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Chapter 2-


It's been three months since I started at this school and I haven't gotten in trouble yet. My parents are so proud of me. They haven't been this proud in years. I have not thrown any parties or done anything stupid. I want to throw a party for succeeding in what I set my goals as.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see who it was.

"Chloe what are you doing Friday?" James asked me.

"Nothing that I know of. Why do you ask?" I replied.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me to the movies?" He asked going shy.


"Where are we going?" I enquired.

"To the movies," Fred my current boyfriend replied.

"Ok, this should be fun. What movie are we going to be watching?"

"We will be watching Ice Age 3." He replied with a sorrow grin. Not long after we got together I found out it was his favourite movie ever since his brother died. His brother loved this movie; he wouldn't go to bed if it wasn't on. His brother was only five when he passed away; it was also the last movie he watched.

It's been ten minutes since the movie started and it's going really well. Well that's what I thought until the person in front of us turned around. It just happened to be my ex-boyfriend Adam. We went out for a year but I didn't know he was cheating on me, but when I found out that was the end of us.

"What are you doing with my girl Fred?" He asked through gritted teeth. Well this should be fun. She isn't your girl anymore and hasn't been for three months." Fred replied calmly.

"She is and always will be my girl. Never yours or anyone else's! You got that? Now get your arm away from her!" He yelled, and this is where I get involved.

"Adam I broke-up with you for a good reason remembers? Just to refresh your memory, you cheated on me the whole time we were together. I was the only one really being committed to the relationship!" I yelled back.

"I don't care about what you say Chloe, were not over until I say so!' He replied.

After ten minutes we had finally gotten Adam to calm down and convince him we were over. I don't think he liked that very much because he stormed out of the cinema. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. As much as I dislike him I don't want him getting trouble.


"Fred what was that?" I asked

"I don't know. Just don't get worried. It can't be anything bad. Something probably just fell over." Fred replied still staring at the screen.

A few minutes later the screen went black and three masked people came through the door yelling.


That's when everyone started screaming or yelling. I swear I was frozen in place, I couldn't move. Just as one of the people was approaching me, Fred pulled me down to the ground.

"Chloe are you crazy why didn't you get down? They could have killed you!" Fred whisper yelled.

"I don't know, I just couldn't move. How are we going to get out of here?" I asked back as tears were coming to my eyes.

"Chloe don't cry. We will get out of here. Don't forget my dad is a cop and won't let me take you anywhere un-armed. Plus your dad makes you have a knife on you at all times. So we just need a distraction then we can attack them." He replied stating the obvious.

After a few minutes we decided I would Taser the smallest, while Fred gets the other two. I hope this works.

"Excuse me I need to go to the toilet," I said to the smallest guy.

"You're not..." He didn't get to finish his sentence because I tasered him making him fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. TZZZZZZZZZZZ well Fred just tasered one of them so that means he should of stabbed the other guy in the stomach.

]"Chloe we did it. Now let's go!" He yelled.

"Everyone lets go. I'll call the cops," I yelled at everyone.

After half an hour we had spoken to the police and were allowed to go home. The bang noise was the guys coming through the roof. 7 people were killed during the break in.


"So Chloe, did you want to go?" James asked

I smiled and gave a simply replied, "sure James, I would love too."

My Gay Mate (BOYxBOY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin