“I asked a question, Sophie. Where did you get this?” I repeat, trying not to get upset.

“Pamela gave it to me before she and her friends left.”

I snap and let out a nasty laugh.

She's going to be very sorry she came here tonight.

“Lee? Lee no” Sophie grabs me before I can get very far away and God she's freakishly strong.

“Fifi let me go” I frown.

“Not until you promise me you'll let this go.”

I groan.

“Let this go? Sophie, she gave you a box of freaking hair dye! How on earth is that sitting well with you?!”  I exclaim.

“It's not but those people aren't worth our time.”

“That's why you snuck away to spend your time crying?”

Her grip loosens on me and I pull away from her.

“Please, Lee? Don't confront her, it's okay” she whispers, her eyes tearing up again.

I groan at the fact that I won't be able to do anything now.

“Alright fine. I won't confront that bitch” I mutter, the knowledge of her kissing Reid like I'd done not long ago annoying me even more.

What did he even see in her?

I shake my head and take Sophie's hand.

“Let's go get you some water and find Bon,” I say, already walking.

It doesn't take long to spot Bonnie, coming in our direction, but with her attention on dabbing something off her chest and out of her hair.

“Bon?” Sophie calls out, getting her attention.

“Oh hey, girls. Where have you... Fifi have you been crying?” she narrows her eyes.


Bonita's eyes move to me for confirmation of the story Sophie was trying to sell but they drop back to the stain on my dress.

“What happened to you?”

“Wine, clutz. What happened to you?” I ask.

She rolls her eyes.

“That little brat was talking loudly on her phone and bumped into a waiter carrying marinara sauce and guess who got dosed in it... me.”

I bet you all my money right now that it was no accident.

I frown.

“That's a very expensive dress, Bon. You spent a fortune on it” Sophie sighs, sniffing lightly.

Ten whole grand.

Bonita shakes her head.

“Yes, but it's no problem. I'll get the stain out and I'm sure it'll be as good as new.”

Those people won't be as good as new by the time I'm finished with them.

“If you're thinking about going to confront them in their territory when your future mother-in-law already wants nothing to do with you, then I suggest you abort that mission right now, Missy” Bonita shakes her head.

“Bon, they ruined your dress—”

“Temporary setback before I still look fabulous” she grins.

“Bonnie” I sigh.

“All need is hydrogen peroxide from Hank's toolbox and I'm good to go. Yours too. Either that or baking soda” she smiles. “Then we're good to go. Don't let those valueless plastics get to you Lee, okay? You're too important to me for me to let you lower yourself to their level so ignore them.”

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