Day 8: Movie Nights (with the Flags)

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Day 8, Prompt 19: Movie Nights || Laughter, snacks, and cuddles

"Albatross! You let go of that remote right this damn instant!"

The playful blonde's laughter sounded, as Albatross ran from Lippmann around the currently closed bar. "Make me!" he called back, letting out another giggle. "We are so watching a horror movie tonight!"

Lippmann rolled his eyes, as he ran, ducking from a pillow that Albatross had thrown at him.

Piano Man let out an exhausted sigh, as Chuuya walked into the room.

"Hey, have Albatross and Lippmann decided on a movie yet?" the ginger asked.

"Obviously not," Piano Man said, as he sat down on the couch, massaging his temples. "At this rate, we'll be watching that movie tomorrow morning."

"Sounds like it." Chuuya went to sit down, ducking past a flying ornament Albatross had thrown, and using his gravity ability to prevent it from shattering onto the floor.

"Quit throwing things!" Lippmann shouted after the blonde.

Albatross gave another giggle in return. "Absolutely not!"

"Then why don't you throw me that remote, you insufferable little brat!"

"I don't think so!"

Lippmann let out a sigh, barely managing to duck another ornament.

Chuuya blinked. "'re allowing this to happen?" he asked Piano Man.

"You do realise if I use my ability, I could very well kill them, don't you?"

"And yet I feel like I wouldn't really care at this point."

"You're not wrong."

Chuuya groaned loudly, which perked Albatross' interest.

"Oh, Chuuya, you're here already? Help me convince Lippmann to watch a horror movie!"

"If you two cannot agree on a movie, then why doesn't Doc choose? He knows all of our tastes, and would save us from not watching a movie tonight," Piano Man said, having had enough of Albatross and Lippmann's antics.

Albatross stuck out his tongue, but tossed the remote to Doc nonetheless. "Choose a good one!"

"Heh... Don't worry," Doc told him.

Soon enough, the Flags were finally sitting down in front of the television, as the movie began to play.

However, the Flags' voices overpowered the movie.

Chuuya's eye twitched as Piano Man and Lippmann launched into an argument about which type of popcorn tasted better, with Albatross chiming in occasionally.

Doc was muttering beneath his breath about a type of poison he wanted to create.

The only one who was silent other than Chuuya was Iceman, who continued to watch the movie, despite the clashing voices.

With a deep sigh, having had enough, Chuuya finally used his gravity ability to launch Albatross, Lippmann, Doc, and Piano Man to the ceiling, all four of them voicing their surprise.

"What? Chuuya, let us down!" Albatross whined.

"Absolutely the f*ck not," Chuuya answered. "You four are so damn noisy, so you can make friends with the ceiling or something."

Piano Man narrowed his eyes, and Chuuya knew full well the former could easily get down, but chose to humour the ginger instead, as he silently stayed put, taking delight in planning Chuuya's murder the next day. 

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