moving in.

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We get all out stuff in the new house, i help my mom with her stuff.
Ria: Mom, i'm gonna go see if there's a store around here okay? I'll get us some food.
Mom: Yeah okay.
I then walk out of the house, walk down the street and see a store. I walk in and grab some fruit, food and drinks. I go to the counter to see a ginger freckly boy sat behind it.
Ian: Hi i'm Ian, are you new or just never been in here before?
Ria: I'm ria, i just moved here today. I'm getting food for my mom.
Ian: Oh, nice to meet you Ria. That'll be $15.
I hand him a 20 dollar note as he puts my food in a bag.
Ria: Keep the change, for you not whoever owns this.
Ian: Thank you.
I smile at him and then walk back home. I get home and see my mom sat on the couch with a beer.
Ria: Hey mom, i got some fruit, food and drinks.
Mom: Put them in the fridge.
I nod my head and then does as she says, I walk out the house to see Ian sitting on the steps of the house in front of me. He waves me over, i walk over and sit next to him. I take a sip of his beer.
Ian: So you live across the road? That's good, we can get to know each other more then.
Then a boy looks about my age, blondish hair, tall , handsome walks past us on the stairs.

Lip: Hey Ian, i'm going out. See you la- Oh hi. I'm Lip short for Philip.
Ria: Hi i'm Ria, i just moved across the road. Nice to meet you.
Lip: You too, i'll see youse later.
I smile and then turn back to Ian, he's smiling.
Ria: What?
Ian: Nothing.
Ria: Seriously what is it.
Ian: Nice to meet you!
He mocks me and i playfully push his arm and laugh.
Ria: He's cute, how old is he?
Ian: He's 17, perfect for you. Your 16 right?
I nod and then we go inside his house and sit on the couch. Debbie, Carl, Veronica, Liam, Kevin and Fiona are sat there. Me and Ian join them.
Ian: Hey guys this is Ria she just moved across the street.
Fiona: Nice to meet you Ria.
Ria: The pleasure is all mine, i love this house.
She smiles and me and Ian go up to his room.
Ria: So we gonna talk or what?
Ian: Well i have to tell you something only Lip knows, i'm gay.
Ria: Aw, i love that for you. My gay bestie.
He laughs and then i hug him, we lie on our backs on his bed.
Ian: My mom left when i was younger, my dads an alcoholic. In the Alibi room all the time, that's the bar that Kevin owns down the street.
Ria: My moms a drunk too, My dad passed away when i was younger. He was the only person i could talk to about all my problems.Well now i have you.
He smiles and we both lay on our sides looking at each other.

Ria: So got your eye on anyone?
Ian: Well there was the guy i worked with Kash but now my friend Mandy's brother. No body knows other than you and Ian though. He's in prison right know though, he'd rather do a sentence then be found out to be gay.
Ria: Well he's lucky to have you!
Ian smiles and then Lip walks in, we both sit up. He's got a cigarette in his mouth, i get up and pull it out his mouth and throw it out the window.
Lip: Yo, what was that for?
Ria: I hate smoking, you know it could kill you.
Lip: I don't really care to be honest.
Ria: Okay, wait to die like my dad then. Lung cancer.
I storm out the room and run downstairs and run out, lip chasing me. He walks in front of me on the side walk so i stop. I try to get past him and he grabs my arms to stop me.
Lip: Look, i'm sorry. I didn't know, you can't be mad because i didn't know. Look it was a crappy thing to say but i just met you today, how was i supposed to know?
Ria: It's fine, I just need to go somewhere.
Lip: Where?
Ria: Just going to the Alibi room to see if my moms there.
Lip: Say hi to my dad if he's there.
I giggle and then walk away, i start walking around the corner and then eventually stop the Alibi room. I walk in to see my mom sat at the bar shouting at Kevin.
Ria: Hey Kev, Mom stop shouting!
Kevin: Oh this is your mom?
Ria: Yeah sorry if she's such a bother.
Kevin: No problem, got drunk people in here all the time doing the same isn't that right Frank.
Ria: Oh hi you must be Ian's dad then.
Frank: Ian?
Ria: Ian, Lip, Fiona, Carl, Debbie, Liam?
Frank: Oh those little shits, yeah there my kids.
Ria: Well you did an amazing job.
Frank: Meh.
Ria: Okay Kev don't let her drink to much, okay. I'm going back to the Gallaghers.
Kevin nods as i walk out, i go back into the house.

I sit on the couch with them all and get to know them better. We're all laughing and drinking beer as someone knocks on the door. Fiona opens it and i hear someone barge through the door into the living room. I turn around to see my Alcoholic mom stumbling in.
Ria: Everyone, mom. Mom, Everyone. Okay now leave!
Mom: No you are coming with me, I am your mother.
Ria: You can't tell me what to do anymore mom i'm 16. You can't control my life. Now get out!
Mom: Not unless your coming with me.
She grabs my arm and starts pulling me, she won't let go so i punch her in the face with my other arm. I push her out the door and lock it.
I slide down the back to the door crying, Fiona comes to me.
Fiona: Hey it's okay, she deserved it.
Ria: I feel bad, she is my mom. She's just such an alcoholic and she doesn't even care about me and i do everything for her.
Fiona: Don't worry, you can stay here tonight and come for dinner any night.
I smile and hug Fiona but continue to cry.
Fiona: Lip, take her upstairs.
Lip helps me up and then takes me up to the boys room. We get on his top bunk and we both sit up facing each other. I'm looking down fiddling with my fingers.
Lip: Look at me.
I shake my head and then he softly lifts my chin up to look at him. My eyes are sore and red from the crying. I smile at him and then we lie down next to each other.
Lip: It's all gonna be okay, My dads an Alcoholic too. It's gonna get better, you can come here whenever.
Ria: Thanks Lip, i'm so tired i could just-
Then I fall asleep with my head lightly resting on his shoulder. He smiles and then puts a blanket over me.

Ria Jenners x Lip Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now