Day 11: Homemade Meal/Cooking

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Day 11, Prompt 14: Homemade Meal/Cooking || Savoury spices, hot meals, and family 

The darkening, golden sun set in the horizon, painting the navy sky in many shades of orange, pink, and purple, as the grey clouds huddled together, snow gently dusting the streets.

Lamp posts began to emanate with warm light, brightly coloured Christmas decorations lighting each house in different shades of the rainbow. However, while most homes were blindingly bright with different tints of green, red, and blue, an elegantly styled Tudor house nestled at the end of the street, strewn with only simple lights of gold and white.

On the second floor of the Tudor house, a bedroom with a window overlooking the neighbourhood was built, and inside, was a ginger haired male trying on a wine-red dress shirt in front of the mirror.

He pushed the sleeves to his elbows, and tore his hand through his ginger locks, finally putting on his black hat, before walking down the stairs.

"You look lovely, Chuuya," Kouyou, his older sister remarked, as the ginger made his way into the kitchen. "Doesn't he, Verlaine?"

The blonde looked up from chopping vegetables, as he eyed the ginger up and down with his hazel eyes. "Indeed he does."

Chuuya rolled his eyes. "Wonderful. By the way, isn't your boyfriend coming soon? I heard he wanted to help make dinner."

Verlaine checked his watch. "Arthur should be here soon. Why?"

Chuuya shrugged. "Just wondering."

And yet, just as the last word left the ginger's lips, the sound of the doorbell resonated within the house, as Verlaine walked over to open the door.

Chuuya trailed behind the blonde, as the door revealed both Rimbaud shivering in the cold, and Dazai trying to catch the snowflakes on his tongue. However, when the brunette noticed the ginger, he leapt inside with a wide smile on his face.

"Chuuya!" he said, wrapping his arms around the ginger's petite waist. "Surprised to see me this early?"

"At this point I'm not surprised by anything you do," Chuuya muttered, quickly planting a kiss on Dazai's lips. "Missed you, though."

"Aw, I missed you too, Chibi. Merry Christmas, by the way!"

"Yeah, yeah, Merry Christmas to you too, you suicidal bastard. Now come in. You're gonna get the house cold."

"I second that opinion," Rimbaud added, as Verlaine's arms wrapped around him. "I fear I will die from this cold."

"No you won't," Verlaine assured him. "Want another scarf until you warm up?"

"No thank you, Paul. However, if I had some tea..."

The blonde smiled. "Shall I make you some tea? Come into the kitchen, then."

"Huh, cute couple," Dazai commented, before following Chuuya into the kitchen. "Oh, who else is coming?"

"I think Atsushi, Akutagawa, Gin, Higuchi, Kunikida, and Yosano. Right?" Chuuya asked Kouyou, who nodded, confirming his answer.

"In fact, they should be here within the hour," the pink haired woman said, glancing at the clock.

Chuuya nodded, and as the five of them fell into some friendly conversation, thirty minutes had passed, with the doorbell ringing yet again.

This time, Atsushi and Akutagawa trailed inside, the black haired male looking anything but excited to be there. Following the two boys were Gin and Higuchi, and finally, Yosano, then Kunikida.

"Lovely home," Yosano remarked, as she took off her winter coat, walking inside.

"It is," Higuchi agreed, her hand holding onto Gin's.

Kouyou smiled, as she poured the guests some red wine. "I'm glad you think so."

Soon, everyone was sitting at the dining table, the delicious scent of food wafting throughout the room. And as everyone began eating, commenting on Kouyou and Verlaine's amazing cooking, it was clear another amazing Christmas was going to happen, full of smiles and laughter. 

Bungo Stray Dogs - The 12 Days of ChristmasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora