His Life Story

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James POV

"Felix, tell me what happened. I'm not going to hurt you." Felix and I got back to my house four hours ago. He won't tell me what's happened before he came here and why he ran away. We were sitting on my bed Felix sitting between my legs, crying his heart out. It was killing me and my wolf knowing he was upset.

"I can't tell you. They will do it again." he looked so vulnerable. His hair was just covering his eyes but I could still see them just. I had no idea on how to cheer him up so I did the only thing I could do. I kissed him. He didn't respond at first but when he did it made my wolf do back-flips. Felix licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I didn't open my mouth. He nipped my bottom lip until I opened. When I did his tongue slipped into my mouth. The kiss got more intense and soon enough we were both shirtless with Felix hovering over my trailing kisses along my neck.

"Felix stop."


"We need to talk as much as you don't want to we have to." He sighed and got off of me to sit next to me.

"You're going to think I'm horrible though."

"Felix I would never think that."

"Yes you will. Everyone does."

"I'm not everyone. I'm James, your mate. I'm not capable of thinking that." A tear slid down his cheek. Obviously this is a tough subject for him. Don't know what to do, but I want to find out who did this to him.

"Whoever did this to you can't get to you. I promise and if they do the pack will get rid of them Oh I should probably warn you, now that I have marked you. You will get a logo on the back of your neck signifying you belong to this pack. It will also be bright red like mine saying were mates. Everyone has a different colour. Now can you please tell me?"

"I guess but can I go to the bathroom for a minute?"

"Sure." I'm glad he finally decided to tell me, I don't know how much longer I could have gone without snapping at him. When Felix came back in he looked really worried.

"It's a long story that I have only told three other people."

"Take your time." He took in a deep breath and began.

"When I was really young my parents died. They died in a battle between the Ghost Wood pack. I was living with the Alpha for a year but I became too much of a nuisance and he didn't want to be reminded of their deaths. One day he made me pack all of my stuff and say good-bye to all my friends. I didn't know where we were going." At this point he had watery eyes.

"Come here." I embraced him in my arms and he continued.

"I didnt know where we were going so I asked. He said 'You're going on a holiday'. I got excited and kept asking questions but none of them were answered. We then pulled up an orphanage. He got out grabbed my bags and went to the door. Being me at such a young age I thought we were staying here. When the lady answered the door she looked at Alpha then at me. They were talking for a while and I needed to go to the bathroom. When I came back Alpha was gone, only my bags were there. I cried and everyone picked on me. I was there for a year until I was adopted. It was the best day of my life. We that's what I thought." He took in a shaky breath and let it back out before he wiped his face.

"It's ok, nothing's going to happen. What happened next?"

"We went back to their house and it was small like really small. My room was in the attic. I don't know how they managed to adopt me they had like nothing I didn't even have a bed. I had to sleep on an old lounge. After living there for a year Jim my adoptive father started acting strange same with Jill. One night whilst I was doing the dishes Jim grabbed my arm and dragged me to their room. He tied me to the bed and raped me. He then beat me until I couldn't breathe properly. He left me tied there and in blood. Jill came in and was saying sorry and being nice. But I don't know why because she raped me as well the week after. Then one day after school I was given these weird clothes and they told me 'go put these on and wait in your room. By this time they had a bigger house so I had a proper room. I waited for ten minutes and Jim walked in with a lady. 'Do as she says or else' he told me and walked off. She raped me as well. And when she left I heard her talking to Jill she said 'He was worth what I paid. I will tell my friends'. I was so sore I didn't know what to do. This went on for years. At one stage Jim got some of his friends as well. I found out that they were doing this so they could by drugs and alcohol."

"That's horrible how they could do that."

"I'm not finished. I wasn't allowed to have friends or stay out after school. I had to go straight home. The day I went and left those things in territories I was risking everything. When I got home I was raped again by Jill's friend and Jim beat me. I decided that was the last straw so I ran away." That was the worst thing I ever heard. My wolf wants to go and kill those bastards now.

"It's ok; they can't do anything I promise."

Felix POV

I can't believe I just told him that. I wish I could go die in a hole.

"Felix tomorrow were not going to school ok." I didn't want to talk so I just nodded. I should probably tell him about all the other things that happened when I was in my former pack. Who am I kidding?

"James wanna know something else?"


"When I was in my former pack I wasn't treated properly."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I never stayed in a room I was always in a cell and they hardly ever gave me food or water. They used me as a dummy for training wolfs and made me clean all of the pack houses." I hate telling people these stories. I just wanna die.

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