Day 10: Hot Chocolate (Rimlaine)

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Day  10, Prompt 3: Hot Chocolate || Marshmallows, warms hands, and soft smiles

AN: This will most likely be the shortest fic I wrote and will most likely not be well-written due to me writing this at midnight. Do I care though? Not really. So, enjoy! 

The fire crackled softly, as the orange and red flames danced on the wood in the fireplace, smoke drifting up the chimney in lace-like designs, warming the living room.

Sitting on the cream coloured couch was Verlaine, flipping through the worn-out pages of a book, warm, content, and at peace.

Rimbaud smiled at the blonde's form from the top of the stairs, as he silently walked down, so as to not disturb his boyfriend, and into the kitchen.

He grabbed a pot, and lit the stove, the blue flames flickering, as he began to heat up the milk and chocolate for some hot chocolate for both himself and Verlaine.

Once the creamy, hot drink was poured into two ceramic mugs, the black haired male walked over to the blonde, handing him one of the mugs.

The smell caught Verlaine's attention, as he looked up from his book, his hazel eyes meeting Rimbaud's gold orbs. A smile tugged on his lips, as he set his book aside, and grabbed the mug, basking in the warmth enveloping both of his hands.

"Thank you," Verlaine eventually said, as Rimbaud nestled onto the couch beside him.

"Of course. Are you enjoying your book?"

"I am. Did you rest well?" Verlaine wondered, resting his head on Rimbaud's shoulder.

"I did. I assume you wish to do the same?" Rimbaud asked, as he felt the blonde's head on his shoulder.

Verlaine smiled, as he took another sip from his mug. "Perhaps."

Rimbaud hummed, as he rested his head against Verlaine's. "Rest well, my love," he whispered, when he felt Verlaine doze off. 

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