Aunt ginger.

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I walk into the Gallagher house after spending the night at home, i had a massive bruise on my side. I see Debbie sat talking to an elderly lady.
Ria: Hey Debs, who's this?
Debbie: This is my aunt ginger.
Ria: Oh, nice to meet you.
Then Ian comes down and sits on top of me on my chair.
Ria: Heyy, it should be the other way around. I don't like when u sit on me.
Ian: I can't say the same.
I laugh and he sits down and then i sit on top of him in the chair, i rest my head on his shoulder.
Ian: What's up?
Ria: Nothing, i just didn't get any sleep last night. My moms new boyfriend came round from the Alibi. I couldn't change this morning because "i make too much noise" and wake them.
Ian: Come on, you can shower and borrow some of my clothes.
He pulls me up and we go upstairs, i get in the shower. Wrap the towel around me and walk into the boys room, it's just Ian in their. I drop the towel and he just looks away.
Ria: Its nothing you haven't seen before, i always get changed in front of you. Your gayyy remember. See your not even hard, normal guys would be. Like Lip.
Then he giggles and turns back around to face me, he examines my side and stands up. He grabs my waist and kneels down to get a better look.
Ian: What the fuck happened here?
Ria: I-I walked into the side of my draws, no biggie.
Ian: That's not damage a draw can do Ri, what happened?
Ria: My mom. I don't want to talk about it.
Ian: You need to get that checked out, it looks really painful.
I just mhm him and then put my red thong and bra on as Kevin walks in.
Kevin: Woah, could've warned me.
Ria: It's just like a bikini Kev, you've seen me wear a bikini.
Kevin: What the fuck happened to your side?
Ria: Me and Carl were playing rugby, i was teaching him. He's a natural.
Kevin: Oh okay. Get some clothes on, Now!
I roll my eyes and sit on Ian's bed.
Ria: I don't wanna get dressed yet, it's too hot outside. It's nice breeze to my body.
Then Lip walks in, I cover myself with the blanket quickly.
Lip: Don't act like i haven't seen you naked before.
I laugh and then drop the blanket, he looks at my side.
Ria: Will everyone stop fucking staring at my side, gosh!!
I run down the stairs and out the door, tears forming in my eyes. I completely forget i'm in a thong and bra. I start walking down the path as i hear Kevin come out his house and chase after me.
I turn around with my now pouring eyes, he just pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.
Ria: I- I can't do this anymore. I should go live with my aunty in London.
Kevin: No. I'm not loosing you. Now put this shirt on. He takes his off, it's normal for him to have his off. I mean it is summer.
Ria: Nooo, it's too hot. You'll have to catch me first.

I start running and giggling, i feel like a little girl with my dad again. Kevin is just like my dad, he's the one person besides Ian i trust with my whole life. I wish he was my dad, although i do miss my dad. He catches me and throws me over his shoulder, i start hitting his back. He takes me back into the Gallagher house.
Fiona: What the fuck??
Kevin: Someone tell her to get dressed.
He puts me down and i run upstairs and lock myself in the bathroom. I start giggling and i'm pretty sure everyone can hear me, i'm really trying to hide the pain i'm in. I hear someone knocking, i'm still laughing. I open it to see Fiona, she sits next to me on the bathroom floor.
Fiona: What's wrong? Put some clothes on, or at least borrow one of my bikinis.
Ria: Nothing i'm fine, i'm going home.
I run out the bathroom and down stairs, Kevin is stood at the door just in case. I try to run away and he grabs me, he puts me on the couch. Veronica, Kevin and Ian are holding me down.
Kevin: What's going on RiRi, your acting weird lately.
Ria: Nothing. Ahaha. I'm fine.
Then i break into laughter again and then my face goes from laughing to crying.
Veronica: Hey baby, it's okay. Talk to us.
Fiona: Lip, Take Carl and Debbie up stairs or in the back yard.
Kevin: What's up?
Ria: I told you already.
Ginger: Oh hey Sweetie, are you okay?
Ria: Yeah, i'm okay ginger thank you. Seriously what's she doing here?
Kevin: Stop trying to change the subject Ria.
I get off there grasp and stand up so there all looking at me.
Ria: Fine, Lip. It's Lip, him and that Slut he's banging Karen. I just want him.

Little did i know, he was stood behind me. I turn around to see him, I grab Kevin's Shirt and put it on before running out the door. He chases me.
Ria: What? What do you seriously want from me Lip?
Lip: I just want you. Is that good enough?
Ria: I don't believe you, what about Karen?
Lip: I broke up with her i told you, I want you RiRi. It'll always be you, i know i'm shit at showing it. But it's you Ri.
Ria: Oh Lip.
I then kiss him, he sweeps me off my feet Literally. He takes me back to the Gallagher house bridal style.
Kevin: Finally, you got her back.
Fiona: Go put some shorts on Ri.
Lip carries me upstairs and we sit on his bed. I'm lay down and he's sat on the edge of the bed.
Lip: You look beautiful.
Ria: How beautiful.
Lip: I'll show you how beautiful.
I laugh as he comes onto me seductively. It sure does turn me on. We make out and then start fucking, 30 mins later Ian comes in. I'm currently sat on Lips dick naked.
Ria: Oh hey Ian.
Ian: Seriously, how aren't youse sweating?
Ria: Come here Ian.
He walks over covering his eyes, i hand him $10.
Ria: Go get some popsicles. Love you.
Ian: Love you too Ri.
Lip: Can you not say love you to my brother when we're fucking please.
Ria: Fineee.
Lip checks his phone, he softly pushes me off.
Lip: I gotta go. I'm meeting a friend.
I know he's talking about Karen but i just nod. I get dressed into Kevin's shirt and some of Ian's shorts. I walk downstairs and sit on Ian's lap again but i have my face buried into his neck so no one can see it.
Ian: My neck feels wet.
I pull my head up and he feels his neck and then looks at my red eyes.
Ria: Sorry. Did you get the popsicles?
Ian: Yeah and what's up RiRi?
Ria: He's gone out to meet Karen again.
Ian: I'm kind of hiding from Mandy Milkovich's brothers. Mandy must've said i did something to her but all i did was push her off me.
We talk for a bit then Lip walks through the door with Karen, i stand up to see his bruised, bloody face.
Ria: What the fuck happened?
Lip: Nothing. Come on Karen.
Ria: What the fuck? I'm just trying to help.
Karen: He doesn't need your help, i'm helping him.
Ria: Why don't you just shut the fuck up?
Karen: What did you say to me?
Ria: I said shut the fuck up you little whore.
I punch her in the face as Ian runs up and grabs me away and puts me on the chair. Lip takes Karen upstairs. I push off Ian and walk out the back door. I pick up a beer and then drink it straight and keep drinking them, i walk out the back door and go to the Alibi room.
Ria: One very small Large vodka and coke.
Kevin: No. Your underage.
Ria: Pretty please.
Kevin: Only one.
Then he gives it me and i drink it quickly, then i sneakily make other men buy me drinks. I become hammered, i stumble back into the Gallagher house without Kevin and Veronica knowing i'm drunk.

Fiona: Where the hell have you been i've been worried? Are you drunk?
Ria: Nooo.
Then i start hiccuping, i cover my mouth and giggle like a little girl. Then Ian sits next to me.
Ian: Are you drunk RiRi?
Ria: nooo.
Ian: You shouldn't drink that much.
Then Karen and Lip walk down the stairs. I flip them both off.
Ria: Fuck you and especially fuck you.
Karen: Shut up.
Then they walk out the door and Ian puts my hands in his, i lay my head on his shoulder.

Debbie comes in crying. I'm not as drunk anymore, only a little bit.
Ria: Debbie, what's wrong honey? Come here.
Debbie: Aunt Gingers gone.
Ria: Oh i'm sorry, it's okay though. Don't worry, you shared some good memories didn't you.
Debbie nods and i pull her into a hug and then Fiona takes her into the kitchen. I fall asleep on the couch and Lip comes in and carries me upstairs. He puts me into Ian's bed next to Ian, I wake up and cuddle Ian. I then run to the bathroom and puke a lot. I turn around to see Lip holding my hair back, i slightly smile and then get it all out my system.
Lip: You okay?
Ria: Yeah, i'm fine thanks.
Lip: Hey, what's going on with you? Your acting different.
Ria: No i'm not, i'm fine. Just leave me alone Lip.
Lip: I got back with Karen. I'm so sorry.
Ria: Its fine, happy for you. Leave me alone okay.
He just nods and i go get back in bed with Ian and he kisses my forehead. He must've heard the conversation.

Ria Jenners x Lip Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now