cruelty by mounting his fearsome dragon Balerion and unleashing destruction upon Rhaenys' Hill. The burning of the Sept of Remembrance served as a symbolic gesture, a stark reminder to the world that Rhaenys' line would not be spared.

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