Stolen Baby.

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I'm very hungover in the morning so Fiona makes breakfast this morning. Then i walk downstairs looking rough, all the kids are sat at the table. Ian walks past and side hugs me and kisses my cheek.
Ian: See youse later.
Fiona: Where are you going?
Ian: I have a shift. I'll be back later. Love you Ri.
Ria: Love you Ian.
Then Fiona hands me a cup of coffee and i smile and then walk over to the couch and plop myself down. Carl walks in and sits next to me and puts his head on my shoulder, i pull him into a hug.
Ria: What's up Carl?
Carl: Nothing, wanna go get in the pool?
Ria: Sure, go get ready. Ask Debbie if she wants to come in.
Carl nods and runs and tells Debbie, i borrow one of Fiona's after she said i could. I walk over to test the water with my hand all of a sudden i feel someone grab me and throw me in. I get up from the water gasping. I turn around to see Kevin stood there laughing.
Veronica: Hey, Kevin!!
Kevin: Sorryyy.
Ria: Get in here now.
He gets in and we start fighting, pushing each others head underwater. Carl and Debbie join in. We all start playing, it feels like the old days. I smile thinking about me and my dad playing in the pool.

Then we get out after a bit and i wrap a towel around me and change into some of my clothes. I then sit in the living room with Veronica, Kevin, Lip and Carl. Then Steve and Fiona come in, we hear something upstairs and we see Debbie. We sigh in relief and look in her room to see a random baby boy.
Fiona: Who is this?
Debbie: This is Casey Caden.
Steve: Where did he come from?
Debbie: The birthday party across from Sheila's. I saw him and took him.
A few hours later, cops are everywhere, it's all over the news.
Fiona: Debbie you can't tell anyone about this baby. He's reported missing okay. We're going to have to make up a lie okay.
Debbie: I can't lie, i'm bad at it.
Ria: No Debs, your amazing at anything. Put your mind to it and you can do it.
Debbie: B-but what do i do.

Then Ian and Lip go out to get a boiler, I sit next to Debbie.
Fiona: Ria, will you take Casey over to Veronica's so she can look after him for a bit?
I nod and pick the kid up and walk over to Veronica and Kev's with him.
Ria: Hey V, Fiona said can you watch him? Thanks.
Veronica: Who the fucks baby is this?
Ria: Debbie stole him.
Veronica: Debbie stole a baby?? Listen i need to go to work, Kev can watch him.
I walk in on Kev pissing, i cover my eyes.
Ria: Warning??? V has to go to work, watch him.
Kevin: Hey Lia- who the fuck is this?
Ria: I'll explain later, just make sure you look after him.
I walk back into the Gallaghers house and walk into the kitchen where everyone is.
Fiona: Debbie put his superman costume in the dryer and now it won't fit. We have to go out and buy more sizes to fit him.
I nod and grab my purse and me, Fiona and Steve get in the car. We make Kevin watch Debbie to.
We go in the store and get a whole bunch of different sizes. We drive back and then we see Lip and Ian, walking with a boiler.
Fiona: H-Hey slow down.
Then we stop the car and Lip and Ian look at us.
Fiona: HEY HEY!
Lip: Hey, Almost new!
Fiona: Debbie stole a baby, we have to find a way to return it.
Lip: Debbie stole a baby?
Steve: Yep.
Ian: Why?
Fiona: Its Debbie.
Lip: I did uh- not see that coming. Can't we just give it back?
Steve: I wish we could, it's too late now.
Lip: Wow.
Fiona: Find Carl and get home now.
Lip: Yeah.

We get home and all of us sit around the table. Including Lip, Ian, Carl, Steve and me and Fiona.
Fiona: We need to get your story straight for the police. Why did you take the boy?
Debbie: He was crying for his mom and his mom wasn't around.
Fiona: Did you try to find his mom?
Debbie: No, he was crying and no body cared. So i took him.
Fiona: You can't say that. Whats wrong with you??
Steve: Hey, Hey Fi.
Lip: You know what Debs, was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?
Debbie: Inside.
Lip: Well okay so, how did you get him out?
Debbie: i waved a snickers bar at him.
Ria: Hey Debs, you know you can't say this to the police princess. Member put your mind to it and you'll be a perfect liar. But only lie this once remember.
Ian: Well, Did anybody see you?
Debbie: I don't think so- we just ran.
Fiona: Well that wasn't suspicious.
Ian: You were running down the street-
Debbie: I used a stroller.
Fiona: What Stroller?
Debbie: Liams old one.
Fiona: The one i told you to throw out?
Debbie: I fixed it. For emergencies.
Then someone starts banging on the back door, i jump a bit.
Veronica: OPEN UP, HURRY!
I sigh in relief and we let veronica in.
Veronica: What in the hell is going on?
Kevin is carrying Casey in a basket with a blanket over his head.
Kevin: Is this that missing kid?
Fiona: Debbie stole him. We're figuring out how to get him back without 36 months of juvy.
Veronica: Why the hell would she steal-
Kevin: There must be a couple hundred cops out there.
Fiona: I know, I-I'm so sorry. Debs will you watch him for a second.
All of us except Debbie and Carl go into the living room and sit down.
Ria: Come on Kev.

Fiona: I'm not sure what's going on with her?
Kevin: I don't know maybe because your mom bailed and your dads a big drunk.
Veronica gives him a 'what!' look.
Kevin: What? I'm the asshole now, she's the one who stole a baby.
Lip: Alright obviously she planned it, she took a stroller out of the garbage and fixed it.
Steve: Alright Debbie is still a little kid, the worst thing she could get is some help.
Lip: Help?
Ria: Help?
Me and Lip both say Help at the same time, and then look at each other but i quickly look back to Fiona and Steve.
Ian: What kind of help?
Steve: She stole a baby.
Fiona: She's not crazy. She just sort of- accidentally took a kid.
Steve: Not if she lured him out of the yard with a candy bar.
Fiona: What are you suggesting?
Steve: Some sort of a professional to-
Lip: Shrink?
Fiona: Gallaghers do not do therapy.
Then we hear the police speaking outside, I slowly get up.
Ria: I need to lie down.
I stumble up the stairs and Ian grabs me and helps me up the stairs whilst everyone continues to talk about it. Ian puts me in his bed and ticks me in and kisses my forehead.

Ria: Don't let me sleep for ages Ian.
Ian: Okay, are you okay? Do you need a drink? Food?
Ria: I'm okay Ian, i love you.
Ian: I love you too but just message me if you need anything.
He kisses my forehead again and i fall asleep. I wake up not that long after and sit up, i must've took my shorts off in the night. I'm sat in my thong and Kevin's top. Then Lip walks in. He sees me in my thong and can't stop staring.
Ria: Take a picture, it'll last longer.
Lip: Fuck off.
Ria: Fine.
I get up teasing him, i go to walk out the door and he grabs me back by my waist. He picks me up and throws me against the wall. He starts kissing down my neck, he gets my sweet spot and i let out a spot moan. Then we start fucking, he cums in me. I smile as i get in the shower, I get out with a towel around me. I put my thong and bra on and Lip walks over to me. He looks down at me.
Ria: Not again, i just showered. Go shower Lip.
Lip: Fine, maybe later?
Ria: Maybe. Shouldn't you be going to Karen?

Then i walk downstairs after getting changed, everyone's getting ready to go somewhere.
Ria: Where are we going?
Fiona: Debbie's going to take the baby back. We got the story straight.
I and nod and we all hide as Debbie takes the baby back, we walk over to her a few minutes later. The Parents start throwing money around.
Fiona: Oh my god, Debbie are you okay. Where have you been?
Then Frank goes to pick up the money and Ian and Lip both stand on my hands.
Frank: Okay i am your father!!
Then Tony walks over to me, Fiona and Debbie.
Tony: Well done Debbie, Fiona would use like to come with me?
Fiona: Where?
Tony: We need to take Deb to the station.
Ria: What for?
Tony: We need a statement.
Debbie: Well, S-She found him. I mean isn't that enough.
Tony: We need a statement. Youse can stay with her.
Debbie: Nurse Debbie can handle it.
We go to the Station and she's actually really good at lying. We go home and sit on the couch watching the tv. Me, Carl, Debbie, Ian and Fiona.
I'm sat cuddling Ian whilst we eat the chips. Then Steve comes in with a doll in a pram.
Fiona: Hey Debs, look what Steve bought!
I see the smile on her face as she gets up, i can't help but smile seeing how happy she is.
Debbie: Oh my god! For me!
Steve: Absolutely! For doing such a great job today.
Debbie: Thank you!
Ria: What you gonna name her?
Debbie: Gin Gin after aunt Ginger. Let's go to my room we can play, Oh Gin Gin your so funny.

Then i'm in bed with Ian and we here Veronica shout from downstairs. We run down.
Fiona: Oh my goddd!!
Then Veronica and Fiona hug, we all start dancing. I go upstairs to be sick, i don't know why. I haven't drank anything. I take a pregnancy test out the cupboard and use it. It says positive. I start to cry, i wipe my tears and walk back down stairs. Lip hands me a beer and shake my head.
Lip: You don't want one?
Ria: No- I-Im good.
Lip: Okay then.
Then I see Kevin sat on the couch by himself, I go over and sit next to him and he puts his arm around me.
Ria: You don't look so happy for someone who's getting married.
Kevin: You don't look so happy being at a party, not drinking or anything.
Ria: I-I can't drink. I'm just going stay at home okay. I'm gonna go say bye to V. Congrats Kev, love you.
I kiss his head and then walk into the kitchen.
Ria: I just need to help my mom with something, i-i just remembered. I'll see you soon. I love you, congratulations.
Lip: Your going home?
Ria: Yeah, have fun. Bye Ian, love you.
Ian: Your leaving, so soon?
Ria: Yeah, sorry.
Ian kisses my cheek and i say bye to everyone else and then walk home. I quietly go up to bed and start crying.

Ria Jenners x Lip Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now