Sudden change of heart

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So after I found out that there was more to this whole matting process that my parents didn't tell me about I went to find Chloe. The first place I went was her house, I asked her parents if she was there but she was out with some friends. I best just tell her another time. I hope she isn't out with her friends to long.

On my way back home I saw James and Felix walking down the street hand in hand. I haven't spoken to James since he found his mate. I think its gross how his mate is a guy. I don't know how he could think he could enjoy that. If my mate was a guy I would have totally rejected them.

After walking around town for like an hour I decided to go home. When I got home I found out that Chloe was there, and she didn't look too happy. I sat next to her on the lounge. She got up and walked off. What have I done?

"Chloe, what have I done?"

"Don't talk to me Max." Seriously what's wrong with her?

"Chloe what have I done?"

"Oh don't pull the innocent act on me Max. You know damn well what you have done." Nope don't remember what I have done.

"Seriously Chloe I have no idea what I have done. So would you like to inform me?"

"Max just leave me alone ok. I can't look at you at the moment. I came here to talk with your parents about what you did. So now I will be leaving ok." She spoke to my parents; I will just have to bug them.

As soon as she left I went to find mum. Because we have a huge house so I did it the easy way.

"MUM GET HERE NOW IT'S IMPORTANT!" That should do it. Within five minutes my mum was standing in the doorway of the lounge room.


"I just wanted to know what Chloe came over here to talk to you about."

"I thought you could explain that a bit more to me. Chloe gave a brief over view. So you tell me, what was going through your mind when you did it?"

"Mum I don't know what I did. So please tell me what I have done wrong to make my mate hate me?"

"So what you were pissed then? How could you do such a thing? So tell me what was going through our mind."

"Mum I don't know what you are going on about."

Felix POV

Today was so fun. James and I went on our first date. We went to the park; it was the best place ever. We had a picnic. Once we were done we went to the beach and watched the sun set. It was the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. Well except for the awkward moments when he brought up my past.

"Eric I loved today it was amazing and I'm glad I got to spend it with you." I said while placing kisses on his lips.

"That's ok Felix, I'm glad i got to spend today with you." He replied with a kiss on my neck.

When we got back to my place we went and watched TV. I am so glad there is no school tomorrow. I get to spend all day long with him.

"Felix I was wondering if you know..." I knew exactly what he was going on about but I don't think I'm ready. Yet.

"Eric I'm sorry I'm not ready not after what I have just come from." He looked so sad he really wanted this to happen and work. One thing I knew is it will work but we won't be completing the mating process to soon.

"It's okay Felix. I understand. We don't need to rush anything if you don't want to." He can be so sweet sometimes.

Three Weeks Later

"Eric I'm ready." I had been going over this for weeks now to make sure. I came to the conclusion that no matter if I was ready or not I was willing to do this for Eric.

"Felix are you sure? We don't have to do this if you don't want to." Here we go again. I told him the other week and it didn't end very well at all.

"Eric I'm serious. I'm ready I want this as much as you do trust me." If he doesnt understand I'm going to blow.

"But Felix I don't want to do anything you will regret later."

"I won't regret it I promise. I made the decision so I'm sticking to it."

"Felix I don't want to do this because you're not ready."That's it. I let out a low growl from my chest so he would understand. It didn't bother him though because he just growled back.

This went on for a while. I soon realised that every time I growled he got bigger. If you know what I mean. In the end his jeans were really tight. I slowly walked over to him letting out a long low growl.

"Felix stop it."

"No. I know you want this."

"But Felix...." I cut him off by putting my hand on the bulge in his pants. This caused him to throw his head back and moan. That sounded so hot my wolf was leaping with joy.

"Felix, no..." He tried to tell me while I took a breath. I quickly placed my lips back on his before he could say anything else. I moved my lips along his jaw while grazing my teeth here and there. I slowly worked my way down to the base of his neck until I found his soft spot. He let out another moan. He may be saying he doesn't want it but his body tells other stories. I pushed him up against the wall and started grinding the bulges in our pants together. This felt so good. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He then led us to the room. Once we got to the room he laid me down on the bed.

"Felix you can still back out if you want."

"I am not backing out now." I replied as I smashed my lips to his. I started taking his shirt off when he started to unbuckle my belt. I wanted this to last not be rushed. I pushed his hand away. While I undid his pants. Once they were undone I grabbed his belt and tied his hands to the top of the bed. Ha just gave me a really hot smirk. I pulled down his pants and boxes letting him spring free. He was huge, I really mean huge. I slowly climbed up to his face to make sure I did the belt up properly. While I did this though I rubbed my crotch in his face which received a low moan. I climbed down and placed my lips on his. I slowly moved my hands down his chest to his stomach.

James' POV

This was a big mistake I'm not ready for this yet. What am I going to do? I am going to have to tell him.

"Felix stop. I am not ready. I thought I was but I'm not." I hope he understands.

"James it's okay it doesn't hurt."

"STOP! I am not ready ok. I thought I was but obviously I am not. I don't know when I will be. This is all new to me." He must have realised what I meant because he got up and walked off. I hope he isn't upset

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